Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Part 12: Well, sort of...


I apologise for my absense, but I really really have done NOTHING the last two days. The only reason I am posting at all today is to inform you I am alive and well.

My sickness is a fair bit better today and should hopefully finish clearing up tomorrow, but we shall see.. Yesterday was awful, I couldnt move really and felt like utter shmit. The family went out skiing so that left me time to just sleep, play the piano and msn. I also did a load of washing. Woot! Also, last night Benoits sister-in-law came and dropped off her daughter Flore (I think thats right, either way its pronounced like floor but with an exaggerated French 'r' which sounds more like rehgckhhh... yes, that is exactly how you spell it! :P) I havent spoken to her much at all because she is always of busy playing with Fanny and then when near me, be quiet. She did pour me a drink and vice versa and we did exchange 'merci's' but thats about it I think... She is here until tomorrow and staying because she can over the holidays (I think)

Today, was a bit better but not really... I spent the majority in my room again (sorry Carole!) just chatting away on MSN and generally resting up. It was good. I still had random hits of wanting to vomit but now, they seem to be gone and I feel like 'I can mend with a cure so unreal... tooomorrrooow!' Yes... I just quoted myself. How awful. This is good because tomorrow I am going to Grenoble (on my own in the morning to do some touristy things/errands) then also to go to the museum of Natural History .. or something like that with Tim and Carole. Should be good.

I also helped Tim solve a triceratops puzzle today, that was fun, but he put the last piece in even though I wanted to... haha :) I also watched Merlin with Bastien and Florehgckhhh. Merlin is such a bad show. I think I am mainly put off by the graphics in it (damn Avatar standards!) but, Bastien likes to watch it and today it was in French so it was good to watch and test my comprehension out. I am getting quite frustrated with French already haha. I dont feel like I am getting any better (my fault really, I avoid speaking it too much...but I am so bad, I dont sound anything like the French.. at all!) Comprehension is good enough to get me plots and such too, I understand whats going on and for the most part, why but I miss little dialogues and other things that add interest. Its quite annoying. Gr.

Right that was my rant. And that was also my blog. I am alive. I am not well. But I will be :D

Also, the poll is practically closed now, this means that you guys have voted (the non-lazy ones who logged on and voted *glares at the rest*) You have chosen to keep it the same, so be prepared for more pointless blogs about my day-to-day life and bloody enjoy them :)

No photos today either.... Oh okay, if you insist. I'll chuck some up of my messy room (with tissues, and tourist magazines and OHMIGOO [<---lol, Ellen] A PACKAGE FROM TIM AND DI! They sent me this awesome Photo holder thing I love it soooo much XD I'll add a photo of it as well...)

Standing from my door looking can see my bed with: Laptop, Pajamas, pair of jeans, opened package, tissues, Notes for France Journal (white square near latop) my first travel Journal (green square near laptop) travel mags, my extra doona, extra blanket, window, chair, powerplug, lightswitch 1 and just behind the pillow on the right, is my hanging photo mobile thing.. you cannot really see it properly though...

Standing from the corner you just saw, looking at the door. Here, you can see my bed again, a cahir, my desk thing with a tissue box, train timetable for tomrrrow, camera case, BROKEN rubix cube [mum, in my top draw on my far bedside table, there is another two rubix cubes, well there should be, please send me one...), books, Michelle and Rubys envelopes and paper, French dictionary, deodorant, drugs and vitamines. On my bedside table (lol, I am doing this for my amusment, not yours) lamp, battery charger, clock, cards from before I left, a cup, Tams scrapbook. Oh and on the floor near the door is my laundry bag... Sigh... tidy up soon

this is what the package contained. It hangs on my bed and has photos that were spare in Tams scrap book :) I do want more photos though ... I will have to buy lots of photo paper and print photos out... and lightswitch behind haha.

Okay, c'est tout! Au revoir...extent of my french? Probably :P

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