Sunday, August 29, 2010

Part 163: Castles and a Festival

Dear Diary,

Sorry for my absence over the last few days I have been a busy little bee with Lois and others, its been good. So as I think I may have previously mentioned, I went all the way to Edinburgh for the weekend. Quite a distance, I know. Haha.

Lois and I arrived on Friday afternoon after a lazy morning which was well deserved after our epic bike ride on Thursday.
When we arrived we made our way to our hostel which was really close to the main street that the Edinburgh Fringe Festival was which was a great place to be during the festival. So we dumped our stuff then walked up to the festival where street performers are abundant and quite amazing. The Fringe had a great atmosphere which made it a fun place to hang around but also made it impossible to want to leave and tour the rest of Edinburgh, a bit of a shame but we enjoyed the festival too much. Having said that we started our time in Edinburgh at the famous Castle. The Castle was an expensive waste of time, in my opinion. I mean, I am glad I did it solely so I can say that I did it. We walked around the castle visiting the museums and such for a few hours but really, I was quite disappointed by everything except the magnificent panorama of Edinburgh the Castle bought us. We left.

After the castle we made our way back down the main street getting given a billion flyers for shows that were on that night free and otherwise and watching all the street acts. The vibe was great, Edinburgh festival is well worth it if you're there for it. Eventually we decided on seeing an improvised musical which was sooo funny. It ended up being about a womans journey into becoming a metaphorical man by learning how to be a prison warden helping save people from deathrow... It was called 'To become a Man' or something. Very very good. Lois and I loved it.

When we exited someone gave us another flier to go and see some upcoming comedian so we saw him and he was pretty funny too. His name wassssss *checking* ooh I cant find his flyer.. fail. Anyway, he was good. The rest of the night was pondering around the festival, getting dinner at a sports pub which was nice, I guess. Then we pondered the streets stumbling upon some other comedian. He was the
worst thing I have ever seen in my life. I mean, it was as funny as watching a cat get strangled. It was awkward and a little embarrassing to watch just because he was so bad. He started with a crowd of 13 and ended with 6 including Lois and I. Awful. We left and by 1am we were asleep in our hostel. To quote my notes I made for this blog on Friday: 'I. Am. Sleep' (Yes, I made notes)

On Saturday morning we woke up, got breakfast then made our way to Mary Kings Close for a tour that we booked on Thursday night. Mary Kings close is the remains of a street from Edinburghs olden days. Its actually underground because at some point the Scotts knocked down the top half of the houses and then built on top of them completely new streets and stuff. Much more to it than that, but its something you can discover yourselves in Edinburgh. Our tour guide was amazing, absolutely incredible. Very funny and full of knowledge. Best. Ever. The tour itself was well worth it too. It doubles as a ghost tour in parts to as apparently Mary Kings Close is haunted by a little girl and various other victims of the plague. It was cool. Glad we did that.

We then left and walked around the festival for a while. It was nice watching different shows and stuff again. Lois then wanted to go find a poster for Maud (I am saying this as proof in case Maud doesn't believe Lois) for a band that she likes and then got our stuff and I then said goodbye to Lois as she got onto the bus at 4.30pm. I hugged her goodbye then realised I may not see her for many years. Odd. Very odd. And sad.

At 4 I recieved a text from Gatens who said she and two friends were in Edinburgh for the festival and wanted to catch up- well why not? I met them at the train station. It was Gatens, her German room mate from work, Maxxie and their friend Alex. We went up to the festival and did what you do. They were in awe much like I was when I arrived but I acted cool, ptch I'd done it all already.

When we decided at 7 we wanted to
see a show we found one we agreed on but then on the way Maxxie went exploring in a bar and we came out somewhere completely random and found a different show to watch instead. It was great because this one was free! As we sat in the pub waiting for the show to start a magician came and talked to me then showed me some tricks. I was in awe and so many high fives were had. He was the best magician ever. Well, not really, but he was very good. When the show started it turned out they were brothers doing a tripod style act. They were very funny singing various pop-songs but changing them into pirate related songs. Lol... yea. They were good. Then the magician did an set which was great. Best. Bit. Of. The. Festival. Haha, I helped with on of his tricks as well. It was great. He did this trick were he got someone to select a word at random from the novel 'New Moon' and then he 'psychically' knew what it was and wrote it down on his white board and omg I cant explain it but it was great haha. After he was finished, the brothers came back on and it was a bit awkward because they did a song about Hitler and were marching around with swartzikas and such and Maxxie was really not impressed. (She told them off after the show and said 'it was not funny at all'- they apologised) then they did a song about Jesus not being real which offended Alex, who is a christian... but I laughed at that song because it was good.

We pondered a bit more after until arriving at the station. I then bid them adieu at around 9.45 then arrived at home in Netherlee at a bit before midnight.

This morning (blah, this is neverending!) I woke up at 11 and read that Al and the kids were out for the day. I did a load of washing and then talked to mum for a bit over an hour on Skype which was great because it felt like forever ago since our last Skype conversation. Just as that was ending I got a phone call from Alex who wanted to catch up in Glasgow so I told him I'd
meet him in an hour. 'Bye mum *sad face*' Shower. Train. Meet Alex.

Alex told me he wanted to go to Bothwell castle which was great becaus I hadn't been before! I knew the general way to get there so we walked up to Buchanan Bus Station and caught the bus out to Uddingston then walked to the castle. All up it took like 30 minutes on the bus and 20 minutes to walk there. It was okay because we got know each other a bit better. When we arrived at the Castle I was impressed because it was really ruiney in a pretty way. I liked this castle much more than Edinburgh Castle AND it was 6 pounds to get there and entry compared to 24 pounds to get to Edinburgh and go into the stupid thing. Blah. We spent about an hour there looking around at all the ruins and stuff. It was cool because you could go into like 90% of what was there except for some bits that were deemed dangerous. Fair enough, I say.

When we got back to Glasgow, I showed Alex around for a while and then we decided to go the Australian bar for dinner... well, Alex decided I wanted to get going but I felt bad because he was like 'so where are we going for dinner?' awkward turtle. Oh well, it didn't bother me, just my wallet. We went there had some burgers, chatted for a while then I said I had to get going. He wanted to go to Glasgow University because I pointed out to him earlier that it was a really pretty spot in Glasgow. So I pointed him in the right direction told him it was a fair hike then caught the train back to Netherlee.

Ah, home. I said hello to Sally, Aj and Al who, it feels like, I havent seen for
ages! How weird. Haha. It was nice. I then hung around for a bit and then typed this. I think I should stop now, I have probably bored you enough ey?

Oh! I saw this shirt and it was cool. It was a guy in a kilt with an iPod in his ears done like the adds (colourful background, black figure with white ipod/headphones) and it said 'ayepod' haha. Funny stuff.


p.s. Mum, the photos are for you.

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