Monday, February 22, 2010

Part 17: A Day, Made

I am in a great great mood right now. I mean, I have a stupid grin on my face right now as I am typing this. I'll explain why, but it only just happened so you'll have to wait till the end of todays blog to find out!

So, today started off really nicely, I woke up and looked out my window an noticed it was a gorgeous day not unlike yesterday. Today I knew I had to go for a bike ride. I got up and did the whole 'get-ready' routine. Benoit had gone to work, Basiten was still asleep and Fanny and Carole were downstairs having breaky. Tim was MIA, I have no idea what he was up to. It was about 10.30 and I was not quite ready to go for a bike ride yet so, I decided to waste time (literally, what a waste!) on my laptop (not really though because I get to talk to some of my favorite people in the whoooole world)

At 11.30ish I decided I was being lazy and boring in my room and thus decided to go on a bike ride. I packed a bag with a few things to write with and on in case I found an inspirational spot to sit and write at. I also grabbed my keys, wallet and my camera for the journey. With iPod in hand and determination I grabbed Caroles bike and left to go exploring again.

I ended up taking nearly the exact route that I walked solo the other day but with some extra detours. I was listening to the most fitting music which made me feel like I was in a movie on a great adventure.. yes. It was really nice, except when I was going up hill. I dont like going up hill. Oh well it was good exersise. I ended up getting to la Buissiere and explored around for a little bit before turning around to come home. On the way I found a nice little place to sit which wasnt the prettiest or the comfiest but it was nice. I sat and organised my thoughts for a good half and hourish with a green texta and a note pad. It was good. I was completely alone and just relaxed.

When I got back from my bike ride I think it was about 12.30-12.45ish and lunch was served. It was perfect, JUST what I wanted upon arriving. It was just Carole, Bastien, Tim and I because Fanny had gone out cross country skiing for the day. We had a lasagne. I was really hungry so I even took seconds (which is rare) and I ate a yogurt after (which I dont think I have mentioned. After every meal the Beyliers bring out yogurt, fruit and cheese. I never ever eat any. I dont really know why? Carole was shocked that I was eating yogurt) This made me feel full and thuus content. I had been on a bike ride and was now full with warm food to keep me happy.

I then did the whole laptop thing for a bit until I got incredibly bored and decided to see what Bastien was up to. Tim had Charlie, Charlies brother (Gabrielle) and sister over and they were making quite a fuss outside so I decided to not go downstairs. Also, the Beylier house cleaner was here, so I stayed to avoid any awkward chats. Bastien was loading a game on to his computer and so I dragged him away in my boredom to play cards. We didnt have a complete set so I had to open some that I bought yesterday which were going to be souvenirs but.. oh well. They're even more souvenir-like I guess because they've been used! Haha. We played 'spit' for a bit until Carole came up and told us we should play tennis. I like tennis, but I am no Federer thats for sure. Oh well, it would be fun to see how good Bastien and I were so we went.

The courts are just behind the Kiosk so it was an easy walk there. We played on them for a while hitting randomly and terribly for a while. By the end my serve was going in the right spot sometimes which I was quite chuffed about unfortunately, we still couldnt get a decent rally going so we decided to go play against a wall instead. The wall was fun. It was in a cage so the ball didnt go too far away ever and we turned it into a game. I won because I am so damn competitive haha. It was good though but after we agreed we'd had enough and come back home.

By now it was about 4.30 and so I laptop'd again for a while (I dont know how the hell I spend so much time on it and not really run out of things to do..?) Until I wanted to checkout what everyone was up to. The kids were all watching 'Grand gallop' which didnt interest me all that much so instead I went and played the piano which was mightty embarrassing because Carole was there and I was awful. Awful. Terrible. Bleargh. Oh well... then after a quick chat it was decided that we would watch an episode of Smallville (season 3!!) before Benoit got home.

I went upstairs and let Bastien know (who in an excited rush stood up much to fast and smashed his head on the roof, it was very painful looking but oh so funny) Smallville was interesting. Clarke has now turned evil because of his red ring : it finished on a 'to be continued...' again and unfortunately it was tea time. Well, it wasnt that bad though because we were having chicken and I like chicken. Benoit was now home from work and the 6 of us mixed up French and English as we told each other our days adventures. After unsetting the table and cleaning the kitchen the three Smallvillers ran upstairs excitedly and watched the second part of the 'to be continued...' it was sad because it looks like Clarke and Lana are never going to get together and Lex's wife tried to kill him and argh... Oh but Clarke is good again and now using his super powers for good now. Phew! Haha.

Right, so when that finished I went down to my room to go type my blog only to be taken by suprise as my room was.... tidied. My bed was made and my desk was arranged differently. The best bit though was that there was a card and a present sitting on my pillow. Utterly confused I went to it and saw that it was from Fanny. Still confused I read her card which was said 'le crayon qui ecrit est celui que tu m'as achete! Ton cadeau va te plaire - Fanny Beylier' I will try translate! 'The pencil which is writing is the one you bought me! (I bought her a pencil yesterday at the Bastille) the second half is 'your present is going to please you' (Beyliers?) It was so nice! I have put it on my card bench thingi. I opened the present and it was the t-shirt that we won at the handball. It was seriously the highlight of my day haha. It was great! I run and told her thanks but it was slightly awkward and underdone. Fanny read this bit: 'MERCIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII :D I love it!' haha... Yes. So that put me in a great mood! Cheery to come and write this blog. Win.

Right, no photos again today sorry, I didnt really take any worth showing.

Till tomorrow!

p.s Ruby, the title in this also is a reference for you but in case you dont remember heres a more obvious one... Pigeon. R(ello)

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