Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Part 5: Pure Pwnage LOL

Okay, this time I wont lie - seriously short...

Today I didnt do much at all! I went grocery shopping with Carole and that was my highlight haha :) we bought coke... hehe it was good :)

Also, I started to speak more French than usual today and enjoyed that... the kids unerstood me and so I felt like I was making a good start. Today marks the one week of living in this house. I am so settled in now, I think.. I still forget where somethings go though but being around the people is just normal now. I like playing the games and speaking French rather than English because I love saying 'your turn' which is 'A-toi' (I dont know the spelling because I dont actually know which verb 'a' comes from.. either way its good fun :) )

Today, Fanny and Tim also decided they were able to wrestle me... that wasnt fun really until I told them not to hit me on the head, and showed them I was stronger by throwing each of them accross the room - they loved it though... so they kept coming back for MORE BWAHAHA.... I ended up getting a bit frustrated though because they didnt understand enough was enough haha. Oh well, in the end Carole came in to see what the fuss was about and I complained they wouldnt leave me alone - she said something very quickly and the kids stopped ... but they said they would get me tomorrow.. I am scared...

I am also taking Fanny to a handball comp tomorrow. That should be interesting. You'll find out how it went... in the next exciting episode of... this...thing... :D

As Tam would say - toodles you

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