Sunday, August 22, 2010

Part 158: 200 Days!

Please note that the title is meant to be read aloud with the tune of '12 Days of Christmas'' line: 5 Golden Rings. All glorified like. 5GOLDEN RIIIIINGS/TWO -HUNDRED DAAAAAYS! See, works a treat.

Yes my friends today marks my 200th day of being overseas. Away from you all and did you want to know how I felt all day? Sick. I actually had a headache which was a bit of a bummer. Other than that today was a fair average day. I did as little as possible just to avoid making me throw up- not that it was that bad really I just didn't feel 100%. It was okay though because I just played the Wii with AJ and got absolutely pwned. That kid is a gun on Mario Kart. I also played Zelda which I am up to the very last part but I cannae be bothered doing so. Hopefully I do it before I leave so I can claim yet another achievement during my time here. Haha-

Friend: So, Doug, what do you feel you achieved while you were overseas?

Me: Oh you know, learnt how to ski, became braver, learnt how to act in various worldy situations, I achieved self-perfection and became genuinely the best person in the world... oh and I beat Zelda. Thats probably the best one.

Friend: Oh, ha... Thats nice... *thinks: Unfriended.*


Oh, Theres this add on TV for Fosters and I love it because some Brit is useless in social situations so he calls his two Australian friends who use all the stereotypical Australian slang BUT solve his problem. This shows that Australians are clearly the most useful people in the world. Clearly. Mmmm... arrogance *drools*

So anyway! 200 days! I miss you but will see you SOON!

Stirling tomorrow- best check in with Gatens to make final arangements... Hmmm



p.s Note I did not mention Big Brother even though I am watching it... Impressed?

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