Thursday, February 25, 2010

Part 20: Taking The Boots Off

Wow! So, nothing went as planned but thank god, what an amazing day. I have to start with last night because that was missed so, I will start there...

Last night...The cake I made with Fanny turned out to be a bit of a.. not quite disaster. It didnt set correctly, but it tasted oh so good. How we mucked up, I really dont know. Anyway, We ended up getting little bowl things and putting it in them so people at the gathering could have personalised bowls. Then Carole sprinkled it with sugar and it looked like it was meant to be like that. We agreed to say it was anyway. At around 7.30 Tim's baby sitter Camille came. Camille is 22 and Carole has been wanting to introduce me to her since my arrival as she has as much free time as I do, I think. A good buddy to have apparently. I went downstairs to do the formalities and meet her. Self-conscious about my French thats about as far as we got, except for the occasional conversation about geography with Tim that we could both comment on.

At 8.00 we said goodbye to Tim and Camille and left for the Marcoux's place. When I got there all the hello's and how are you's were quickly over with and I was left to fend for myself with Vincent, Clara and there friend Manu. I say fend because, although they were very very nice people, they spoke in a language that was not French at all. It sounded more like 'le uhhcroissantuuuhheuhhghh' in other words, I could pick up a few things but the rest was just slurr. Stupid Teenagers and their stupid articulation issues. Oh well, luckily, Clara lived in Australia for a year and thus had good English and Vincent can hold a conversation therefore, if I got lost and they noticed, they would give me a quick update on the conversation. Manu tried her very best but her English was just not quite up to the same standard. She articulated the most though!

Dinner was served in an informal manner so you just ate when you felt like it. I have absolutely no where to go with that sentence... it was just a statement of fact....

Moving on! After sitting for a while with the teens and trying to chat sometimes (also, getting picked on for the way Australians say 'No', they tried to show me what was funny about it, apparently it sounds like 'noey' to them? lol) We went down to Claras room and watched her in some old dance concert videos. They got thrills out of pointing out people they knew and such, so I sat awkwardly until occasional questions slipped out from them or I. The language barrier really was killing me. I had nothing to say due to my lack of ability to say anything so I really hope they still like me at least a little. I must have been a bit odd... haha :S Anyway, also due to my lack of ability to communicate I decided to not go to the part last night. According to Clara, it would be a waste of time because no one would bother trying to speak to me because its that kind of crowd and so I would end up being bored whilst everyone got absolutely blind and such. A bit disappointed I declined Vincents final offer before he and Manu left at 10.30.

With just Clara and I the only teenagers remaining we joined the adults and didnt speak much at all. I dont know why. Oh well. The adults chatted away in a much more articulate manner and thus was sometimes actually comprehensible and thus allowed me to have some input in the conversation. That was good... Anyway! After a while and lots of dessert we decided to leave I think it was just about midnight. Oh! also, Vincents mum wants me to teach Vincents 14 year old brother English. Apparently, he has no interest in learning it, doesnt listen to his mum when she tries to help him and she was hoping I could help out. We'll see.

Back at home Camille was watching Hannah Montannah in French upstairs. I actually talked to her a little bit then. Later, when she was leaving, we also exchanged numbers and I think something about her teaching me how to cook (...this had nothing to do with the cake, I think its just something she likes to do) was mentioned. that could be a good hobby. Anyway, at around 1.00ish I ended up getting to bed knowing full well I had to be up at 8.00am. Now, I was going skiing.

This morning! Okay, I woke up got dressed had breakfast and got changed into snow gear than off we we went at about 9.15 to go to 'Les 7 (Sept) Laux' ski resort. Its near a village called Prepoutel and is apart of the Alp-Alps, not the Pre-Alps. Anyway so it was Carole, Bastien, Fanny, Tim and I all skiing (Bastien hasnt ski'd in like 5 years or something so was like newbie today like me!) Fanny had a slalom competition thing which was the main reason we were there so upon arriving, me Tim and Bastien stayed around the car while Fanny got registered and everything. Tim and Bastien decided to pummel me with snow balls, which was okay until the realised the could shove them down my jacket and shirt and thus it would be right on my skin, stuck in my shirt and melt there leaving me freezing... luckily Carole came and then we went and that was that. Or was it? (dun dun duuun!)

We all started off on an easy hill. I was not too bad considering I had ski'd once before and not for a little while. I only fell once and that was because after a while Bastien (who was much worse than me in the beginning but caught up quickly) and I grew bored and decided to race. I was fine until I turned to fast and crossed ski's. I was such a noob back then! By this time, Tim and Carole had left up a chair lift to the next highest part of the mountain to stay with Fanny so me and Bastien, acting all pro, decided to go up and take on a higher difficulty mountain. We did fine- serious. We had a few falls but all-in-all I think we were not too bad... Until we decided to go through a forest. What were we thinking? It was so much the fact that there were trees everywhere to run into while skiing, but there were trees everywhere that my ski's got stuck on when I fell right at the end. I couldnt get up for like 10 minutes... Stupid. It was really fun though.

