Saturday, February 6, 2010

Part 2: Not quite but still beginnings

Okay, so I have a bit to fill in but I cant remember where to start...Where did I finish last time?! Let me see...Ah yes the tour that I had!! When was that?! The days are blurring together I can see life slipping past me as I sit and watch... Okay not quite. That was the other day. Since then!

I didnt really have anything to do on Thursday, all the kids had school so I started of just chillaxing and cruising my way through the morning. I am still not the numero uno fan of the milk here so I had toast and vegemite for breakfast. Ahh... vegemite. I really cannot remember what I did after that.. I just sat around I guess until Carole decided that it might be a good idea to take me to Pontcharra where she had her doctors appoinment. She said that while while she was having a regular checkup I could tour around the town. Pontcharra was about 5 minutes from Saint-Marie D'Alloix. (*note*Tim just came and is sitting here watching me Maybe he will get bored soon and leave... nope... doubt it he is jumping on my bed now... great. Now he is talking to me in his little french voice. IT is very hard to understand sometimes. I think he is asking me if I like the game he taught me, I think.. I replied 'oui' and then he smile and started jumping again...) Now anyway... where was I. Jumping. So. Distracting... Pontcharra! Pontcharra is 5 mins from here but is more like a town then a collection of houses. There were shops and things to look at! Unfortunately they were all closed for some reason I still dont know and didnt bother asking about. What I did really like though was the park in Pontcharra! The park was SOOO stunning. It was covered all in snow and there was a canal that went all the way around it. It was just the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. Serious. I would love to go there and become a hobo. Its just ... *drools* haha :)

Eventually after about 45 minutes Carole finished her appoinment and we came back to SMd'A. Carole had to go back to working in her home office (translating.. but I will get to that) (Another side note, Carole just came in and gave me tickets to see some french hip-hop singer tonight with Bastien. should be interesting.. JUMPING *eye twitch*) Okay.... where was I? Got back home... and I WATCHED SLAM! Okay! Slam is a show that is on France 3 or 4 and its a game show for adults... but it must be for stupid adults because they ask questions that I can get right and they can AND its about the French language Such as: What is the most frequent letter in the word: Hippopotamus? (well, in french and they dont show the word) There are trickier questions than that but really, I think if it was English in Australia, it would be slaughtered. Anyway, not the point! The point is that it was great for my French comprehension! They would never speak to fast and I could understand about 70-80% of what was being said/asked. Life was looking up for me until... oh la la! Fanny got home and started talking to me in French much too fast! haha.. oh well. She was going to Pony club and asked me if I wanted to take her so, I did that. Her pony club wasnt too far and it was pretty cool. I didnt stay long because it was bloody freezing...

I went back home anddd watched more TV I think then did other stuff for a while until dinner! NO! Dinner! It was fish. Now, you know me and my eating habits, I am not good with food at the best of times, at sea food into the mix and you have one unhappy camper. I didnt say anything of course! I grinned and bared it again and scoffed down the tuna with as much water as I could take and as quick as I could. Merci Dieu it was finished...

After that I played more games with the kids.. its all they let me do. In some aspects its great, (tim is putting paper infront of my screen, I can no longer see typos...) in other aspects, its not haha.. they only know about 3 games... Oh well, something to do, and the kids love it :D


Friday.. Friday... oh. It was pouring with rain all day. So I had nothing to do outside so instead, I had a large conversation on MSN webcam with Mum, Dad and Ellen... a much needed one I think. I dont know , we hadnt talked properly t, so it was good to give them a proper full up date + a tour of the house thanks to the magic of technology! It was really good and I am glad I did it :) Apres I was a bit sad becuase I just remembered that Australia still exsisted without me. First hit of homesickness. Oh well, it wasnt too bad. Apparently the first 5 weeks are the worst. I hope this is true, even though thus far I have been too busy to miss much... sorta... :P (YAY Pizza for tea!) Anyway.. again, where was I! So many interruptions!! haha After that, Carole had to work and asked if I wanted to help out! Of course! How cool! She is a translator. She puts the subtitles in DVDs and such. She had finished the first round of translating and now was watching the episode she had translated and asked if I wanted to watch and 'check' over it... (reallly, I had no idea and just watched the show) It was really cool how she does it though and it seems like a pretty fun but complex job. French is much longer than english to speak and when translating you're only allowed a certain amount of words per timeframe... so like at certain parts in English, the sentence would be really short but in French its really long. She has to try and find other shorter ways to express the same thing without messing up the story! Its very tricky but seems like fun. Especially with the series we were watching- it was funny. She translates for a few well known things but I forget them all now... Sorry. I recognised them though.

