Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Part 155: Grimer and Muk

Hello readers!

So today I woke up at 9 to the sounds of (my God its so dark in here I'm off to turn the light on...I CAN SEE!) Jilly and the kids preparing for school. I thought of getting up and saying 'good morning' to them however I thought more of lying i bed and pretending to sleep. I did that until Jilly came in and said I should get up to be ready to go to her new place.

I got up out of bed and hopped into the shower then dawdled down to have breakfast. I sat and watched Americas Next Top Model. They were in Amsterdam which was cool because they were going around in boats in the canals and I was like... ptch, been there. All was going well until Jilly came and said we were going, not that it was a bad thing, I just wanted to know who got eliminated. God I hope it was Marjorie. What a lump. She is like a moose. Anyway, not important... I grabbed my shoes and brushed my teeth before jumping into the car and we were off to Micky D's for breakfast. Please note that once again, I for some reason had two unhealthy breakfasts. What a lump.

We got our Maccas to go because we had to be at the flat in time for Al who was coming at 10.30 to hang up Jillys new curtains. Now I should add here that Jillys flat is spacious for the kind of flat it is but it is the flithiest most minging thing I have ever seen. It makes a highschool common room that hasn't been cleaned for a year look like a hospital in terms of cleanliness. This isn't in anyway Jillys fault, its just because she needed a flat ASAP and this was the quickest she could get. I can not explain to you how disgusting this flat was. We have three days to clean it and make it liveable. When we arrived there was a plumber there finishing Jillys bathroom which is new for some reason... Good though. At least that room was clean.

So, I was assigned the lounge room. Armed with bleach, hot water with floor cleaner and 30 sponges I attacked! It was gross. One wipe of anything turned the water black. Blargh. It also took a few hours and going over everything a few times. Theres not much to exlain really but in the end, the room looked cleaner. Almost standard, it needs a going over with scrubbing again then normal cleaning products to look clean. Dont even get me started on the floor. I mean, whoever lived there before Jilly is so disgusting. I found cigarette butts on the floor and got chewy stuck on my arm. Ew. Fortunately, the place does have potential, once its clean, it will be decent. Sorry Jilly I just slandered your place... Fortunately, Jilly knows and agrees.

So yea I was at the house cleaning for 7 hours (10-5) until Al (who left like 2 hours ago) came back and dropped the kids off who learned last night the Jilly was moving out and was keen to see the house. They weren't phased by this development and liked the flat. Cool. I kept the kids entertained for the last 20 minutes until we left for dinner. KFC. I was a bit grossed out by the food I was shoving in my mouth especially after my unhealthy breakfast and lack of lunch but it filled the hole and yea... ew KFC.

Got home, sat with beer talking to Jilly, the health streak continues, and then watched the Simpsons. I am waiting for Big Brother again... woo! omgomgomg the Final is on Tuesday I am sad because its gonna finish sooooon. Shattered. Corin for the win!

I smell like bleach, my hands are dry and I am scared I picked up some disease however, tomorrow will be better because the house is halfway done! Haha, actually, I find cleaning theraputic because I just put the iPod in and scrub away left to my thoughts. I quite enjoy it, actually. I also like going "OMG JILLY WTF IS THAT?" and then having a bitching session about the people who lived there before her and how gross they were. Its good.

Now I am offskiing, toodlepip!


p.s. Title is a total Pokemon reference.

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