Friday, April 30, 2010

Part 69: Lol...69

Yes, I am a mature one!

I am still feeling a little bit sick today with the sore eyes and such, but I did go to the doctors this morning and they said I was fine after a quick check up, so you know, what can I do but hope its gone by tomorrow?

I woke up at around 9 and talked to Mum on webcam for a bit before going downstairs and requesting a trip to the Docs. I was meant to be meeting Maria in Saint Hilaire today at 11 but I figured I might as well get the doctor business out of the way. So at 10.30 Carole dropped me off and I waited like an hour in the stupid waiting room for the three, THREE people in front of me. It was ridiculous. I eventually did go in and she checked my reflexes, blood pressure and breathing- what that has to do with hitting your head I dont know- but she gave the all clear stating I have 'amazing reflexes' so you know, nothing to respond to that. She said take some paracetamol for the headaches and it'll be fine. Heres hoping.

I finally could leave the doctors at like 11.30 and then I drove myself over to the Funiculaire and then met Maria on the top at 12.30ish or something like that. We made our way back to her house which was cool becuase I got see how she was living and see what her place was like. Its a nice place and has three stories like mine, but I think mine is a little bit bigger, I dunno. They have an amazing view from their window which is cool too.

We started off with some nuts and just chatted about our lives doing the big catch up after 2-3 weeks having not seen each other, both of us had a lot to tell so it was good. We then made omelette, well, Maria made omelett and I stood there. It was good Omelett. After lunch we had this awesome dessert that Maria made which she hadn't had since she was little. It was a cake that her grandma (or Yaya, as the greeks say -Maria is Greek like I am Scottish) used to make before she passed away and Maria finally got a recipe for it and was trying it for the first time- it was really nice. Cheers.

We then chatted some more and cleaned up a little bit then we decided we would watch a movie because it was raining outside and not very exciting looking. We watched 'Amelie' now for my third time and yet, it doesn't get old. We were going to watch it in French with the French subtitles but the subs werent working properly and we had to use English ones which kinda sucked, but oh well. We did talk throughout the film as well. Marias family came home too, which was cool meeting some of them, whom I had heard a bit about. They seem really nice and even gave me a lift back to the Funiculaire. Good times. After a 'goodbye, I'll see you in either a few months or a few years, stay safe' to Maria I got on the train and then wished I was back at Saint Marie and didn't have to drive because I totally could not be bothered and I wasn't feeling all the smashing in my tummy or head.

I got back, watched some of the Hannah Montana movie, some of Braveheart, got Tim ready for bed and then had Tea which was the wonderful word I hate more than any other, quiche (I hate the word, not the food). Yep, then Carole and Fanny rushed out to a play which I decided to give a miss because I really am not feeling all the great atm and so I stayed and takled to Benoit and Bastien for a bit but then went in my room and tried not to fall asleep. Good. Times.

I should totally point out here that Fanny said to Carole, who told me that she 'wished the other volcano would erupt so that the airplanes wouldn't work and he (Me) could stay longer' - that makes me smile. I almost wish that too, but in the same breath - Germany + Jette should be fun. Hmm. Still its nice to know that at least one Beylier will miss me :D

So thats my life story for the final day of April which thus would mean I have to do the whole...summary of the month. Damnit I completely forgot. I could wait until I leave the Beyliers and do a summary of my trip and that, but that would totally ruin the pattern. Last day of the month = Summary so here goes:

Week 1 (April 1st-7th)
  • Had my last uni course and got to know Kyra
  • Went to Grenoble with Maria and saw Alice in Wonderland
  • Went to Paris thus meeting Louisa for the first time in 6 years and Alex
  • Versailles as well
  • Scaled the Eiffel tower - something I've wanted to do for a looong time. Win.
  • Yea all the other Paris touristy stuff, it was golden.
  • The SNCF strike began

Week 2 (8th-15th)

  • Came back home and had Louisa with me
  • Showed Louisa around town
  • Funiculaired for the first time
  • Saw the Chateau de Touvet
  • Watched more movies than I care to count
  • Toured around Grenoble three times in one week because Louisa couldnt get to he next desitnation thanks to the strike
  • Oh the Beyliers left me for Dubai.
  • Translated Lachlans present
  • Saw a baby bumble bee
  • Meet the Saint Marie family and ate pig foot

Week 3 (16-23rd)

  • Finished translating
  • Toured around Lancey and the combs du lancey
  • Learnt of the Volcano in Iceland
  • Went to a fete in Grenoble and walked in to glass walls
  • Went to Aix-Les-Bains with Anke and Fredericke
  • Had Louisa back over
  • Went to Geneva and couched surfed with Jerison for a few days
  • Meet some amazing people in the party there
  • Got stuck in Geneva and stayed an extra night thanks to the strike
  • Visted Annecy

Week 4 (24-30)

  • Missed Lachlans 21st but had a drink for him
  • The Beyliers got back - late grace to the Volcano
  • Created a new plan for the next few years
  • Went to go skiing but went swimming outdoors instead
  • Went to the Crolles market- in snow gear
  • Helped Carole with the Bibliobus
  • Cleaned most of the house
  • Hit my friggen head, I am so mad about this
  • Fell in love with the song 'Letters'
  • Went to Grand Place for the last time
  • Went to Super U for the last time
  • Said goodbye to Maria
  • Toured Saint Marie and took some final photos
  • Played tennis with Carole and lost
  • I dunno, just hung out with the Beyliers and yea...

I think I might leave the things I've learnt and stuff till after I have left.. this blog is ridiculously long.


Thursday, April 29, 2010

Part 68: 'Super U' I'll miss you, too.

G'day g'day,

This was my last Thursday in Saint Marie d'Alloix. That makes me sad. What else makes me sad is that there is something caught under my spacebar and thus, it isn't working properly. Stupid spacebar...hold on. Got it, I think.

So! This morning I woke up late and then was in my room working on a new project (so many projects going at once!) I was inside until about 12 when I got up and surprised Carole who forgot I was home. I then gathered all the stuff that I am sending home before I leave France and put them into a box before Carole and I went to Super U in Pontcharra (for the last time...ever. Hear that? Thats my heart breaking. No more French supermarkets) I was assigned the dduty of pushing the trolley around which I can assure you was riveting. Good times were had by all. Carole also bought a new outdoor table which is quite cool. Oh before that we also went to another shop and bought some stuff there too like coushins and stuff. Fact: My eyes are really sore.

