Thursday, August 19, 2010

Part 156: With A Gun

Wow, I am writing this early compared to usual- its 6.16. I guess I have not a lot to do for the next few hours. Unfortunately, this wont take a few hours to write, unless I ramble a lot but I am not one to ramble. I cant stand it when I am reading a blog or a book or anything and people just ramble on in them, I mean what I they trying to do anyway? Fill in space? Add more pages? Rambling: Annoying the world since the Bible. Actually, I am sure people rambled before the Bible too. Dont get me wrong, I have nothing against the Good Book but my goodness does it just go on and on! Never ending stories... Although, having said that some of them are quite interesting but really as if, for example, the world flooded and Noah gathered two of all the animals. I beat you he missed some and then there was like a super epic something that happened in the soil making them fossilize really quickly making them seem millions of years old and thats what dinosaurs really are: the animals Noah couldn't fit or was too scared to go near. Makes sense to me. Anyway the point is I dont like Arcs. Or rambling.

I got up this morning and showered (stops and thinks, do I continue the rambling to annoy you or just go on as normal....? I mean if I continued the rambling, the blog would take longer to write and look much more bulkier when you open it later on to read it thus making it look interesting and such however then you will start reading and realise its just a bunch of rambling about rambling and how annoying it is. Its a bit of a predicament. Now I know how Stewie Griffen felt in that episode of Family Guy I watched the other night. He was deciding whether or not to kill Lois, so he used a simulator to see what would happen if he did. In the end he become superior overlord of the world but then got shot by Peter. Is it really worth becoming superior overlord if you're going to get shot anyway? I guess I am like Stewie because I have to decide whether to become superior overlord [by rambling on] and shooting Lois [not rambling] in the face. You are Peter who will put up with it [superior overlordness/rambling] for a few minutes but then shoot me [by not reading the rest of the blog and its ramblings] thus ending my rambling rein and rendering me dead [on the inside, that is] What a predicament indeed...I think I'll stop rambling, I refuse to be shot) then sat and watched TV while waiting for Jilly to come back from Tescos as today I was going back to the apartment to finish what we started yesterday. At 11.30 we were at the flat and taking all her stuff that she had (which fortunately was not alot) up the four flights of stairs.

When finished we ate lunch then commenced cleaning. I hoovered the kids room to be which I cleaned yesterday and made it look amazing. Well, as amazing as it could be. After that I had Jilly say she just couldnt be bothered cleaning so we should do some shopping instead. Sounded good to me so we made a list of extra things she needed for the house and set of to get them. A few hours of shopping and laughs later (honestly, it was pretty fun but not worth rambling on about) we shoved all her stuff back in the flat started organising bits and bobs and totally finishing the lounge- it actually looks pretty good.

Then we went to the tip and chucked stuff out before getting me dropped back at Als place. Here I have dont pas grands choses, I talked to Al and Jilly for a bit but then wanted to check my facebook so did that. I have been on the computer since.

Thanks for not shooting me,



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