Sunday, July 25, 2010

Part 140: Ostia Antica

Hey readers,

Sorry this is up late I got distractedlast night and then forgot to post, so its now a blog for yesterday.

Yesterday was a fairly easy going day. We woke up and met at 10.30 and then made our way into the city by 11. We were originally going o go to Pompeii but because of the extreme heat and the price, we decided against it and heard that the Ostia Antica is very cool as well. Its a forty minute train trip but still technically a part of Rome heading towoards the coast.

When we arrived we walked around and got ice cream before making our way to the said place. Its basically a bunch of really really cool and bloody old ruins some of which date to 150bc. Its an old town which was used as a port when the Tiber River ran through it. I cant remember exactly what happened there but it was a huuuuuge place. I mean we walked around in the ruins for hours and hours on end and never saw it all. WE got to most of it however it was just liek a huge maze of ancient ruins. VEry very cool and I HIGHLY recommend it to anyone who comes to Rome. Its impossible to explain because I need photos and stuff to help but basically you can see the entire town from the town center to a bar. You can also, unlike all the other ruins in Rome,actually go inside them and climb them and really explore the city. Its amazing. We saw a bunch of mosaics that was and stuff too... Ill put photos up eventually because theres no way to explain it.

After Ostia antica, we made our way back to the resort, buying some gelato on the way. Here, we met up with our friend who we met the night before at a toga party whose from Edinburgh had a drink, went on the net to organise our Milano hostel and double check all our other stuff then we sat outside had a few drinks and played cards all night. It wasgood fun.


Today, I am off to Venice. I dont knw what my internet sitauation will be but hopefully it wil be not too bad. I am going to miss Rome, its molto bella. I have no idea if thats right... I am remembering that from primary school.

I have picked up some italian though, I can understand which side of the train we get off when they announce it before we arrive and I can ask for direcitons, thank people etc... Its pretty good.

Cya laĆ er :D back to the pool I go.

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