Upon getting back home and loving the sun Carole and I went and went in the pool, well, I put my feet in. Carole only went right in to say that she did it at least once in April then she left and read a magazine whilst I enjoyed tapping my feet on the water and drawing patterns in the wood. I listened to music and phased out of all around me for a while- I swear I am getting vaguer and vaguer, it so has something to do with hitting my head... The next thing I recall was Carole going to pick up Tim and his friend.

When they got back Tim and his friend played madly whilst I talked to Carole and Fanny who had just arrived home. The two of them went up and got ready to take Fanny to Pony Club so I tidied up downstairs and in doing so, dropped a bottle of Apple Juice. A large, glass bottle which shattered and spilt juice everywhere. It wasn't fun to clean up and it took the whole time Carole was a way, in which I was meant to be looking after Tim and his friend who were outside on the trampoline. I think I cleaned up okay, the floor isnt sticky and I didn't cut myself walking around in bare feet so, we're in the clear.

Later I played with Basiten and his Helicopter, worked more on a project and basically wasted time until 6 when I had to go to English with Antoine. He is really getting better and remembering what I say, and I am getting better at making the lesson flow, unfortunately, I leave soon just when I am getting the hang of it.

Back home we had tea which was chicken and lentils then I watched an episode of this old superman video with Tim which was in English, so I translated for him, well tried. He understood I think. Fortunately there isn't a lot of talking but a lot of action, so it was easy for me and fun for him. Good times... good times. Mmy eyes really hurt and my brain isn't working so I might just skim the rest:

...Project, talking, thats it... yep.

Worst. Blog. Ever.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Part 67: Letters


I got up really early (okay, well 8am...) this morning and made my way down stairs saying 'g'day' to Carole and then having breakfast and then going back up stairs and passing time on the computer, because thats what I do. That is how I roll, man. During this time I found a song by Matt Corby, former Australian Idol contestant on Youtube, how I found it, I am not sure but I can tell you this: He has grown up and gotten some talent because this young man is on fire. The song is called 'Letters' and if you like indie acoustic guitar (Josh Pyke, Lior, Lady of Sunshine -wow they're all Australian) then definetly check it out! The song is just stunning and I listen to it... a lot. In fact, its what I am listening to right now. My mind is at ease.

So, after that, I went outside and played in the sand pit with Tim who had the day off today -Wednesday. We played for a while and jumped on the trampoline until Bastien got home and then we had lunch which was pasta and ketchup- nice. Then I played with a paper aeroplane I made with Tim for a while (crap! Carole, I totally forgot, again, to teach you the paper crane!) which was quite fun because it was sunny and well, who doesn't love paper aeroplanes? Put your hand down! Yep... My mood is so odd in the last few blogs and things I've written, apologies. So, paper aeroplanes. Tim also has this new stuff which is like crayons which are for the skin, like face paint, so Tim wanted me to draw numerous things including cats, crocodiles, sharks and the peace sign...good times. I then went around town with my camera and took a couple of photos just as momentos with the knowledge that my time is very limited here now. It was a nice walk, I like St. Marie d'Alloix.

-The above image is Tim and I with his 'Tats' that I drew...(I totally just ninjaded down stairs where Carole and Benoit were talking, grabbed the camera and ran upstairs again, probably looking like a total tool... its a good system)

Later, Carole dropped Tim to Letissa's (<- not correct spelling, but easy for me to remember) place and then Fanny, Basiten, Carole and I drove into Grenoble to the Grand Place which is a shopping centre I have mentioned 1 or 2 times. We spent a bit over an hour walking around buying things that they needed (and ice cream. I like ice cream...) It was fun. I didn't get anything myself, but it was fun tagging along for the ride and getting some quality time with some quality people. Except Fanny was attacking me with those stupid Crayon things. Hm.

Back home, I wasted time until dinner and then was late for dinner because.. I dont know, I set the table and knew dinner was like 2 seconds away but completely forgot and just went upstairs then came down and everyone was eating... idiot. I listened to the chats a lot today my brain was just not in function mode, I hade no idea what was going on. So vague. Its not a good system.

After tea I...watched Smallville, listened to this song wrote blog I dunno. normal stuff.

Longer blog than intended. Amazing.

Check out the song. Do it. DO IT. Matt Corby - Letters. Youtube. You have 10 minutes. I will know if you don't do it. How? You don't want to know...

Snappy sign off,


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Part 66: Shower?

Comic No. 2: Aliens in the Shower
D. Sedunary


So I said I would do another comic and here it is! It is a slight exaggeration, I didn't actually see the three figures coming towards me, however, I really did have concussion or whatever today after hitting my head because I really had no idea how the hell I got in the shower or for how long I wasn in there for, I think a while as the mirror had fogged up quite a lot.

Now, I apologise first off to Carole who looks nothing like that of which I drew, people are not my forte. This leads me to saying, my drawing of me, my hair isn't actually curly like that anymore, but I find if I dont draw myself with stupid curly hair, I cant tell its me. Finally, Antoine knows what Hello means, he is learning more advanced than that, its just all I could think of without having too much detail - phew!! On a positive note, I really like the shower frame because the steam looks cool... yes.

Um, nothing else happened today that was out of the usual, Lunch with Fanny, Salome and Carole aaand yea, Tennis was good too. We rallied for about an hour (recording a tragic 23) but then played for about 15 minutes where the final scores were, I think, 3 games to 1... yes. I cant serve is the other reason... haha (I can totes hear Smallville playing upstairs right now...I wonder what episode Carole is watching, might go check it out... then watch an ep of my own..I have a plan)

Natalie Tran occupied my day a fair whack too.



Monday, April 26, 2010

Part 65: No Reason

Damnit! I was going to do a comic strip for todays blog but totally forgot- tomorrow maybe. Mannn...