After, Bastien and I were wondering where everyone was so we went to the meeting spot and tried calling Carole on my phone. no luck, answering machine. Not too fussed, we ordered oringinas (a French soft drink) and sat for a while until growing impatient and deciding to search. We found them when we were on the chairlift and then met them quickly after it was nearly Fannys turn to compete, so we stayed and cheered her on, which was great. Then with Tim and Carole, we took the same path back down the mountain that we just did before. I got stuck in the trees again. Idiot.

Lunch was next. I was hungry so I suggested lunch. No one was really hungry except Tim so it was decided that Tim and I would eat and the rest would keep skiing. Tim and I walked around the shops trying to find one that had free seats inside (it had started to rain) eventually we found one (which also happened to be the meeting point) and we sat and had lunch. I had a cheeseburger and Tim had a maaaassive plate of spaghetti that I ended up eating most of. At 2.30 the rest joined us and had their lunches while I had a hot chocolate and Tim drew on the windows.

When lunch was done and dusted Carole suggested we all took the other chairlift at the resort. I had no idea where it went and so was like 'sure, why not' Only once I was on for a while, and saw how bloody high we were going did I start to panic. We were going to practically the very top of the mountain. The chairlift ride started off fine until we got higher and higher and the wind kicked in. The weather was ridiculous. I cannot even begin to explain what it was like. I mean, furious furious winds and small snow particles blowing in it hitting your face and inflicting slight pain. We finally got to the top. I mean, this was the most amazing thing ever. I cant explain it well and I am sorry I have so many things to say about it, it would just come out as 'eoighasoerghaoweihge' My photos dont do it any justice either. I think the atmosphere made it. I mean, I was terrified. I was standing on the top of a mountain where I could look down on other mountains and it was so close to an edge where I could fall off and standing still meant the wind was pushing you forward. It was intense. Just amazing. Amazing. It got better/worse though, I was going to ski down it.

Looking down the mountain I was about to go down was just scary. It was sooo steep much steeper than I have ever tried before. Also I go side to side a lot when I ski to keep control of my speed, but I was to scared to do that properly because of the edge. Oh well, there was nothing else to do but go for it. What an experience! I actually did very well, It was bumpy, I was going really fast, I was terrified but it was amazing. I was a bit behind everyone else because before we started, I was taking photos (that was an experience in itself, so much wind pushing me around...) and they all left without me but they were waiting for me a little way down. I stopped there and the wind had died down a bit so I took out my camera and took photos. Carole pointed out to me different places - we could see St Marie d'Alloix alongside many other little towns. So far down. So so so far. It was spectacular. So scary though - especially when the wind came back again full force blowing us and starting us down the mountain again. I cannot explain this wind. It was soooo strong.

The rest of the way down was just so much fun. The whole time of course I was scared of dying but that added to it. Haha. I barely fell at all for the most part (i'll explain) and so it was really enjoyable, and the views were immaculate. Whilst nearing the end of the mountain Carole offered to film me going down because I was doing so well, it was impressive (egooo!) We tried three takes and every single time I did a not-so-graceful dive into the snow. I mean, I had barely fallen at all. Then the second we film its ka-plunk, ka-plunk, ka-plunk...sigh. Right at the last leg of the mountain part there was a very bumpy steep bit and Carole went first, we were going to give filming one last try. I can tell you now, I aced it, I flew down jumping on the bumps and did NOT fall over at all. Unfortunately the camera battery died and we didnt get it on film. Carole said she will vouch for me though, so if you dont believe me I have a witness.

That was probably one of the funnest things I have done. I would nearly say ever. It was so cool and so not what I am used too. Anyone who is coming to France - DO THAT it is amazing.

After Fanny went to go check her competition results so Tim and Bastien stayed with me and attacked me with more snow. It was really awful. I was so soaked in all my clothes now. Eventually, I got annoyed and left sitting somewhere else. I could still see them, but now they werent trying to give me hypothermia. Fanny came back a bit after with her results, she got her medal!! It wasnt like a 1st, 2nd 3rd thing, it was... I dont really know, but she did very well and got a medal for it! Good on her. XD

After praising Fanny for her efforts we decided it was time to leave. I looked back at the chairlift that tok me to the top of the mountain and noticed that it was closed - due to really strong winds. It. Was. Crazy.

Back at home we did the obvious things (put stuff away get changed) and then watched Smallv... Well, we did the obvious things. Oh! I also recieved a 'care-package' from mum and dad which was an added bonus to my day. I love it, and it was so good to solve the rubix cube again-much practice is required!! Thankyou Mum, Dad, it was great and I got a giggle out of it. Tea was next, Benoit was home and we chatted away about our adventures. After tea, I came up here and typed this.


PHOTOS: Now, there really dont do ANY justice for the pure epicness of the top of the mountain. I can tell you again and again- it was just ... far out.
Fanny, getting ready for take-off!!

THAT is where I was. THERE! All the way UP THERE! I am sorry the photo doesnt show much because it is little, but it is incredibly high. Wow. Haha

A view, all the ground is little houses and suc haha. Clouds and omg it was so cool

The drop. Haha, you cant see the drop but that what the edge was like. My god. I want to go again! Wtf?!
P.S. The name of todays blog comes from skiing. The best bit is taking the boots off I swear. It just kills your shins so its such a relief. Apparently thats well-known fact in France, but I pointed it out myself.

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