Friday, February 12, 2010

Part 8: Hypermache

I really dont have much to reprot today, and so its gonna be a short blog. I am going to add a poll straight after this about whether I should post daily or not, because today seems a bit pointless, but you may still want my daily update, I dunno... so fill in the poll and I will totes maybe follow what it says :D

Okay, today... I woke up, had a shower, had breaky (*note* I dont mind the milk so much now, I have Frosties [sugar coated cornflakes, we have them in aus] and/or Special K but when I have the frosties, the milk tastes sugary and then its perfect!) and then got on the computer to webcam chat with the mother and sister. That was good, but this morning I was a bit flat, I could feel the start of a cold coming and I was uber tired so.. yes apologies for my flatness mum, Elle. I have decided I look weird on webcam too, my little fangie things look more noticeable and I look
a lot thinner, I dunno... I dont like it :/ This convo was cut short though because Carole thought it would be best if we went and got my tickets to Paris at that point. So, off we went to Goncelin station and we spent 25 mins organising my tickets. I ended up also getting a card thing (which is massive and impractical) which allows me to recieve up t 50% discounts on trains :D so, that was good. I leave for Paris at 11am Monday morning I think... :D

Back home, I had another convo, this time with Tam. We tried webcamming but for somereason it didnt work and so we had to normal MSN, tragedy, I know...That convo was cut off early as well though because Carole was going to a hypermarket and asked if I wanted to come-along. Why not?

The hypermarket was about 20 mins away and was so worth going to. I dont know why, I just really liked it. For those of you who dont quite know what a hypermarket is, it is: MASSIVE its like JB Hi Fi + Toy world+ Sport shop + Supermarket + ...everything in between. It sold anything and everything, clothes, electronics, food, ski's I dunno... everything. It was quite an impressive shop. Also, there was a McDonalds, I didnt go to it, but I was happy to see one so close to my house. I will go there one day and eat it. I look forward to that day... haha :P We orignally went to the Hypermarket to buy a USB cord for Caroles printer and also a Xbox 360 game for Bastiens friend who tomorrow is having a birthday party. We ended up leaving with those things + pain de chocolat (Chocolate filled croissants.. drools), a roast chicken, various stationary requirements, A baguette aanndd some other stuff my brain has decided not to store. It was fun. Haha.

Back at home, I had a quick dawdle on the piano for the first time properly. My god, I am awful. Awful. I really want to start practice again, but its just not the same without my piano... I miss it :( Oh well, I hopefully will get back into it and not be to self-conscious about practicing here ASAP! I should start tomorrow...

After piano Carole went and got Tim and thus I spent the rest of the afternoon entertaining him I think, I cant really remember what I did in detail. We played various games he bought out...We tried watching tv but there was nothing he wanted to watch, so I played more games ( I think becuase I was tired I wasnt the most fun... but at least it kept him from fiddling around whilst tv was on) Tea was next, we had the chicken we bought. OH! I also, showed Carole and Tim where I lived in Aus at some point today... that was fun... Sorry random thought. After tea we watched Hannah Montanna with Fanny and then Bastien, Carole and I watched more smallville, I like that show, its growing on me :)

Um... is that it? I am sure I am missing something, I apologise but its 12.36 and I am uber tired with bits of a cold starting. My brain is sooo not functioning. OH! Also, Jacinta, I forgot to mention yesterday at school, I was wearing my lucky underpants - I felt special. xD

Righto, sleep. Goodnight :D


  1. you know,even when you are flat and have not done much you are funny and entertaining...look after yourself and that cold. love mum xoxo Your cue "Yes mum, I AM looking after myself...." lol xo

  2. Yes mum, I AM looking after myself...