Today I woke up and chilled around in my room till 11.30. Wasting time? Perhaps. It was good though because I spoke with the mother and the sister (who in turn got me into communitychannel, but I'll get to this) and also the amazing Tam Do (NB: I called Tam amazing and not my mum and sister. This is not to say that my Mother and Sister aren't amazing, its just to say that Tam is and it is worth pointing out at this point in time... Not that its not worth pointing out that my mother and sister are amazing as well, its just that if I called them amazing followed by the Tam in the same sentence, it would make me look like i only know that one positive adjective and thus lead to conclusions that I have a low vocabulary. This is not the case. Although my vocabulary isn't the most expansive, it is, in fact, more than just the word 'Amazing' - just putting it out there.... cephelopod) It was a good morning, but I did annoy mum a little bit because I was whinging. I also got to see Lachlans prodigous 21st video (thesaurus' for the win!)

After conversations and a shower, I went down stairs only to realise that Carole had actually been out all morning grocery shopping, I am quite observant. I helped her bring in the shopping bags and then pack away all the food and such before she sat sown to have lunch. Having just brushed my teeth I wasn't exactly hungry so I just sat and enjoyed a chat. It was then decided that I was to go with Carole to the local library where she was going to help pick some books from the bibliobus. The Bibliobus is a bus which comes to libraries and delivers books. There is just a large amount in this portable library in which you select the ones you would like to stock the library. I had no idea which ones were good, and neither did anyone else really, so we all found our own reasons to select the ones we did. My reasonings were: Nice cover, had English words on it or in one case, was written by some one who was called Douglas. I chose well, I believe.

After a while of hanging out there and standing struggling to understand the rapid conversations around me, Carole and I left when our duties were fulfilled. Upon arriving home, I began to clean the house. I mean, clean as in like dust, vaccum, mop - the works. This came up in the Lunch conversation. Sophie, the housecleaner, has resigned for personal reasons so I filled in her role today after offering- Why? I have no idea. After about a while I finished the majority of the house (I will finish tomorrow...) I stopped and then spent the afternoon playing with the kids. I talked about Farmville to Bastien, Drew with Tim and then the three kids and I played out side with a paper airplane and then with the helicopter. It was quite funny at one point, the Paper Airplane got caught behind the couch and Tim yelled 'I'll get it!!' (in French) and sprinted to get it but went to fast and smashed his face into the wall and got a blood nose. It wasn't funny at first but the little tacker didn't cry and then laughed at himself, taking it in good spirit and then, when remembering what he did, it became funny... Yes.

Later the frents (French rents) came home and then after watching some youtube - communitychannel which is not bad (She is an Australian girl going on about whatever she feels like and she can be quite funny - especially her staring one, I laughed out loud [or as some say I 'L.O.L'd' or even 'lawled'] at that one.) - I had dinner and then tidied up came upstairs and watched an ep of Smallville... which I can't even mention now because some people (not mentioning names) who read my blog are watching Smallville and are behind and I can't ruin it for them *cough cough CAROLE cough* :P)

As my sign off, I'll quote Natalie Tran (creator of Communitychannel):

Definetly, thats embarrassing. Retreat! Abort mission!!

Okay, so I been watching more Nat Tran and her video 'Sliding Escapes and POWERboards' had me in tears because its so stupid and it reminded me of Ellen...I was just saying incase anyone was interested in checking it out, thats my favorite now... Really.. I have no idea why I added this...

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Part 64: Ski or Swim?

Before I start: will you still love me, when I am 64? - Welcome to blog number sixty four, unfortunately, its not a musical blog... I just couldn't resist that little reference.
So today was such a nice day, laid back (for me...) so it was good. The Beyliers are back now, they arrived at 10.30ish last night and can I add, it was great to see them, even if they were all tres tired after their extended holiday and immense trip home, but that is their story, not mine! Haha.

So, this morning I woke up at 8.30 and Bastien ran into my room saying we were going skiing at 9.30. I was immensely confused, I mean, I was aware that we were possibly going skiing today, but looking out the window at the incredible sunlight and the lack of snow anywhere, I wasn't sure how it was going to work. The Beyliers, crazily, were all up and ready and not sleeping in like I was expecting so it was up to me to rush and get ready so as to not hold everyone else up. Hit 9.30 we were in the car, ready to roll.

We arrived at the 'Sept Laux' and I was amazed at how different it looked...without any snow at all. It was so sunny and greenish I probably wouldn't have recognized it, if not for the previous knowledge and..well.. the big signs everywhere, kinda helped. The Ski Station had closed just today. It was open yesterday so, yea. It was a bit of a bugger because it would have been my last ski in France for a long time at the least and the first time that I would have ski'd with all the Beyliers at once! No luck today though (shoulda worn my lucky underpants...) so we got back in the car and drove to Crolles for the market that Louisa and I missed last weekend.

It was quite funny being there as we were all still in our snow gear in the beautiful sunny weather. I felt like such a head turner, but alas, not in a good way. I did notice a few odd reactions but it was fun. We pondered the markets for.. I dunno, 20 minutes just looking at the stalls and then we left having bought some strawberries and olives. Bargain.

The rest of the day was spent at home. Me, I played with the kids doing and they showed me all the Dubai photos they took. They took a lot, but they seemed to have had an amazing holiday! (OH!! I didnt mention they brought me back this awesome Dubai t-shirt which I am wearing right now and this incredible sand thing, which I might have to photograph and show you because its just cool, but hard to explain.) Seeing their photos was cool and hearing the kids re-tell stories was pretty funny too. After a while, we had lunch outside where it came very apparent that it was not winter anymore, it was hot (no Dubai, I'm sure but all hot all the same) So we moved the table in the shade and talked about whatever, holidays and Smallville probably- Old habits die hard?
-woo Space- This is the sand thing and my shirt...
Webcam doesn't do them justice :(

After more playing cards and Fanny getting a helicopter stuck in her hair (which, sorry Carole, was hilarious. I mean, Basiten got this new toy helicopter thing from dubai, it has an electric motor and a control and is pretty cool -oh he got it stuck on the roof of the house too earlier, Benoit got it down- so anyway, we were playing with that and then Basiten put it on my head, and then turned it on and the spinning made my hair go spikey. He then went up to Fanny and did the same [at this point I probably should have said something, but I didn't really think he would put it upsidedown...] anyway, he turned it on and the whole thing got caught all through her hair and we all just pissed ourselves laughing, Fanny included, it was so funny. She was just walking around with this stupid helicopter in her head... Thankgod we could get it out after much yanking...) sidetracked... story... Oh well, I think I was getting to the point that I went swimming.

