Wednesday, August 4, 2010

part 145: From Lois

Hello everybody!

Here I am myself, 'the famous Lois from Holland' Haha I suppose Doug told stuff about me where we've been together so you already sortof know me in a way and some of you would have to know me too from two and a half years ago when i lived in the greatest city ever... Maryborough! Haha lol but oh well, I actually really enjoyed living there! another great city is Sneek! (mine) Thats where Doug has been too lately which is quite obvious. Oh gosh I really don't know what to write in someone else's blog, it is sortof strange and cool at the same time. Probably also because when I was in Australia I had a blog as well and wrote really quite a lot on it. It's just different now.. If you're interested have a look, don't think you will understand it so there's not really a point doing it but anyway this is the one lois's blog!

I really like having Doug here and do some sightseeing. I feel like a tourist in my own country but oh well it's not bad. Yesterday I showed him two towns close by Sneek, Workum and Hindeloopen. These are two really small cute cities, (very touristical too) it's hard to explain to strangers and Doug said too that you just can't picture it somehow. I find it also funny to see what he find so odd from what I say that's just so normal over here, people do it all the time and I see it all the day. Like we bought a waterbottle because we were thirsty obviously and he absolutely loved the bottle and I was like euhrm, yea sure Doug.. it's a good bottle hmmm. Another example is that we go by bike everywhere instead of walking or by car (we do have cars tho and drive them too) As long as you are in your own town or live close by we go by bike to work, school, city, shopping, everything so when he saw Amsterdam Central station he was amazed how many bikes there were. That also the best spot to do it tho, there were thousands! (I'm not overstating) So the best dutch experience is go biking in the city too! (which I do all the time, except for now I feel like a guide, telling simple facts what's just normal for me) It's also good for me because now I realize what is actually quite special about Holland and Sneek while I normally see it as nothing special at all! Oh well that's enough cliche talk for now haha. My dad loves history too so he explained a lot in his really really bad dunglish (dutch-english) stuff to Doug about how we dutchmen (used to and now) keep our feet dry, because we live below the sealevel. Mainly by dykes but Doug can tell you all about it now because my dad overloaded him with that sort of information a lot! Doug said that he likes telling people about it but I still doubt it... Haha (not completely true because if I really think about it too it is quite interesting) Oooh crap I've gone to the cliche talking again,, damn!
Well what we did yesterday too when we came back from those towns is that we went by boat via a lot of small canals to the Sneeklake. We have a boat in our backyard which doesn't mean we are really rich because many people have it here in Friesland (province in the north of Holland, where I live) because we have sooo much water and lakes around us. So it is nice to go boating or sailing for a day or a few. We had dinner over there, near the lake at a nice restaurant. If I haven't been to Australia and seen how dry it is there it would just keep suprising me what is so odd to Doug, because it's the opposite of dryness over here. We have several massive pumps around the lakes which pump out the water to prevent us from flodding. If they weren't there we would not be able to live here!
So yea in Australia I really missed the water and had to throw out the showerwater in the garden.... but oh well I survived :-) I should send a lake in a postbox to Maryborough!
We are planning on going sailing tomorrow and stay the night over somewhere and after that it's Sneekweek, (the most famous week of Sneek) which is a huge event and very known in Holland. It begun as a big sailingevent and it still is but by the years came past it became pretty much a drinking and partying event as well! Haha I love it (both the sides tho) There is a lot to do and see for everyone so it's cool. Dough picked the right time to come here because it has it's 75th anniversary too so that's even bigger then it normally is! Yaay

Ok I better go now because we have to hang out with the tourist some more ;) Oh and sorry for my possible spelling/grammatical mistakes, let's hope that I speak better then I write. Lol

Goodbye and I might see you again one day!
xoxo 'the dutchie' Lois

P.s We are having a relaxing day so don't be suprised if he is not writing today because it won't be that exciting..

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