Sunday, August 8, 2010

Part 148: Tik Tok


So last night, I apologise for my lack of blogging but I have a decent excuse. We'll get there.

So yesterday I woke up at 10 which was pretty early considering the time I went to bed and then did my blog (woo!) After, Lois and Anne dawdled downstairs and I said g'day to them and we decided what we wanted to do for the day, it had limited options due to the sad rainy weather. There was stuff to do in the city but we didn't want to go in (I am listening to a really cool song right now on the Muller computer iTunes its called 'That Man' by Caro Emerald, swing kinda stuff I like it so check it out) so we ended up staying inside and, get this, playing Monopoly. Oooohhh yea, we are the cool kids.

At around 3.30 we went and dropped Anne to the train station because she had to go back to another party in Zwolle. It was good meeting her. Back at Lois' place I was happy to hear that even though we didn't finish the game of Monopoly while Anne was here, Lois no longer wanted to continue (thus forfeiting which I couldn't do) and wanted to watch a film instead. We went to the cinema with cake and coffee and watched 'Take the Lead' which was a good mindless movie to stare at and smile along with.

When that finished we went upstairs and I met some of Jelles friends, set the table and the family and 3 extra guests had dinner- chicken. Then Lois and I played on youtube and finding different videos that were funny or that we knew. We also watched some of Hollands got Talent and Popstars because one of Lois'... not friends... not aquaintance... someone she doesn't like much was auditioning (and was actually good and got in). We watched some of the news too because Sneek week was in it- I looked for myself but to no avail.

At 12 o'clock we left and then we partied till 3.30 arriving home and talking until 7.00am. Bed. I should explain this all in tonights blog, because it wasn't yesterday ;)



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