The Beyliers have a pool, not sure if thats ever been pointed out, and because of the weather Tim and Benoit were swimming and invited me to join, I was all ptch I hate hot...ok! So grabbed my bathers and jumped in. It was so cold to start off with but got really nice later. Eventually Fanny came in to and was trying to attack me with bombs of the edge, so as older people do in these situations, I dunked her. A lot. A good time was had by all... But, By this time Benoit and Tim (and Bastien, who came, put his feet in, and left) were all lying on the side of the pool sunbathing and the splashing kept annoying them ... hehe...

After swimming I laid in the sun a bit too then went inside and did the nerd thing again and I dont know where the rest of the day went. I hung around with the kids some more, had tea and did dishes.. Thats all, I think :)

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Part 63: I'm Your Biggest Fan

Wow, few days sans blogging, miss me?! Of course you did... haha, so let me start by saying: Happy 21st Lachlan. I hope you had an amazing day and an even better party. That is my number one regret of chosing this time to leave, missing that important day, but I'm sure you had a great time- even with my absence. You better have bloody mentioned me though at least once, or there'll be hell to pay when I get back, bro.

Having that out of the way, I should probably get into the blog side of this blog. I would bore you with details of my last few days, but really its quite uneccessary, I'll just to a quick catch up. So, I had my extra day in Switzerland as you all know and that night I fell asleep latish on their couch because people were awake and talking but I was soo tired I eventually faded off. The next morning, got up early booked a train trip and then 9hours later was home. I basically was dead that night so I just went ka-plunk and was knocked out pretty early.

Yesterday wasn't much to rant about either, I was still tired and was stoked that I had the day to myself to do whatever. I basically spent it chillaxing, pianoing (hehe, I totes learnt how to cover Lady Gaga and her Paparazzi song...why? cause the chords where really easy, may youtube it...maybe. I hope the title makes sense now, too) and doing nothing. It was quite similar to today, except I think I takled to mum and dad on MSN webcam yesterday... yes, it was yesterday it was good to talk to the two of them and also get some credit for my Australian phone, its time to start getting right into this whole Germany thing, I'll message Jette off it tomorrow.

Today, nothing much happened, the Beyliers are supposedly coming back today at some point, its now 9.19 and they're not here but I knew they'd be back at night so I spent a bit of today just doing a quick tidy up. The house wasn't actually that messy but it just needed a few things put away and a load of washing needed to be done too. I also worked on my project and went on a bike ride today. The weather was quite nice so it was an enjoyable ride... I made crepes for lunch too, I like crepes haha.

Really, thats it... nothing to report, just figured I'd check in and let you know I am a-okay and um... what else can I add. Nothing.

Oh, I have a plan!! I can tell you my plan! Okay, so, I am basically planning on doing the rest of my travels like I said originally, but staying until September now. I'll leave around then because Chloe, a friend, is in Europe for a World Championship in Ultimate Frisbee (hehe) and then touring. she is meeting up with me in the UK at somepoint and we decied to fly out together, and she leaves in September. Australia, be ready for me around then! Next, I am going to Uni it for a year or two and really focus on Music and whatever I chose to study and then maybe make my way back here if I choose to and live here for a bit, just because I want to and I dont want to give up on French just yet! I think I want to learn another Language though, I think I might to German when I get back to Aus too... Then when I come back, I'll be ready for anything! As for what I'll do here... I'll see when I actually can do something job/study worthy.

It'll be interesting seeing in like 2 months where my plan is sitting then, so much will change, I think.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Part 62: And You're Out

Another strike reference in the blog title, this time I its because the strike has rendered me stuck in Switzerland for an extra night at the least. Hopefully I can get home tomorrow but I am really not sure at all.... Also, the Beyliers are stuck in Dubai or Kuwait or something because of the stupid volcano. Its a bit of a fail really this whole transport system in the world. They may be back on Monday now, but nothing is sure. I am also meant to be leaving for Germany on Thursday but still, I haven't booked anything or whatnot... I really should contact Jette and let her know my situation.

Mkay, so today I woke up at 8 and went on the laptop until Louisa woke up at 9.30... it was wonderful *sarcasm* When she did we got ready and then made our way to the station with all her stuff. ALL her stuff. So with that with us and a plan to reach the station at 11 we made our way down, only to miss our stop out of not paying attention, then going way to far, struggling to orientate ourselves and thus getting to the station at 11.40- 5 minutes before Louisas train to Austria left which, she missed and thus had a two hour wait till the next. Me, I went searching for my return to Grenoble only to be told that there was only the one at 10.30am and that I could go to Lyon or Aix-les-Bains but they said connections probably wouldn't happen... Stupid. Stupid. Strike. I am in such a bad mood right now, I dont know why. Thinking of the strike annoys me.

So, grumpy and a bit snappy (I felt bad for Louisa because she had to put up with it, I was carrying her stuff and was like... dude, I want a locker, but it was expensive and she was all, I dont need one I have my stuff and then I was all 'This IS your stuff!!' refering to what I was carrying...Bad mood. Sorry.)Blah. So, we went to go leave when we ran into Jerison who was randomly at the train station so the three of us went out to Lunch, each of us stressed or grumpy for different reasons. It was interesting and very silent whilst we ate/ were on our computers or phones organising stuff. At 1.45 Louisa could finally get on her train so after the worlds quickest goodbye because the train door shut on us, I grabbed my stuff and left. Jerison by this point had gone to his piano lesson and was going to meet me again at 3.

