Friday, February 26, 2010

Part 21: Trying to Spell Your Name

Goodmorning, it is currently 1.15am. I dont have much to report today as I chose not to do anything. I was sleepy *yawns*.

I woke up at around 10ish and went on msn to let mum and Ellen know that I was going to miss a previously scheduled webcam meeting in 20 minutes and that I'd be on after I had had a shower, breaky etc. I was meant to be on for just a second however I found out that the one and only Victoria McLure was over visiting my parents briefly (sans Lachlan - lazy lazy boy) She was going to go before the time I would be online dressed and proper, so we had a chat then and there. It was really good to talk to her! Havent had a decent chat for essentially the whole time I have been here! She was well, I was tired and eventually the sound on her end cut off so we decided to call it quits after a view laughs and well-missed injokes and I went to go get dressed.

I came back and this time chatted to my mum and also Net and Poppa who had come over to visit as well! It was great to see them as well! SO many people in one day on webcam, it was good. Everyone was well and I also downloaded skype to make webcamming easier. Any skypers can add me, just search for me I guess, my full name should work shouldnt it? Oh well. I would love a chat xD

I had lunch and chatted to the family for a little bit then came back up stairs and laptopped till 3ish when Benoits sister-in-law came over with her 4 kids. I forgotten everyones names now because I didnt really talk to them much. I sat and tried to listen to Carole and sister-in-law (SIL) have a chat over a coffee, but I didnt get much and couldnt reply so it was a bit frustrating. I felt so daft. Anyway, eventually Fanny came in complaining she didnt have anything to do, so I left and played cards with her. Then Bastien and two of the cousins came wanting to play monopoly which I started but then, in true monopoly fashion, got bored and left about 10 minutes in.

I started looking more into my Geneve tour and also started, I dont quite know why, looking at tattoos. I spent most of the day doing that... I was inspired. I then wasted time on the computer until tea, I think... I cant recall doing anything of interest until tea. The kids all ate first having pasta so while they ate I sat with Benoit (who had arrived home), Carole and SIL with a glass of white wine as they chatted away about whatever. I sat and tried so hard to concentrate and try and listen in. I've decided, its hard to really concentrate after a while. I start off, and listen and then when I realise I dont know that word, then that word then that word then it all turns into a bit of a blur, I tune out and then miss it all completely. Then I'll realise I've tuned out and start again missing a fair wack of whats been said. Its especially bad when I realise I've been asked a question and everyone is anticipating an answer. Just smile and say 'oui' people either nod, that was the right answer, or just go back to the conversation thinking I just didnt understand anything...fml. Anyway! Dinner for the adults and I was ham and this other stuff which I dont know what it was, it was just a block of something that looked like I should be dipping biscuits in if I were into that sort of thing. I ate it anyway because everyone insisted I simply must try it. So I did, and it was okay. I guess.

After tea, the SIL-crew left and I went back to my room. I also decided on what my next tattoo will be. It will be the representation of this trip that I will get probably in the UK maybe, sometime before I go back to Australia. It will be a paper airplane either on my right ribs or right arm. I dunno yet, but I really am keen for it. I want it now. The tattoo is also the inspiration for the title of todays blog. Angus and Julia stone have a song called 'Paper Airplane' which love a hella lot. It has a lyric right at the start 'I spilt the paint, across the page, trying to spell your name...' So.. thats where that comes from.

So after that, I watched...I dont even have to type it. We watched I think 3 episodes which took us past midnight and thus making me be up so late typing this. I love it though. So good. the episodes tonight were odd though, poor Lex was getting drugged by his father to make him look like he had gone insane, meanwhile Lana was getting somewhat hypnotised into loving someone who had gained superpowers as well and so Clarke was fighting to save both of them. He also went blind at one point... God its a random but awesome show. Haha.

Anyway, I'm gone with the wind so gotta say: mmm

Post finished at 2.00am thanks Tam for the distraction.

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