Friday, February 19, 2010

Part 14: A bit of Everything

I had a pretty full day today, I did a few different things. The morning was a nice one, rising at 10.30 added to this. I got up, had a shower and then had breaky. Being Friday, it was time for my weekly webcamming session with the family in Australia. I thought it would be fun to introduce the kids to my family, but I couldnt find them, except Tim. I grabbed Tim and told him to bring his toys and have a chat to the rents and sis.

The conversation was a good one. Tim introduced his toys to my mum and dad and explained who was what and what they did. Parents sat smiling and occasionally asking for a translation, luckily, I could do this! Tim is pretty easy to translate usually, because he says the same things alot (sometimes however, he spurts out random things like the other day 'mum, we havent hugged for a while' in the middle of a dinner conversation. It throws me out haha) Anyway, after a bit, Bastien came to see what was going on and then he too met my parents and sister. They chatted away for a little bit then sat awkwardly for a little bit, then chatted some more. After a little bit Tim left and then came back with his massive fluffy kitty toy and took much pleasure in shoving that infront of the camera... It was funny. Soon, I thought I might as well knock the three birds out with one stone and got Tim to get Fanny (and Flore, who was still here and I actually talked to!) they came in and chatted away as well. Eventually, the kids decided to start attacking each other and jumping around, so the conversation didnt develop much for a while until they left for a while... It was a good morning.

Straight after the convo, I got called to lunch which was... actually I dont even know. It was pasta and other stuff all mixed together, I liked it. During lunch we were discussing what I wanted to do in the afternoon. The kids were going rockclimbing again and were asking me to come with them, me being me, said no. So then Carole decided I might like to go to a shopping center while they were climbing, I had some stuff to buy, and wanted to get out so I thought it was a great idea. Unfortunately (or fortunately?), Bastien did go on about the rock climbing and in the end I caved making the deal to go to the plaza first with Carole and Tim then after 1.5hours I would go do rock climbing for a few. We got ready, and off we went.

After dropping the kids at the rock climbing we drove to the shopping center. I started off walking around with Carole and Tim but then Tim needed the toilet and I needed to go to 'Carrefour' to get some stationary stuff so we split up deciding to meet up at 3pm (an hour away) I went to Carrefore and then spent half an hour in the bloody queue which ruined my chances of a good tour of the shops... I really wanted to buy a new shirt... I am already sick of wearing the same clothes day-in day-out... sigh. I didnt get round to that because after my quick whizz round, it was time to meet up with Carole and Tim. We quickly got a drink and a quick snack (woo! :P) and then left for the rockclimbing place.

I didnt like the idea of being there, I knew I would have to spend the next few hours watching everyone climb and not actually climb myself. It started out not too bad though, Tim was climbing one of the easy walls and the others were all off doing there own things, so I just walkede around taking photos and talking to everyone when I got the chance. Eventually, I was conned into climbing a wall myself. How I let this happen, I dont know. I started off on the easy wall and stupidly, with my camera in hand. I dont know how, but I managed to get up with relative ease but then struggled to take a photo from so high up without freaking out and embarrassing myself. I managed, and then abseiled down ready to try another wall. I decided to do the walls using only one colour (you know, they have different coloured 'rocks' to climb with and you just pick one clolour and only use those rocks..) that added challenge. I have no idea why I wanted this challenge because the whole time I was constantly rememebering that I was high in the air, not enjoying myself. Haha, nah in all seriousness, the climbing was actually quite fun. I just didnt like letting go of the wall to lean back and fall. Oh well, I am alive.

After the walls, they took me to the... whats the word.... the place were you climb without harnesses or anything, its not high and its quite challenging. I really enjoyed this the best. It was fun, Bastien took me around and told me what to do and I did them all. It was fun :) yes...

Eventually, it was time to go. Flore got picked up by her dad and so it was back to Carole, Bastien, Fanny, Tim and I. We drove home and got home at about 6.30ish so tea was needed. Carole had to go get some fruit from the shops, so I was in charge of putting the pre-made/frozen pizza in the oven, setting the table getting ready etc. I did this and then dinner was served. It was a very quiet dinner, I dont know why. Anyway, straight after, I got ready to go out to see a play with Carole.

The play was incredibly incredibly I cannot stress how difficult it was for me to understand. It was a comedy. I got the plot but I understood none of the jokes or anything, so really it might as well have been in spanish and I wouldnt have really noticed. Oh well, it was funny because the actors had a giggling fit after something went wrong, so I got at least on laugh, and there were somethings that I understood and got a chuckle out of but the audience loved it and so I think it was a not too bad play all up.

The play finished at around 10.30 so we came home and I went straight to my room and typed this. I still have to write my bloody written journal from yesterday and today... yay... Oh well. I dont think anything is happening tomorrow and I have a project to start so at least thats exciting. I am slightly sad though, I am going to get so bloody attached to it, and I am going to give it away D:

Right photo, quick and smart. I took so many at the rock climbing place today but some turned out awful and others I cant use so you just get one.. Just quickly, the poll has finished now, you have voted to keep the blog the same. Congratulations, I am keeping it the same (+photos, which people seem to prefer..)

a photo I took from way up high after my climb up. I was so proud of myself using a camera so high up withOUT hyperventilating.

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