I made my way down to Jardin Anglais because it wasn't far away and sat on the grass staring out to the lake and then actually falling asleep. I know, it was pretty stupid actually I had ALL my stuff in a bag next to me and I just fell asleep... Luckily nothing was taken. I woke up again at 2.50ish and then made my way over to the meeting point. When Jerison came a little bit late, we caught a bus with the intention of going to the mountains for a hike. WE didnt quite make it however because we found this random lake river thing so we got off and explored that area, sitting on abridge and talking for a while about random shizz then getting back up and hiking some more, this took all of about...3 hoursish. We made our way back eventually back to the bus stop and bussed back to centre ville. There, we walked back to Jerisons place where I still am now. Jerison made fried rice and it was good. Now, we are just doing our own things in the kitchen and Jerisons nephew is here too... Hopefully no one else will mind me staying an extra night... Oh well.

I haven't been in a bad mood all day, I am just in one now thinking about my lack of time in France left and my lack of organisation in leaving France. I reeeeeeeeeeally want to just have everything organised for me- laziness once again.

Lazy blog- soz.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Part 61: Exploration Fail

First off- Jerison, if you're reading this apologies!! To let you know, Jerison is from Singapore not China so... yes.. :) hehe. (I changed the prev. blog)

So, today I woke up at like 7 for some stupid reason and sat around in until Louisa woke up at like 9 so I could grab my charger for my laptop and do yesterdays blog. I then got up had a shower and then went upstairs while Louisa had hers and talked to Davida whose room we stole because he was away for the night. He was just in this morning to pick some stuff up but then he was all 'you want coffee?' and I was all... 'sure' so then coffee was had. It was good coffee too. Davida is Italian (I dont know if I mentioned this already) and he makes awesome coffee Italian style and it was gooooood coffee. It was cool to chat to him as well about whatever we talked about. He is doing his PHD in law, I think, and also is an intern for the UN and does things like that. Its pretty cool. He also wants to get into Ultimate Frisbee, so I gave him pointers having played it a few times and knowing how it works. It was funny. Eventually Louisa came up and we chatted a little more until about 11.3o when we decided we probably should actually go and do something.

We left and trammed in to the centre of the city then walked up to the train station where I went to buy my return ticket (which I stupidly didn't buy before...theres a story to that though) only to be told that because of this bloody strike which I am really just over there are no trains to Grenoble or Chambery and yea I have to to bloody Lyon and risk getting a train from there even though they said they may not be running, and if they're not? Then what? Stranded in Lyon... yipee... I did ask if needs be, I could stay here an extra night, it was a yes so I will see what I'll be doing tomorrow. ******** strike.

We then went and got lunch at this little cafe thing out of tourists way and then made our way to all the main tourists spots... Yea. The weather was really cloudy today so it made it a bit disappointing compared to last time but you know, its still good. Eventually around 3.30ish Louisa and I were a bit stuck on things to do so we called Jerison who then met us at his place and then took us for a random walk around Genevas side parts. It was good being not so touristy really. I mean, touristy but not touristy touristy. We ended up walking to this school park thing and then sat and talked for a while and then walked down to this other Annecy-like old town part of Geneva. It was cool but poor Louisa wasn't feeling well so we bought her drugs too. Eventually we went and got dinner as well which was Chinese (not singaporean!) food. T'was good.

Jerison then offski'd to dance class and me and Louisa pondered around the street of the more know old town and then sat at a fountain for a while until making our way back to Jerisons dance place at like 8.15 only to be told he was at school because dance finished early. We trammed up to his school and spent like an hour and a half listening to him and his nephew play around on the piano and trumpet, they sounded good together but they are both a bit stressed out with their music at the moment and thus kept getting annoyed over little mistakes. I even had a go on the piano and was woeful... compared to Jerison AND compared to how I used to play (but more in comparison to Jerison)

Eventually we made it back home by walking there and stopping for ice cream and a park tour (and Louisa got Maccas) on the way, it was a good walk and pretty fun, but they were being mean to me fo my lack of fish eatingness and apparent lack in height... which isnt even apparent as I am taller than Louisa and Jerod so bah! =-=* Back here we kinda said hello to Kasper who was on his lappy then went back down to our room and typed blog...yep

Exploration fail... I dont actually know what that means, I just dont think we used our time as well as we could to explore the town, but that doesnt mean we didnt have an ace day, just a lazyish one :)

Oh yea and we totes went on a boat today.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Part 60: Multilingual

So sorry for not blogging last night I didnt get to bed until about 1.30ish and I was tired and didn't know how to set up internet. Anyway... Yesterday was pretty cool:

I woke up in the morning feeling like P. Diddy so went and watched Smallville whilst eating breakfast with Louisa as one does when feeling like that. Then me and Louisa got ready, tidied up and watched the end of Lion King 2 -Worst movie- before rolling up at Goncelin station at around 12.15. The train that was going to take us to our connection to Annecy was canceled because of the stupid strike so we ended up winging it and going into Chambery because there was a train.

We got to Chambery and walked around until we found the ticket area and then bought my ticket into Geneva which had a one hour and a half hour stop in Annecy - perfect. We had an hour before the train left so we went and got lunch and this random American guy came up to us and was all 'Are you American??' 'No, Australian' 'Oh..I thought I heard and American accent' *leaves* it was odd. Thankfully when he left we were no longer harrassed by crazed Americans for the rest of the day.

We got back onto a train which would take us to Annecy. The train was awesome it had compartments like in Harry Potter- okay not THAT awesome but pretty mad all the same. Louisa and I had one all to ourselves (probably because we spread all our stuff everywhere so no one wanted to sit with us, hehe) So eventually after dozing off, listening to music and staring at the mountains fly around us we arrived in Annecy where we had an hour to kill. We had a drink then walked around the old town area which was just so pretty and nice and there were so many rivers and stuff everywhere, it was great. We did have to rotate touring the town though because all the bags was a nightmare. First I toured around then came back and sat with the bags an people watched until Louisa came back and eventually we made it back to the bus that would take us into Geneva and bloody hell it was boiling. I mean, sooo hot. So we stripped off our jackets and prayed that when the bus started the Air con would come on... it did eventually but not after a bit into our trip.

