Monday, February 15, 2010

Part 11: The blob

I did absolutely nothing today. I felt like absolute crap all day. I have a massive headache, a never-ending tap os snot for a nose, high temperature and large amounts of fatigue due to no sleep last night thanks to my illness.

Wait, I went for a walk on my own! that was fun. I thought I needed to get out into the fresh air and get some exersise happening. I ended up walking all the way to La Buissiere, the town next to mine. It isnt all that far, 3.5km but I did make a detour around the town and such. The walk was really nice and on the way back I saw two people playing with model airoplanes and helicopters. Saint Marie d'Alloix has a little runway and everything for them and apparently when its not winter its a fun little past-time.

The people were flying an airoplane to start with and I was taking photos and watching from a distance until I was noticed and invited to watch up close. I chatted to the people (in French- of course!) about their aircrafts and how they fly them and such. It seems pretty tricky to fly like they do, lots of tricks and flippy things and such (I have been informed I say 'and such' a lot, and now take notice when I do it... hehe) I also learnt that helicopters are much harder to fly. It was funny to watch one of the people who obviously was a total noob with helicopters try to fly one. It would kind of flop around on the ground for awhile then when it would take lift-off fly a meter or two then crash down again. I lol'd.

Back home I slept. It was refreshing. I also made orange juice and then had tea. Now I am sitting typing this to get it out of the way so I can close the screen which is killing my eyes.I hate being sick. I really hate it.

So I am including photos again today to compensate for my lack of writing. Enjoy.

I ended up getting a call from Anke's daughter who is 18, I have never met her before and so I went with her to meet some.. err.. friends. It was not exactly my scene. Luckily I escaped as my sickness gave me an excuse to not be there :) I did get invited to go back on Wednesday.. I have to find some excuse before then. As nice as she was.
Then we watched smallville

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