Sunday, February 14, 2010

Part 10: Where are my tissues?

I woke up this morning to Bastien running into my room with the telephone in his hand. It was Maiken ringing me at 10.30 (yes, I slept in) I excitedly answered the phone expecting confirmation and double checking of tomorrows Paris arrangements. This was not at all the case. After phone formalities Maiken told me she was ringing to tell me bad news. Her Grandmother back in Australia had had a stroke and thus Maiken and her Mum had to go back to Australia (in fact, I think they would be getting on the plane now) They seemed as okay as you can be in these types of situations and were very apologetic about leaving me with such short notice and an alreay paid for ticket. I assured them all was well, because it was, really. Maiken hung up and then I went down stairs and informed the family of what was happening then went back up stairs and took a shower. It hit me a little bit that I wasnt going and wasnt going to see someone I knew and the fact that I was so excited and now it wasnt happening, so it wasnt the best morning really. But, Maiken has it much worse than me, so I hope all is okay there.

I had breakfast and talked to Carole and Bastien briefly trying to come up with ideas of what can keep me occupied in the next couple of weeks, we didnt come up with anything set and thus, I am going to research the area for things I want to see and do. If anyone has any ideas for the grenoble/chambery regions, let me know!

After about an hour or so, we had lunch, but because my cold has taken a turn for the worse today, I wasnt hungry and didnt eat much. It was also decided that we were going to have McDonalds for tea. It was funny, Carole started reading my blog this morning (Hi!) and decided that we should go to McDonalds, probably to get it out of my system and for a bit of fun. I was excited hehe. Just after lunch we rushed around again and went out to go see Avatar. On the way, we dropped Fanny and Tim at Benoits parents house and then drove into Grenoble to a massive cinema. The cinema was PACKED with people and so we had to queue up at these automatic self-serve machine things for our tickets. After standing around for ages and being 2 away from the machine, we overheard that Avatar had sold out. All that waiting for nothing. Slightly dissapointed we went out of the queue and looked at the time table, the next viewing of Avatar was at 5.15 which was a bit too late, so we decided to see 'Percy Jackson : The Lightning Theif'

Going back to the queue was phenomenal. ALL the people had vanished because they all had wanted to see Avatar as well. It was just amazing. We quickly got our tickets and then made out way to the guy who checks them and tells you where to go. There, we were held up again because some people were making a lot of noise and arguing and getting dragged out by management thus stopping the flow of people. It was funny to watch.. I laughed... After they left the people started going through again. Unfortunately we were stopped again by the ticket inspector becaus we bought me a student ticket, and he asked for my student card, which I dont have yet. Carole explained that I was a foreigner and that I had justed started at my new course, luckily he trusted us and let us through with no real problem.

Finally we got to the screen, which was MASSIVE! The room was filled with people and so we struggled to find three seats nect to each other. When we did, it was right up the front and meant we had to look up and it hurt my neck and in the end, my eyes. The film itself was not too bad actually. I think I missed one of the main points of the film though, and thus right at the end I was slightly confused, but all in all I understood what was happening and usually why...

When the film had finished, we left and made our way to Benoits parents house to pick up Fanny and Tim. We stayed there for a little bit, and I stood awkwardly, not really sure as to what I should be doing... I ended up asking Tim what he had done today and he walked me around showing me. When we left, we drove back into the center of Grenoble and drove around (with loud kids in the backseat tormenting my headache) looking for a park so we could get maccas. The town was nice. Freezing, but the buildings were pretty.

We made it to McDonalds eventually (ohmygod) and even though I wasnt feeling well at all, I managed to eat it and enjoy it... I am sooo unhealthy its ridiculous. Just to let you know I had a chicken burger meal with sprite and a chocolate muffin for dessert. Bliss :P

The drive home was long just because of how I was feeling and how tired I was, I closed my eyes and sniffed the whole way, luckily this time though, the kids were also tired and thus quiet on the way back. At home, I emptied the dishwasher and tidied up the kitchen sorta, then cleaned my room and then sat down on my laptop, exhausted. Right now, it is 8.48 and I am practically dead. Stupid bloody cold.

I really wish I was going to Paris tomorrow still, but maybe due to my cold, its best that Im not... I dont know. Anyway, thats about it. Sleep.

p.s I have included some extra pictures today for your viewing pleasure:

Maccas, Grenoble bank, Percy Jackson and Bastien and I at.. maccas

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