Monday, August 16, 2010

Part 154: Free Toast

Precious few readers, hello.

Today was a bit of a busy one. I woke up in the morning to the sounds of the kids getting ready for their first days of school. I hopped out of bed because last night they asked me to wish them well for school. Its their new year- bizarre! I did that and as they went of to school I showered and got ready for Jilly who was, upon returning from dropping the kids off, was taking me to a house to help clean it up.

On the way we got Maccas for breakfast as what should be done when you're off to clean a bombsite. Or so I was told. We left with our coffees in hand and upon arriving at the place we realised it was a wee bit messier than what we expected. We couldn't do anything because some of the mess was too big and thus we needed someone else to do it. We ended up going over to a shopping mall to do some shopping which included going to various places picking up bits and bobs. We got a free toaster! FREE! I love toasters. Well, free toasters anyway. I love toast! Toast.

Ermm, after shopping we came back home and I played some Zelda and sat outside talking to Jilly over tea - the drink, not the meal. After, we had some to go pick up some photos from the framing shop and then go grocery shopping. We talked to the dude in the photo shop for like 30 minutes about his upcoming trip to America which was thrilling... Then after the shopping we went and picked up the kids for l'ecole.

Jilly hada doctors appointment so I had to go take the kids to Sallys dance registration. I walked us there which was fun because we made it into a race and it was good. (I love 'friends' its on now and very funny) Um, when we got there we had to wait in a huge queue of mothers so I just played i-spy with Sally and let AJ race around bumping into some kid and knocking him over haha... I did apologise to the Mum haha. Hm. I think I was the only non-mother guardian there which was odd. Oh! And L!TJBTC (Lol! The Janitor Broke The Clock- completely smashed it it was so funny and he was so embarrassed becuase the room went silent and stared at him) When I got up to register Sally there was a panel of young women sitting there who sat us down and asked who we were and why Sally wanted to dance. It was almost intimidating. I then had to sign as Sallys parent/guardian which I was like... I dont even know if thats allowed. I did explain that Jilly wanted me to fill in for her and they were so impressed by my Australianess (no joke- they made me blush being so happy that I was Australian, it was awkward, I heard them giggle when I said 'cya'... I mean really...) that it didnt matter. Sally was registered so we celebrated with ice cream.

Anyway, back at home I had to baby sit the kids as Jilly went out which was okay because baby-sitting them involves watching TV. My only job is to put them to bed at the right time- which I forgot... Aj went to bed on his own, bless, but he unfortunately went to sleep in his school uniform so when I realised this I had to wake him and he was grumpy and didnt listen. Luckily Jilly was here by this point so I let her deal with it as I watched 'The Simpsons'. Good system.

I am now typing this making sure its finished before Big Brother starts so I dont go on about it again tonight. Chyeaah.

p.s Sparky the dog is absolutely minging. Stinky dog and he is right near me and I dislike it.

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