Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Part 19: Lucky Underpants


So, it is only 5.44 at the moment so my day hasnt finished and I am not even really doing anything until later. I am going out for tea with families (I mentioned this the other day) and then after, going out to a party with Vincent and Clara. I wont be back till tomorrow so I am posting my blog now.

Right, so! Today so far has been another day at home doing pas grands choses. It was cold and raining and such so I had no intention of going anywhere, neither did the Beyliers. We ended up just taking it easy here. I was MSN a fair amount until Lunch. At lunch Carole asked if I could take over Smallville downloading duties and also with Bastien set up a new chest of drawers that had been delivered. Why not? I am no handyman but whatever, something to do.

With instructions in hand, we did it. Luckily all we really had to do was put the handles on haha. So it was bloody easy... Yeppity. It took a bit of time though, but in the end it looked not too bad at all. Also, the boxes ended up providing entertainment for all, but I will get to this.

I cam back to MSN only to talk to Carole and find out she needed to make a cake for tonight, bored, we agreed I would do it. I havent cooked for a while, but I was glad to get out the old chefs hat and give it a go. I got Fanny to help me as well. It took us a while because I didnt know where anything was and it took a while to find a recipe that suited the ingredients we had. Eventually we settled for a chocolate one (of course) and I think its turned out okay. I dont know... Its in the fridge. Havent checked it... I probs should do that after this.

Anyway, then the box become the toy of the moment. We would (upon request) put one of the kids in the box then close it, and drag or carry it around the house so they would find themselves in a different location. It was pretty fun because they didnt really know what was going on whilst they were in the box so we spun it around randomly and flipped it and stuff even though we werent actually moving. Haha. It was a good way to use a box, I think.

Anyway, now I am back here typing this wondering whether I am going to live through the night haha. Not really, thats a bit dramatic. But all of those who know me know a) I'm not the biggest party person, I like to have some people to cling to and chat with. I dont have that here and b) I decided not to drink too much whilst overseas. Without a Michelle guiding my actions I could do so many things I would probably regret. Especially because I dont know anyone. Hm, it could be very very fun, very very awful (especially because its an overnight thing, I mean, if I become all 'closed-shell' Doug, I am in for a very long time of being bored out of my brains alone) or very very anticlimatic. We shall see I guess. I do have my lucky underpants haha so heres hoping I make a few new friends tonight and dont do anything stupid! Wish. Me. Luck. Haha. I am looking forward to the dinner though. That should be good.

Right. Thats it. I guess you'll hear more tomorrow, I am also going skiing. So it should be quite a blog I think. Maybe. We'll see.

p.s. You probably noticed the change in the blog layout. I dont know if I like it but I am giving it a try. Lemme know?

**edit** So, I just found out because I return at 10, I miss out on skiing. bugger. Another day home alone. Haha.... Sigh. We might also go this weekend though, so heres hoping.

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