Friday, August 13, 2010

Part 152: Weirdest Day Ever


What on earth should I write about today? I had such a busy day! So lat night I didn't blog because I was much to wasted. For some reason going out on a Thursday night is the cool thing for solo pepole to do. I went into the city and partied meeting thousands of people and then waking up in the gutter at 5.30am in the middle of no where.

Hungover I dawdled to the train station and caught the earliest one into Netherlee again. When I arrived home I realised the dog had gone missing. I looked everywhere after realising I left the gate open. Unfortunately I couldn't find the dog which was a bit worrying becuase I still have no idea where he is, I thought he may turn up at home, but apparently not. I was too tired to keep searching so I went to bed only to be woken up by the door bell. I got to the door to see, well you'd never guess, I clown. There was a bunch of circus folk promoting the upcoming circus in a suburb not far from here.

I smiled at the clowns practical joke with his water flower and waved him and his buddies away. As I was closing the door I noticed that the toaster was on fire, I have no idea how, I wasn't even making toast. I ran around looking for anything to put the fire out and only found a blanket which I used which worked at making the fire better... better? Or Worse? Much worse. The blanket caught too so I ran upstairs to the shower and grabbed a bucket, filled it and poured it over the fire which had no ruined the kitchen. Fortunately the neighbours must have noticed because the firemen arrived and saved the day. I panicked at the fact that I had burnt the kitchen of my hosts house down so I packed my stuff into my bag and ran out of the house, I left a note apologising so mum, dad, if you hear from Jilly or Al, asking for money politely say I have disappeared off the face of the earth.

Anyway, on the way to the train station (I dont actually know where I was going to go at that point...) I had a random car pull over and grab my stuff and then shove me in the boot of their car. I had been kidnapped! I mean, honestly in Netherlee/Muirend? Who'd a thought that possible? Bah! So there I was in the car just wondering whether I would be murdered or held for ransom when they stopped randomly pulled me out of the car and started shouting in some language I didn't understand. I noticed that one of the dudes was particularly loud but quite stupid and it annoyed his friend. Actually, he was shouting at his mate then his mate got angry so they started just yelling so I used this time to sneak away and grab my stuff...

Free at last, I wondered through my new surroundings, it appeared to be a suburban area but I think I must have been in the car for about 30 minutes so I had no idea. I ended up going up to a house and explained to them my bizarre situation. It was lovely because they offered me tea and said I could use their phone to call someone. I asked if I could use their computer instead and used their internet to find a couch surfing host in the Glasgow area. Somehow I immediately found one and then trained into the city and was met by James and Anna who are 25 and living together a 10 minute drive from Queen St. Station.

By this time it was about 7.3o, I was exhausted and hungry so we had some dinner (McDonalds) and then they went out (its friday night) so then I sat and watchede TV, Big Brother eviction night tonight. I should probably call Moira and Brian to tell them where I am and that I'm okay.

I dont know what I'll do tomorrow or when Lois gets here, it'll be interesting. Anyway all is well. Today was eventful to say the least...

Anyway, I'm off!


p.s. Todays blog is all utter nonsense. Today was as dull as the colour grey. Its odd living on my own. I did clean the entire house and ten went to go post something only to realise it was 4.30. Then I went to take te dog for a walk but then the next door neighbours came and said they were taking the dog for a walk and took him... so... I didn't do that either.


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