Saturday, February 6, 2010

Part 1: Beginnings


Okay, this is gonna be my proper france blog, so I hope it will do

What to start with… Hm..The beginning! Well! I had a pretty interesting start to my trip! When I was at the airport I was pretty petrified because I had NO idea what to do! Luckily, and I mean VERY luckily while I was saying goodbye to my family, we saw Danielle Payne (choreographer from Maryborough SSP/friend) and her boyfriend Luke saying goodbye too. After talking to them for a bit, we realised that me and luke were both on the same flight to Singapore -Chances?! I was tres relieved with someone else who had traveled before with me to help! It also was good because he had a spare ticket(?) for the Qantas VIP club thing, thank god he did because it turned out our flight was delayed by two hours and I would have been SO bored in the normal part of the airport. We ended up watching House and going on the free wifi to fill in the time before I was off!

The flight was okay, 6 hours though. I sat next to two really nice women who I talked with for a while. It also turned out that one of them was catching the same connection flight to Paris as me! Unfortunately, because of the delay, we missed it. This was a pain because Qantas decided the only way for us to now get to Paris was to go via London. More time in a boring Aeroplane… woo! I ended up following the woman who was going to Paris (she offered, I wasnt just stalking haha) and we worked out what we had to do and got on the next plane to London. I arrived in Heathrow airport after 13.5 hours of flying and watching the first half of about 10 boring movies. I was nearly there! At Heathrow, I realised tha the delay would make me very late (6 hours) for my my arrival in Paris and I was going to miss my pre-arranged meeting of the representatives of the people organising my stay and my tour of Paris! The main problem however was that I didnt know how to contact them exactly, except by phone, but I couldnt afford that…So I texted the parentals and they organised it for me… I will be independant one day!! Okay, I was now set! Off I went to Paris (said like the french : Par-ee…so much cooler!)

I arrived at 12.30 and was exhausted, but now came the worst bit. Making my own way to the hotel-like thing I was staying at. I had to work out the trains and everything which looked harder than it was - thank god! I eventually arrived at Glaciere Station and then walked to where I was staying (after getting a bit lost, asking around a LOT etc. the place I was staying at is not at all well known around Paris apparently..) Anyway, I got there and it was actually not too bad. It was about 3 o’clock when I arrived and around 5 I fell asleep. There is a really embarrassing story that goes here but, hehe, I might skip it. Wait for me to get back to Australia haha :)

The next morning I met up with the representative as newly planned. She was very very nice and so cool! she could speak perfect English too which was different. She first made me sign a few forms and then realise we had some time to kill.. insert tour of Paris! That was great until my camera died and my newly bought batteries decided not to work! Oh well, I still saw it and I have some dodgy photos on my phone.

I left for Chambery at about 2 and arrived at 5 were I was met by my ‘host mum’ Carole. Carole speaks great English, but thinks it better for me if we speak French so for the 20 minute drive to Saint-Marie D’alloix we spoke in French- it was and still is now, VERY tricky and I constantly am saying ‘huh? what? repeat!’ its quite embarrassing. Luckily we speak English too but I think I am getting a bit to used to English again… Hm… Must. Fight. Laziness!

Saint-Marie D’Alloix is I think the prettiest place I have ever been too. Its just mountains (the Alps!) everywhere and currently blanketed in snow so it is great! The family I am with are amazing as well! They are really really nice and helpful. The two older kids (9 & 12) are amazing. They speak English incredibly well (much better than my french) but! they do struggle sometimes so.. phew. The youngest one (5) is obviously not able to speak English (he is only 5!) so I talk to him in French and he can understand me which is good but he, he is SO hard to understand he like.. mumbles and slurrs and such because he is little! He did teach me a card game though which he plays… all the time…. haha :) My actual role here is to speak English to them for three hours a day at least to help maintain and improve their language- its really easy. Much easier than I thought it would be which is good.

Yesterday Fanny (the 9 year old) took me on a bike tour around the town. She is a very good tour guide making sure she took me to all the scenic spots and letting me take photos (did I mention they were amazing - she is 9! NINE!) She also introduced me to two of her friends and her friends mum (who in March is going with my family and one other up to the mountains for a ski week or something.. I dont know what it is but I cant wait!) When I got back I met another family friend Anche (anke? ancke?) Shes german but speaks french and English. She has two kids and wants me to teach Piano to her son. Something to do!!

Today the kids are all at school. (they have Wednesdays off but the eldest kid likes to go snowboarding through his school so he was out all day yesterday) I am now realising I need to start a hobby or something - which will be hard because I would have to go to chambery or grenoble I think… the 25 minute drive does make life a bit trickier. Oh well! I’ll work something out. Eventually. Hopefully…

I went to a town which name I forget… and saw around while Carole had a doctors appointment. The town was amazingly pretty… well the park was, it was snow covered with trees and a river it was just amazing. Oh and of course, I could still see the alps in the background. Now I am (meant to be) watching a film in french, but instead, I am doing this. I am not a very good student at all…

Thats it! Voila!
Au Revoir


  1. Hey can post your photos on your blog too! Love your first follower!!! xo

  2. Loved your hilarious skiing adventure, not to mention your new career as a piano teacher - go man GO!!!

