Thursday, February 18, 2010

Part 13: Creepy

I don't have a clue how to start today's blog... Its not like its remarkable I just don't have a starting point. Staring at the screen thinking 'what should I say first? Explain the title or get into it?' Screw the title, its almost self-explanatory so.. Lets go!

Righto, this morning I woke up early (8.30) pumped and enthused by the idea of going in to Grenoble for the day. I was going to actually do something rather than sit in my room feeling sick! I was stoked!! I also felt much better too, I still had a bit off a sniffly nose, but all in all I felt back on my feet and ready to roll. I showered and had breakfast. It was good because I was eating at the same time as Flore and Carole this morning. I dont recall eating breakfast with other people in a very long time... (sleep-ins, gotta love 'em) Carole was having a dilemma in regards to her stools. This morning she had a guy come to fix up the seat part of her kitchen stools and after much discussion over colours and themes that would suit the room with him, she decided on a light silver. Carole was worried that she should have picked a darker silver rather than the one she chose. Me, not having seen any of them, had to imagine the colour, and they both seem to match (in my head). We discussed her decision and I think agreed that it should look good but, really, I guess we'll have to wait and see... Meanwhile Flore sat quietly not quite sure about what we were talking about (until Fanny came in and reminded Carole to speak French, which was good... sorta :P)

After breaky I went and gathered my things and then went down to the Kiosque to get a photo developed to put on my train discount card thing. The photo is awful haha... Then, killed half an hour on MSN until Carole drove me into Goncelin where I went to catch the train at 10.30ish. After waving goodbye I went into the station where I saw a train pull up. Paranoid, I asked if that was my train to Grenoble. The guy at the station looked at me very confused-like then rambled on about how there isnt a train to Grenoble at all until 1.30. I grabbed a nearby timetable and turns out, he was right. I was so confused now, Carole and I checked it all out last night, we internetted to find the times and everything! Sigh... No train meant no Grenoble which meant I needed to get back home! I rang the Beylier house and Bastien answered. I told him briefly my situation and he said he would pass it on to Carole when she got home. 15 minutes later Carole came back and was also confused. After re-checking the timetable, it turned out we were looking at the Grenoble-Chambery line rather than the Chambery-Grenoble line... Bugger. We drove back home and it was decided that I would just wait and go in to Grenoble with Tim and Carole when they go to the Museum of Natural History at 1.40.

I went back on the computer (whats new?) and played scrabble online for a bit until lunch. Then played cards with Tim until it was time to go. We drove into Grenoble and parked just to the side of the Museum. Upon arriving at the museum we met up with people and had a quick look at the park/garden thing. It was so nice and was topped off by perfect weather (sunny, at least...) Tim played on a triceratops life-size model thing until it was time for him and Carole to start a tour for kids thing... I dont really know 100% what it was, but it meant I was on my own until 4.40 to do whatever I want in Grenoble. The logical thing now would have been to go into the Museum, but no, I wanted to explore Grenoble a bit better and that is exactly what I did.

I left the park after a quick whizz around with my camera and left in search of the main part of the town. I had a vague idea thanks to Carol pointing it all out to me last night so I kind of just walked, hoping I would find the Maccas we went to the other day, to orientate myself with. After about 2 minutes of walking I entered this like.. garden square thing. It was Grenoble Prefecture (I dont know if thats what its called or if thats like a hotel there or something but, its something to do with Prefecture) It was just amazing. I will add a photo of one of the buildings. They were so cool and with the mountains in the background it was just spectacular. It was great to walk through and see the people sitting and people watching. I loved it for some reason. It just had a great feel.

On the other side of the Prefecture, there was a tram stop. This was great news, it meant I was on the right track! I continued forward until I saw a familiar place - the car park where we parked last time I was in Grenoble. Excellent! I could now work out my own way into the main part of the town. I spent the next few hours just dawdling around in awe of the buildings, mountains, people and atmosphere of the city. It was just so cool. It reminded me a bit of Melbourne really, there were trams and people asking for donations for wwf etc. but it was much more exciting because it was all really new to me and thus awesome. I didnt go into many shops but every time I did, I picked well because I saw something I wanted to buy for someone! I didnt buy much at all though, just because I dont want to rush to much into souvenir shopping, I will do that when I am leaving France, but now I have some great spots to keep in mind for that time. :)

Eventually, like all good things, my time to ponder and explore were over and I made my way back (miraculously, how I remembered where I was the whole time, I dont know...) to the car were I was met by Carole and Tim. Apparently they missed out on a dinosaur fossil display in the museum so we went back and did that then went outside and chatted for a while with the other people they were with, then we left to go pick up Bastien and Fanny who had gone rock climbing with friends for the day (forgot to mention, sorry) We got to the rockclimbing place which looked.. not so great on the outside, but pretty neat on the inside. The kids were half way up some wall and enjoying themselves. How someone can enjoy putting themselves through pysical agony to get to a certain height, which is too high anyway, to touch the roof of a random building I'll never know. Anyway... We stayed there for a bit and Carole bumped into someone who she new 7 years ago but drifted away from, so they had a catch up chat as I stood there awkwardly watching climbers go up and down, up and down, up and down and so on, did I mention its a really pointless sport? Oh well. Its better than the sport I do, typing! *pants* this is so exhausting.

Back at home I did not too much really. I dont really know. I think I computered for a bit (x-treme) then set the table and talked to Carole then had tea and thennnn watched Smallville. I am sure I have missed something in there... what was it... Hm... Ergh, dunno.

Right photo-time because you love it.

Tim on the Triceratops

A photo of the prefecture place, I am sorry it doesnt do it much justice (I found this image which is slightly more worthy of exsisting to represent this magnificent place

Ah yes, the main town part. If you recall the maccas photo (of the building) that is behind me on my left a wee bit. Here, you can see all the people dining at the cafes, shops are everywhere, mountains and a pretty little fountain at the back. It was just so cool.

Thats all for today, Uru guys, I am off to sleep (it is now 1.15am) Actually, I have to do my writing journal thing now, for myself... sigh... I might do it in the morning. xP Oh! Before I go, the 'creepy' in the title refers to two things:
1. This nights smallville eps were eerier than usual, it lost its silly fluffiness for a bit haha
2. it post 13... duh!!

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