Monday, February 8, 2010

Part 4: Musical Beginnings

A quick post today!

Today was a really good day for me. I started something! Win!

The morning was okay. I got up and dawdled me way through breakfast and showering etc. All the kids were gone and Benoit had left for Canada (he is going for work but he is gonna check ot the Olympics and go over to LA too. I think he is gone for 10 days) This was good, I was in no rush so I just listened to the radio and chillaxed.

Later, Carole wanted to go for a walk and pick up a guitar for one of Bastiens friends who was coming here with Bastien before his guitar lessons.. or something..I didnt understand all that well. Anyway, the point is, we were going for a walk. We drove up to le Flanchere which is about 10 minutes away (*note* Tim goes to school in Flanchere - irrelevant? yes...) When e arrived we did the things that we had to then commenced our walk.

The walk was very tiring going up and down really steep hills and such in a forresty area but it was very very pretty.. like everything in this area. I loved looking at everything as I went and seeing the mountains and river and such. Very very nice. We also got some chats in there as well which was good too. We saw a cowfarm too. That was funny. The cows were so fluffy because of winter, so they looked much cooler than Australian cows.

I learnt about the fountains on the street too whilst on this walk. You drink out of them apparently. The water at the bottom looks gross and I am pretty sure it goes through a cycle thing of filthy pipes so I didnt drink it but Carole did and she is alive and well.. so I am sure it was fine. Besides, on some fountains there were signs saying you cant drink the water which means all the rest are fine... Hmm...

Anyway back at home again I met the Beyliers house cleaner. She was like all other house cleaners I have had... very talkative and is never keen to let you leave... even if you dont really know what they are on about. I just smiled and nodded.

Come 5.30 I had to go. Today I gave a piano lesson to Ancke's (prev. mentioned - german) son whose name I cannot pronounce or spell. It starts with a 'C'. Now, this was a challenge I had been partly dreading all day. The kid (who I will call Charlie) a) cannot speak ANY English b) is 8 but has a slight handicap which makes him slightly slower than normal kids and c) speaks in a manner that for me, is harder to understand than anyone I have ever met before. SO! How did it go?! AWESOMELY! I loved it! He understood me perfectly and in the hour I was with him he learnt how to read the notes up to 'Las' (Oh! In France, I dont know if I mentioned it but music is different rather than a,b,c,d,e,f,g they use do,re,mi,fas,sol,las,si,do..[do being c not a!] another challenge!) and he started using the correct fingers on the notes. I was very proud of him and myself and Ancke was very appreciative. I am going back next week sometime and am booked in for the next three months apparently.

It put me in the best mood too. Doing something like that was just a good break from the 'norm' here and gave me something else to concentrate on. It was great. That meant when I got back tea was ready and the Beyliers probably got to see me in the best mood I'd been in yet :D it was good :)

After we watched smallville (in English, it felt good to be the one explaining things rather than the other way around) and then I came and typed this.

Okay.. I even tried condensing this.. and its still longish... sorry.

Thats it for today. Till next time!

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