Finally!! at 6.30 we arrived in Geneva and then caught a tram to the station where we met Jerison, out host for the next two nights. He is a music student studying Piano and the music university here off a scholarship, he is 26, originally from Singapore but he can speak English, French, German, Cantonese, Mandarin and Japanese as well- each perfectly. He has a concert thing today so he was going to Uni to practice and said we should go with him and dump our stuff so we could make our own way to the old town of Geneva, which I have obviously done before if you recall, so I was touring Louisa around. We got to his uni and listened to him play a Sonata by Beethoven which was really nice, until halfway he stopped and was like 'Damnit! and yea.. the rest is like that' it was lol. So we dumped our stuff then walked around Old Town which was a few tramstops down and had tea as well before meeting him again at 9.30. We met his Nephew Jerod who is from Singapore. He took us to the place we where staying where there was about 20 people just sitting around talking. Each of them kinda said hello to us, or bonjour or gutentag or bongiorrno. This place is crazy. We met the 6 who are actually residences of this place all of which are about 24-26ish and all of which speak about 3-4 languages and like to show it off- but I'll get to that.

So, We dumped our stuff in Davida's (spelling??) room because he was going out for the next two nights so he left it to us. He showed us the ropes and then Jerod took me and Louisa out for a drink at a bar nearby. We chatted for about and hour and a half getting to know each other a bit until we made it back to the house around 11.30 and there were still so many people. Casper, one of the residences, German, invited us to go sit upstairs with everyone so we sat and hung out with the group for ages. It was amaazing listening to their conversations because I could only understand like a quarter of it. They would start in French, then two would speak German, so everyone woul change to German, then someone would point out that they need to speak English, so they would switch but then two would speak Italian and then the cycle would continue. I didn't care I didn't understand, listening to that was just incredibly cool. The house is so international. They started giving Austrian beer as well because there was an Austrian here and was all, its good, try it. It was actually sweet (sugar sweet not cool sweet). I mean... it was weird but I guess not bad anyway. So we stayed up talking until everyone had to go to bed as they had uni or work or something on tomorrow so they all left until it was just Louisa, Jerison, Jerod and Toby, another German sitting around for a while until Toby went home and Louisa went to bed. We talked about Music for a while until they got technical and so I was all...Goodnight...

I slept pretty well, but I had only one pillow so it was kinda uncomfortable. I lived though. So today we're trying to work out what we want to do, I guess you'll find out soon, ey?

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Part 59: French?

Oh my God, so my French is shocking now. This was very evident today, even though today was a great day- props to Anke and Frederick for it, so lets explain. Oh, and sorry for my lack of blog yesterday I was kinda grumpy and blogging was not what I wanted to be doing -long story.

So! This morning I woke pretty content, I survived the night alone which is always good. I got up and seriously dawdled through the morning. I mean, it took me until 11.30 to get up and have a shower...I did talk to Mum for a while on webcam and I watched some Smallville but I figured 11.30 was getting a bit ridiculous and at 12.30 I was going out for lunch.

I left the house at 12.30 after some shocking piano and arrived at Anke/Frederickes house. We talked for a while and then we had lunch which was something that was a family recipe on Frederickes side. It is like a crepe with mushroom and ham inside with cheese melted all over it, it was realllly nice. I liked it :D Oh and we had an entre which was melon and ham which was good too. After we had tira misu for dessert and sat organising what we were going to do for the rest of the day, Louisa was coming today as well but not until 7.30 so it was nice to do something to fill in the day in such a nice way.

We drove out to Aix-Les-Bains in the end which is just north of Chambery, about 10 minutes out. There, is the biggest naturel lake in France Lac Bourget which is I think 18km long and 3km wide. It was really pretty and the area was great. Oh and the weather, gah... so nice. Very sunny and nearly hot. It was perfect. We ended up walking down the lake and chatting in mainly English. I tried french today but I couldnt piece many decent sentences Stupid. Brain. Anyway, all the same it was nice. We saw lots of people roller blading as well...its so cool...

After, we drove around and got a drink then we left and they dropped me back home. It was really cool. Good times, good times. They also called me later to see if I needed help getting Louisa back from Grenoble tonight, who had rung and said she wont be getting in until 9, after all the trains. Good people. It was so nice - and needed as I wasnt so keen on driving into Grenoble at night, on my own, with limited petrol. So after arriving home at about 6.45-7ish and bumming around, I left again at 8.30 with Fredericke and picked up Louisa from Grenoble station and we drove back to SMd'A chatting away about our last few days. T'was good.

Now, we are watching bloody The Lion King 2... yes.. Louisa... =.=*Anyway... its good to see Lions have nightmares too.

Um.. I had a photo I wanted to add today of Anke and Fredericke but my camera is downstairs and I am sitting down... hehe. Okay, byebye all :D

Friday, April 16, 2010

Part 58: Attack of the Lazy Blogger

Yea, cant be bothered typing much again today, I dont know why... I think I need a break from blogging, but I cant do it because I'll get annoyed at myself later (and of course, my adoring fans will miss me too much!) so, I'll just do a lazy blog today and hope that I am revitalised tomorrow for y'all.
  • Woke up and translated
  • Had breakfast and translated
  • Met the Saint Marie family cleaner whilst translating
  • Finished translating in time to go to Grenoble with Pascale and post it.
  • Had an hour and a half to kill in Grenoble whilst Pascale was busy
  • Walked around doing whatever
  • Saw a improv theatre group randomly performing and it was awesomely funny
  • Started to fall in love with the song 'Big Jet Plane' by Lady of the Sunshine again :D
  • Came back home
  • Learnt of the volcanos in Iceland which may, in fact, stuff up my flight plans to Germany which I still havent even finalised yet... god I am so behind and getting concerned...
  • Watched some Smallville
  • Had tea and talked to Pascal and Pascale for a bit
  • Its now 9.30 and everyone has gone to bed so I am a bit lost for something to do... but still ceebs blogging!! Hehe.
  • Yeps...

To make this blog slightly interesting, here is a picture that represents my life, which I got from my brother a very large while back. It makes me smile.



Thursday, April 15, 2010

Part 57: Une Nouvelle Famille

Phew... donc, le grève de SNCF continue aujourd'hui mais, heureusement, Louisa pouvait prendre sa train aujourd'hui quand même! (En fait, c'était une bus mais... ptch) Parce qu'elle est parti, j'ai demenagé et maintenent j'habite avec la famille Saint Marie (Je sais, c'est bizarre et comme 'Saint Marie d'Alloix) à Lancey. Lancey est 2 arrêts de train de Goncelin et la prochaine arrêt après Lancey, est Grenoble Gières. Donc, c'est pas trop loin.. vers 20 minutes par voiture?

