Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Part 18: Meteor Shower

Hello friends!

Todays title is because I cant really think of a way to sum up today. Meteor shower is a short song by Owl City which I have been listening to quite a lot recently. Its relaxing. That and Fireflies are the only Owl City worth listening to. Also, Carole would probably have thought straight away of Smallville which is a very important part of our lives right now, so it could mean that too!

This morning, morning routine. Really, I shouldnt add that. Oh well, I got ready for piano. I had Charlie today at 11.00 (btw, his name is actually Carantin [spelling.. yes...]) I left here at 5 to and walked there getting there just on time. After saying g'day to Fredricke and Anke I went to the piano room in a fairly good mood ready to try and teach some sort of exersise he can practice to improve dexterity seeings in that we dont really have any music to learn. I thought the best one to start with would be a scale, they're easy enough and he should understand. Well, I was wrong and it took the whole hour to get some sort of gist accross. I admit, it was slightly frustrating but when he occasionally got it right, it was a relief. I felt bad because I knew exactly what he was doing wrong but I couldnt quite explain it properly. Sigh... I really really want to be better already still havent got anywhere with my language. Anyway, Piano wasnt as good as last time, but I showed Anke how to play it as well so she can help him practice throughout the week. After, it was arranged I would go back 5.15 next Monday.

When I got back home it was a bit after 12 and so I put on a load of washing and talked to Melbournians for a bit catching up on the Melbourne whats-doing. Uni has started : Then I got summoned to lunch. We had eggs and left over pizza. It was good because no one really ate the pizza, so I got more.. bwahaha. At lunch I found out that the Beyliers had to go to Allevard to pick up passports and was invited to go along. Of course I would, even though it was raining a chance to explore should never be wasted (lol...)

I went up to my room hung up my washing then off we went to Allevard. Allevard is a smallish town (bigger than Saint-Marie d'Alloix though!) not unlike the size of Pontcharra. Upon arriving it was raining slightly heavier than when we left. The first thing we had to do was go do the whole passport thing. We went to a nice looking place where the passports were to be picked up from. We sat waiting for a while for other people to finish. Carole offered me the opportunity to go exploring the town whilst we waited. I declined, it was raining (lol...) and instead stayed in the dry office. I did go out for a second to take a photo of this little dolphin fountain though... Anyway, finally it was the Beyliers turn and they didnt take too long and so we decided to explore the town with the rain. It was a niceish town. All the shops were closed until three and it was 20 to 3 so we walked around looking at a park and other things until the shops opened again. Carole had to go to a pharmacy and there was a tourist looking shop that I wanted to check out. Come 3 o'clock we went and did this. The tourist shop turned out to be.. not all that great but I grabbed som postcards that said the name of the place anyway. Haha.

Eventually, after driving around looking for the museum which Carole thought would be a pretty building (but turned out to be... just a building) we left and drove back to Saint-Marie d'Alloix. Tim, Fanny and I came inside and Carole took Bastien to a friends place. I came and laptopped for a while until Carole came and said it was the perfect weather to watch Smallville. I objected for the sake of Bastien, but then was in the end won-over, he could watch it later. Smallville... haha. We watched two episodes which brought the story a fair way which was nice. I love that show... xD

When Smallville finished I wasted time until tea. I had a cool chat with Ruby again today (2 mentions in two days!) I was showing her something on webcam when Fanny and Tim came in and tried to get me t play a game with them. I told them I would later so they sat and waited in my room... It was fun though because I ended up showing Ruby how cool French is by getting them to speak and such. They liked listening back to themselves and playing with the MSN stuff, I liked that they were entertained and I didnt have to go play catch and Ruby was happy because she loved their french. Everyone was a winner.

After dinner, I came back to my room and started work on a project I am doing. I wont explain anything now but I am gonna get so damn attached to this thing. I love it already. So much haha. It was really fun because it involves creatvity and thus got me inspired and enthused to make it as awesome as it can be. Then I typed this :) yep. Photos:

Fanny and Tim under the umbrella in Allevard

The fountain I mentioned, a main part of Allevard... It was on the postcards and everything

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