Saturday, February 13, 2010

Part 9: Sickie, the bowling artist

Yes.. the name of part 9 is a bit odd, but it sums up my day pretty well I think.
The first part, sickie. That is me. I have a cold and it is not nice at all :( I hate it. I mean, really its not the worst cold in the world but I can see it getting worse and I dont want it too. Also, this morning it was pretty bad. I had watery eyes, head aches sniffles, the works! I spent this morning being very antisocial and hiding in my room. I apologise for this! I was tired and just needed to chillax alone for a bit. I had some convos and such, which was good.
Today, Tim and Bastien both had two seperate birthday parties to go to. At 12ish, we had lunch together (All of us, Carole and Fanny as well) which was duck, chicken, lettuce and, oh shoot, stupid. English. My brain is deteriorating. I cant speak French or English anymore... those little things that people eat with pips in them... whatever, not important. I didnt eat them anyway. I also had various staring competitions with Fanny and Bastien at lunch, I dont know why... It was fun though but they liked clicking in your eye to make you blink...

After, Carole dropped the kids off to their respective parties and then took Fanny, herself and I to a place just outside of Chambery (I think) to go play bowling! It was a bit random really but it did help me pick up my mood. I was feeling pretty crook in the car and was wondering how I was gonna cope playing something that involved taking more than a step but, upon arriving and seeing the bowling centre, my sickness decided to go on vacation for the next hour or so.
We had to queue up for a bit before being given a lane, but it was okay because it gave me time to take in my surroundings. The bowling centre was very specky. It had so many lights and shiny things that were mesmorising and colourful. It was a very very impressive bowling place. There was also a lolly shop thing, a bar and an arcade place there as well oh, and a million billiard tables too! We went to our lane on the other end of the complex thing and commenced bowling. Carole decided that for us two, we wouldnt have bumpers! None of us were any good so this was a bit worrying and the worry was only amplified within the first 5 seconds. Carole was up first and bowled a foot fault/9. Then me, I, in true Doug bowling fashion, bowled -/- then Fanny, with bumpers bowled a 3/4. Fanny was a very.. interesting bowler, she couldnt quite get the grasp of it, but it was very amusing to watch and she enjoyed herself, so that was good. After the first few, I got a bit thirsty and then shouted us all a bottle of drink each and a cup of kitkat ball things. T'was sooo worth it. I had Cherry Coke... I had never heard of it before, but it was really nice. I liked it.
After a few more bowls, I started to remember some of the tricks Lachlan taught me last time we went and got the hang of it. In the end the Sedunary triumphed with a score of 77 trailed closely behind by Fanny on 73 then Carole on 63. It was a really fun game though and we all got some laughs.

When we had finished our game, Fanny wanted to play in the arcade so I gave her two races on the motorcycles (winning both times bwahaha!) and then the three of us played air hockey. It was doubles air hockey, but because there were only three it was Fanny and Carole take on me. It was a good match, but in the end, I was defeated 5-4... we think... The scores didnt really say whose was whose, and we didnt pay all that much attention. Fanny swears it was like that so, it probably was... Hmm
When bowling had finished w picked up Tim from his party then drove home. There.. what did I do? I... played games probably. Yes! I did, with Fanny and Tim we played 'Snap' and 'Mille bourn (spelling?)' more time passed which my brain again, has decided not to store. What is going on?! Later, Carole told me that another kid in town had invited me to his place. He is my age (well, 17) so I was pretty stoked to have the opportunity to meet him. I was still feeling a lttle flat but, who cares, I was going to go anyway. I had tea (chicken and pasta stuff -was good!) then at around 9ish had Vincent (the new friend/ artist [he isnt an artist, but his name reminds me of art because of Van Gogh..]) came and collect me. He lives down the road so we walked up to his place. My first impression of him was that he was a pretty descent guy. He speaks English a little bit so we had cool conversations phasing in and out of the two languages.

We started off by talking about music and such.. not much in common there. Then we talked about hobbies, not much in common there either. Somehow though, we seemed to get along okay. He seems like a good person to know too. He has a diploma in teaching snowboarding and has offered to teach me. He also offered to take me to different places when he goes there and such and also to some pretty crazy parties (judging by his dicriptions) so that could be either very fun or very scary haha, we'll see. Anyway, as I said, good to know. After the initial getting to know you and future plan ideas, we realised we had nothing to do in the present. We made our ay to the local bar which I hadnt been to yet. Unfortunately it was closed so we went back and started watching Casino Royale, in french, of course. Both of us kinda got bored and tired though so I ended up going to leave. As I was leaving though, his mother offered me some cake and join them (I didnt mention, the parents where eating and hosting another couple) Being polite, and slightly curious about cake, I sat down and started to chat away. The family are pretty much in love with Australia and I recieved my first 'G'day mate' jokes. They have visted Aus a few times and their house is just full of Australiana. The dad also plays the didgerigoo which made me laugh. It was cool. I also tried some french wine which was actually very nice.

After the cake and wine, Vincent showed me his snowboard which, with my limited knowledge, seemed pretty good. He showed me the basics of snow boarding on grass too, just to spike my interest I guess. Soon after, I went back inside, thanked them for having me and left. I was a bit sad to go, because I would have liked to stay a little bit longer and chat but I figured, they were hosting, and I did say I was tired and wanted to go before the cake... So I didnt want to make it seem like I was only staying for food... yea.. I hope I hear back from them soon too, they seemed to like me and I think it will be a nice family to know and have as friends. :)
Back at home, I watched the tail end of a Smallville episode and then chatted to Carole for a while before both of us got tired and decided to go to bed. I then came an wrote in my travel journal and typed this. Voila.

I enoyed today.


  1. What a great day for you...after chatting to you in the morning I was a tad concerned...but you always seem to have something exciting, or at least positive, happen. I love your pictures in your blog too. They make it more interesting. So glad you have met someone around your age...I hope the friendship continues for you!

  2. Great to read your updates Doug. We miss you too!
    But hey, take a tip from an old traveller - don't wait for someone else, or some magical friend to turn up. Go out and do things, go places etc by yourself!! I've been doing it for centuries! There are loads of towns and villages you could investigate - every French town seems to have its own church, market, museum etc., and certainly its own character. As you say, you have loads of time - get out there and enjoy the most wonderful country that is France. You are in a great area - and France of course is Not just Paris!!
    Lotsa xxx
    Kersie :-)