Ce matin, je me suis reveillé à 8h et à 9h30 j'ai conduit à la gare de Goncelin. Je suis allé avec Louisa à Grenoble parce qu'on n'était pas sûr si la train (bus) allait ou pas. On est arrivé et on a verifié les horaires - hourah! Elle pouvait prendre sa train et réserver sa billet, finalement! La train était à 11h55 et ma train était à 12h04 donc on est allé au centre ville parce que Louisa a voulu acheter une carte français pour sa phone. Après presque un heure d'attendre, elle acheté sa carte et on est revenu à la gare. On a trouvé sa bus et dit 'Au Revoir' (Oh! Et parce que Louisa voyage pour la prèmiere fois tout seul dans un pays qui parle pas l'anglais, je n'ai pas l'aidé avec des choses et c'était amusant quand elle ne pouvait pas comprendre ou les gens pouvaient pas parler anglais...mais elle l'a fait!!)

J'ai pris ma train et j'ai conduit chez-moi (j'ai conduit tout seul pour la premiere fois!!) J'ai fait un peu de traduction et j'ai joué du piano jusqu'à 16h quand je me suis preparé pour aller chez la famille Saint Marie. A 18h Pascal est venu pour me trouver et je suis arrivé chez-leur 20 minutes après. Dans la voiture, on a parlé un peu en français - bien sur! mais ici, ils veulent que je parle en anglais un peu aussi. Dans cette famille il est: Pascal, Pascale, Neomi (12?) et Lea (13?). PascalE peut parler l'anglais très bien, Pascal ça va et les filles... je ne sais pas, elles n'aiment que parler en Français donc... ouais, je ne sais pas.

On a parlé un peu d'Australie et ou j'habite etc... et on a mangé la dîner (oh mon dieu... pied de cochon et gnocchi... mais c'était ça ou saumon et l'ai mangé de toute façon...) et oui... c'est tout.. Quand je fini mon blog je vais traduire et regarder Smallville!!

Bonne nuit!

Phew ... Righto, so the SNCF strike continues today, but fortunately, Louisa could take her train today anyway! (In fact, it was a bus but ... PTCH) Because she left, I moved and I now live with the Saint Marie family (I know it's weird and its the same as Saint Marie d 'Alloix) in Lancey. Lancey is 2 train stops from Goncelin and the next stop after Lancey is Gières Grenoble. So it's not too far .. to 20 minutes by car?

This morning I woke up at 8am and at 9:30 I drove to Goncelin station. I went to Grenoble with Louisa because we were not sure if the train (bus) would be going or not. We arrived and checked the schedules - hourah! She could take the train and book her ticket, finally! The train was at 11:55 and my train was at 12:04 so we went downtown because Louisa wanted to buy a French sim card. After nearly a one hour wait, she bought her card and we returned to the station. We found her bus and said 'Goodbye' (Oh, and because this was Louisas first time travelling alone in a country that doesn't speak English, I'm didnt help with some things and it was funny when she could not understand or when people could not speak English ... But she did do it!)

I took my train and drove me home (I drove alone for the first time!) I did a little translation, and I played the piano until 4pm when I got ready to go to Saint Marie family. At 6pm Pascal came to me and I got to them 20 minutes later. In the car, we spoke a little French - of course! but here, they want me to speak English a little. In this family it is: Pascal, Pascale, Neomi (12?) and Lea (13?). PascalE can speak English very well, Pascal sorta and the girls ... I do not know, they only like to speak french so ... yeah, I do not know.

We talked a little about Australia and where I live etc. ... and we ate dinner (oh my god ... pig's foot and gnocchi ... but it was either that or salmon and gnocchi ... hmm ... I ate it anyway ...) and yes ... that's all .. When I finished my blog I will translate (done!) and watch Smallville!

Good night!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Part 56: I Saw A Baby Bumble Bee

Okay, so this morning I woke up and about 8.30 and went upstairs and saw Louisa on the conputer trying to find a way to get to Nice today. No luck, the strike was still going and neither of us were keen on driving into Grenoble only to more than likely not have a train and wait around all day being quite over the town so we just kinda sat awkwardly not sure what to do next... We decided to just leave it for the day and not worry about anything.

I had a shower and then came up and continued translating for a few hours while Louisa researched ways to get back for tomorrow or something and played on facebook. We also made crepes...well Louisa made crepes... and then had breakfast and went back to what we were doing. I finished another chapter and she was done what she was doing and possibly booked for a train tomorrow (we'll see, i guess)

We went and got ready for a bike ride which consisted of making a packed lunch, teeth brushing, Louisa showering and me doing facebook stuff and emailing the people I am meant to be staying with telling them whats going on. We then got our bikes out and rode away in the glorious weather. We went in the opposite direction as last time making our way to La Buissiere rather then La Touvet. We ended up going past La Buissiere and nearly making our way to Pontcharra when we saw a cool turn off which we went down and found amazing fields which thanks to spring had flowers and trees and where so pretty. We decided to have a picnic :) We initially sat in one field but after a farmer guy came along and was, not bothered that we were there, but driving a thing that got water everywhere so we left and went to the next field.

We sat down in the second feild, pulled out our lunch and ate. It was nice. There were lots of bees though and it freaked me out slightly until I saw a HUGE bee ( a bumble bee) THEY ARE HUGE. It was flying towards me and it scared the crap out of me. There were lots of them but I got over it and enjoyed the rest of my lunch. Besides bumblebees are kinda cute, I guess... We eventually left and rode back home. When we got back, we went to the supermarket, bought food for tea tonight then went back and sat outside for a few hours translating and Louisa was doing her travel journal. Then we watched Smallville - arghh.

Next had tea which was Pizza and left over pasta thennn we.. Oh thats now! We are watching the special features of Indiana Jones for some reason (Louisa - not me!) and I am typing this. I also researched flights to Germany again which I nearly booked, but not quite. I need to talk to the Rents. Soon. Like Preferably tomorrow at some point.

Okay, no French again I feel like I am getting dumber. Although, the translating is a great practice. I am too lazy to do the accents as well... hehe...



Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Part 55: Strike 3

I am so not in the mood to write in French right about now- I have been spending the last few hours translating a book from French to English. Its fun, I guess, but painful putting all the little tabs in and finding the right spots to out the tabs. Anyway! I'll sorta get to that later.

So, today Louisa was meant to be going on her way to Antibbes or something... I dunno, somewhere else in the South of France so we got up nice and early (7.00) and got ready and packed. We got everything packed and stuff in to the car and went to Goncelin station and caught the train with a minute to spare - no joke. We got out of the car and sprinted to the train which was just about to pull away. It was a good system.

We arrive in Grenoble (I went to get a hair cut and say goodbye to Louisa) only to line up and find out that all tickets are unavailable thanks to this stupid strike. Stupid, stupid strike. We then checked the train times, the next train back to Goncelin was at 12.15 so we went in search for a hair dressers, we found one and I made an appointment for an hour later. Then we went had coffee and went back. The hairdressers was so nice and classy like and all the people were so friendly. Unfortunately the people took an extra 30 minutes to get to me than originally planed and thus we missed our train back. Louisa went on her merry little way to the station and fond out our next train was at 5.04pm and returned just in time because I had paid the hairdressers and left.

We walked around deciding what to do for the rest of the day, having not made any plans. We went and got lunch at some creperie where we ate -get this- cabonara :D It was a good lunch. We also had crepes for dessert but they were mediochre. Anyway, then we walked around Grenoble enjoying the fact that the weather was nicer. Sunny :) We walked around all the little streets and stuff (all the while carrying ALL of Louisas stuff) until we decided to do the Bastille because she hadnt done it before. Bastille no.4... I mean, sure its cool but bah, 4 times is a bit much. Oh well. I did see something I hadnt previously noticed - Squished Pennies which Louisa collects. We spent a few hours looking for them in Paris and dissapointed not to find a French one, gave up. Louisa was SO excited to find them in lil 'ol Grenoble. It was quite a surprise and ... yea. I got one too. Squished Pennies...

We the left the Bastille and OH! I bought a new pair of shoes to because my poor old volleys hav got a bit shizen. Yeaa.. good system...

Okay. I am bored of typing and Smallville is on. We watched Jurassic Park 3 tonight... aaand yea translating book for reasons I cant say on blog - ask me personally and I should be able to tell you. I have no idea whats gonna happen tomorrow, I emailed the people I am staying with letting them know of my situation and so... it all dpends on the strike.

That bloody Strike.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Part 54: A Change in Plans...



Donc, j'ai un peu de temps ce soir, donc je vais écrire en Français!

Alors, je me suis reveillé très tôt ce matin (à 5heure!) mais, je ne sais pas pourquoi. J'étais fatigue mais je ne pourrais pas dormir donc je suis allé parler à Ellen avec MSN jusqu'à 6h quand je me suis couché encore. A 7h Louisa a frappé sur mon porte et je me suis levé pour la deuxième fois.

A 8h20 j'ai conduit à Goncelin et Louisa et moi ont attendu pour la train à 8.40 donc on pourrait aller à Annecy. Malheuresement grace à la grève, notre train n'a pas venu !! La prochaine train a été à 9h41 qui était trop tard pour prendre la train de Grenoble à Annecy. Agacé que on a manqué notre seule chance d'y aller, on est allé à la maison avec l'intention de revenir pour aller à Grenoble plutard pour la journée - pourquoi pas?

Quand on est arrivé à Grenoble (eventuellement) on est passé un heure à la gare parce que Louisa a voulu acheter sa billet et demander des questions de sa 'Eurail Pass'. La queue était ridicule et long mais c'était pas mal parce qu'on a des yaout... Hehe. Quand on est parti la gare, on est allé à Grand Place qui est une centre commercial. On avait faim donc on a mangé le dejeuner et après fait un tour de la centre.

Plutard, on a marché autours Grenoble et a vu tout les sites touristique pour Louisa. Je ne sais pas ce qu'on a fait, j'ai oublié... On les fontains et les œufs et... euh.. oui je ne sais pas... pfft...A 16h35 on est pris la train et j'ai conduit chez moi encore ou j'ai travaillé sur mon projet et Louisa a utilisé mon ordinateur. J'ai regardé Smallville aussi -Carole !! Mon dieu !! C'est bizarre, je veux discuter mais je ne peux pas ! Maintenant, on regard 'Caberet' ettttt....ouais... je ne sais pas et je suis fatigue.

Blah. Escusez mon français.. c'est pas le meilleur, je sais.



Hello! So I have some time tonight, so I'll write in French!

Well! I woke up very early this morning (5am!) but I do not know why. I was tired but I couldn't sleep so I went to talk to Ellen pn MSN until 6am when I went to bed again. At 7 Louisa knocked on my door and I got up for the second time.

At 8:20 I drove to Goncelin and Louisa and I waited for the train at 8.40 so we could go to

Annecy. Unfortunately thanks to the strike, our train did not come! The next train was at 9:41 which was too late to take the train from Grenoble to Annecy. Annoyed that we missed our only chance to go there, we went to the house with the intention of returning to go to Grenoble for the day - why not?

When we arrived (eventually) we spent one hour at the station because Louisa wanted to buy his ticket and ask questions of his 'Eurail Pass'. The queue was long and ridiculous but it was not too bad because we had yogurt ... Hehe.

When we left the station, we went to Grand Place is a shopping centre. We were hungry so we ate lunch and after had a tour of the shops.

Later, we walked around Grenoble and saw all the tourist sites for Louisa. I do not know what we did, I forgot ... We... saw the fountain and eggs and ... uh .. yes I do not know ... pfft ... at 4.35 we took the train and I drove home again where I worked on my project and Louisa used my computer. I also watched Smallville- Carole! My god! It's weird, I want to discuss it but I cant! Now we are watching 'Caberet' aaaand .... yeah ... I do not know and I'm tired.

Blah. Escuse my French (lol) .. is not the best, I know.


Photos: French one

Random photo of me in Grenoble poking my tongue out

English one:

Driving on the right side of the road in the left side of the car in the rain... yeaaa madness :D