After that we went picked up tim (who has now left my room because carole told him off... I objected in his defense but oh well...I am relieved there is no more paper on my screen.) and went to the supermarche! It was biiig and cool. It was like Kmart+Safeway together. You could buy lots of different things there other than just food. Carole said it she will just go around and left me with tim (who had a little kids trolley and it was very cool and I want Australia to get them too!) He walked around telling and showing me all the things he wanted for Christmas next year. Although it was very cute, he wanted (he is back in my room again :) EVERYTHING. Haha... Even the people in the shop were saying to me (in French so I think this is right they may have said, 'get out you useless people!!') 'He really wants everything, doesnt he...?' YES. Yes he did. Oh well, it filled in the time :)

Back at home I played MORE games and then had tea. Sushi and Quische (keesh? je sais pas..) The sushi was NOT my favorite... more sea food... but raw. the Keeshquischewhatever, however, was very nice and went down like a treat :D More games. Some TV (music show... Tracy Chapman was on..) Bed.

Today (Saturday):

Today I woke up and remembered its the weekend everyone will be home! So I had a shower went downstairs and saw Carole and Tim playing Bataille, and the other two kids doing something else homework? Benoit had gone out to go skiing.

The weather was attrocious and foggy - I loved it. I had breaky and played games (whats new) for awhile and then the best thing in my life happened. It snowed! I mean... SNOW! It was light at first then got heavier and heavier! It looked soooo pretty. Malheureusemnt, it rained before so the snow didnt quite work... but still it was amazing to watch. I then played more games... more more more. The kids even fought over who got to play me next... I know I am amazing but this was ridiculous. Anyway... LATER it was lunch time and we had a full-on cooked one so it was more like dinner for me :) It was just what I felt like too! I dont know what it was exactly, except we did have ratatouille which was a lot nicer than what I expected!! I liked it!

After lunch Benoit had to go into Chambery to buy somethings and suggested I came too to get a tour of the ville! Well! I did that :) First we went to the hardware shop and bought some stuff for his curtains. Next, we went to an gizmo shop and he bought stuff for the internet.. I dunno what... Then to Chambery we went. It was such a pretty town and some of the stuff was really old. It was very cool because in the main part there were little streets that would take you to a completely different place! Some of the buildings dated back into the 1400s and probably earlier! I saw a lot of different things and shops and such. Benoit is a great tour guide as well, showing me different churches and fountains and putting up with my photography as well... good tour guiding must run in the family... It was really cool. I like Chambery a lot. :)

When we got back to Saint-Marie D'Alloix, the kids had a fundraiser 'carnival' for their school. They got dressed up and went to the center of the town and did some things... but I had no idea what was going and there was too many people so, I didnt stay long. I ended up going back and had the house completely to myself for the first time... I ended up playing the piano and starting this blog. It was good to just have space.


So, I have just come back from the concert that I mentioned earlier. The artists name was Karimouche (you can check out her myspace with some songs ici: She was AMAZING live. I was just blown away. I mean... her music isnt my style really but my god she was very entertaining and the music sounds better live than what it does recorded. It was just three people too! the singer and two musicians. There was a percussion guy, he beatboxed and had a machine thing... the other one was on keyboards and sound manipulation. It was just incredble to watch. And they were so in sync... Bah. I didnt understand much at all when she sang but it just souded great... she did have a rant about how she doesnt like the accent of English speaking people learning French and that she didnt like English... So I didnt applaud her or cheer when she celebrated France (that'll teach her!!) But honestly, she was joking and she really was amazing. The whole time though I was thinking it would be music that a few people I knew would LOVE soooo I have to get them on to her! She's not very famous at all... her first album comes out in france on the 8th I think she said... I may get it... dunno :)

Right! thats it! Well nearly.. I also did my washing and had pizza for tea :) (I really hope the drier didnt shrink my clothes. I was out in Chambery when my load finished and Carole put it all in the drier... I didnt want it in there... hmm...oh well)Tomorrow I am off to ski for the first time ever.

Wish me luck :D

Au Revoir!

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