Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Part 151: August Augmented

Look! More green, I just need Spain and Portugal, maybe Ireland too and that would look so much cooler. Oh well. SOOO much to see....

Hm, I don't really know if the title is misleading, I didn't do anything much today except make plans.. or start to make plans which will thus improve the quality of this month.

So, I got news from Lois saying she has booked flights to come to Scotland for a few days this month- I love it! She'll be here the 26th and I cannae wait! I can tour her around Glasgow and do something fun in Scotland that I haven't done yet either! Oh and of course we'll go to Edinburgh for the end part of the Edinburgh Festival. This brings me to the next thing I have organised: I am going to Edinburgh this weekend too to visit Vicky! That should be good, no idea how that is going to work yet or where I'll stay but I am doing something.

I also took the dog for a walk which was lovely, he was depserate for it and I wanted to get out of the house for a while... I still need to make contact with my family here too. I'll do that tomorrow. Thursday. I still haven't heard from Jilly or Al so I hope they're enjoying themselves.

I made cabonara for tea again but this time tried hard to make it better than last time and pwned at it! I am getting better at that! Haha, I have to like learn how to cook more things... Like back in the day with Kelsey. Every Wednesday we would cook dinner for the family with dessert too- we were so pro! Mm, nostalgia.... *drools*

Oh, yesterday I didn't blog but thats because I spent 5 hours on skype with Tam, interesting for me but for a blog, perhaps not! Oh and I saw foxes. Lots of foxes. They live outside at night, in fact if I looked now, I would see them. (please not I went looking for foxes and I saw none from the window-feil)



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