Saturday, February 20, 2010

Part 15: A World

Hello readers!

I dont really have much to report today nor do I have any photos to share so I am assuming a short blog is in order.

Today, Benoit got home from his travels in Canada and the USA so the house is now back to 'normal' (I put the apostrophe things there as my whole prescence here isnt exactly normal really...) We had the worlds briefest chat about his 10 days abroad and then I went upstairs and spent the rest of the day basically in my room again. Its ridiculous... I am starting to get very sick of staring at my laptop all day. I mean, there is sooo much that I could do here, I have so much free time its crazy and yet, I spend it in my room. I partly like to excuse this because I am yet to make any real friends and who wants to go to a town on there own for a day? I mean, its still good but there is something less appealing about going to, lets say, Paris on my own for a weekend than going with somebody else... I then think to myself: 'How the hell are you going to make friends sitting in your room all day?!' Its such a pain! I dont even know where to start. Hopefully, on Wednesday when Vincents family, another family with a daughter my age and the Beyliers + moi have a tea get-together thing something will click between us and I will have some proper friends who I can talk to and be like, 'Yo, who wants to go to switzerland for a day?' with.

Sigh... I must be in a bad mood. Lunch time was good, I went down just before lunch was served and talked to Benoit and Carole who at the time were reading this... It was lol. They also gave me a glass of a local white wine, it was not bad at all. After lunch whilst it was just Carole, Benoit and I at the table, they forced me to speak French (I think I underplay the lack of French I actually speak here, I mean.. I listen to French a lot, but I never actually speak it...It is the reason I am still so shit at it :S [wow, swearing, I am in a bad mood, for no real reason...Well, reason that isnt self-inflicted...])

Right.. how to cheer this up? Um, Well, Tim had a friend over today it was 'Charlies' (piano student) brother. He is very energetic and likes to talk to me in an impossible to understand way. Thankgod for Fanny who was there to translate for me and let me understand what he was going on about. I played some games with Fanny too for a bit which was good. She pwned (*note-to-Carole/Benoit* 'Pwned' is a really like.. I dont know, nerdy gamer way of spelling 'owned' [defeated by quite a lot] I think it started out as a typo of the word... haha) me in Monopoly Jr. but I held my own when we played a game we often play 'Mille Borne'. We also played a pictionary-type game which was good too.

Later, All the kids, Benoit and I tried to play a game like murder in the dark... Its a card game though and impossible to explain via blog. Long story short, you need more people than 7 to play a good game of it and you need good language skills to actually be a worthwhile player.. not to mention probably have 9 years under your belt, so really the only ones playing well were Bastien, Fanny and Benoit (who was running it all not actually even playing) It was a disaster really, but a funny one I guess... so it was okay. It filled in time away from my laptop too, which was great! Haha.

Oh! speaking of Impossible I recieved a DVD package from the rents today. Thankyou very much!! I love it! Poppa, you did an amazing job on it! Thanks too. I am sure mum and dad love it a lot! The DVD was filmed in my last two days in Australia and its basically me (thus why I love it, I am so egotistical..haha) playing piano (my piano, I miss it sooo much) so that mum and dad can remember how I play and the songs I played. It also has, however, footage from the going away party I had. Only a little bit, but the best bit. It has Micheal playing his version of my song 'Today' and even though it was mortifying watching myself cry (...) it was really good to have, because I got to have a good listen. It also had my acoustic guitar version of my other song 'Impossible' which I prefer to the original piano version by miles. I need to learn the guitar better so I can play that version rather than the piano one. Anyway, the real reason I like it, is because of those two things and also because in the speeches just before Micheals 'Today' it has a good shot of most of the people who were there and so it gave me a reminder of the support I have back at home, whenever I need it. It was really good.

Wow, look at that, I am back in a good mood now. Ranting then thinking positive is so good haha.

I will get better at French. Carole, Benoit I am asking you to be mean and put my thus far horrible attempts at learning french behind me and help me get better. I am ready but apologise in advance for any 'Stupid French' comments you will hear, remember, I love French and that is why I am here! (Now I am determined, I have a bloody whirlwind of emotions this evening...I'll get sad and cry if I keep this up)

And thus is my cue to leave. Goodnight all.

Apologies, this post is so odd.

1 comment:

  1. It's me again...the comment master!!! haha...I love the odd blog! Doug you make what you do (and not do) sound so interesting. You are so lucky to be living with the Beyliers, they take care of you...yes they need to be mean and get your French up to scratch!!! Glad you got the dvd and yes dad and I love it! xo
