Friday, July 23, 2010

Part 139: Vatican City Eclipse

Hey readers!

So, my numbers are out of whack because of my previous blog, sorry, I will fix that asap - this is not the best computer in the world.

So, today was pretty cool. I woke up really early, at 7.30 so I had enough time to shower, buy sunscreen and be ready to go into the city solo and be ready for my Vatican city tour at 9.30. Gatens was not joining me at this point because she had already ahd a tour. I arrived on time and waited for the tour to start talking to an awesome tour guide named Tom. He took the group on an epic journey all the way around Vatican city, the smallest country in the world. It was cool being able to say I walked around an entire country in 4 hours, got over it then walked to Italy. Haha.

In Vatican we did all the sites there which were just amazing. I learnt so much about the history of the city and also how Christianity began as the major Roman faith. So much to learn so much history so much sites. GOd, Vatican was great. We started going through all the courtyards which, like all of the country, are filled with amazing statues by various artists. We then went through the al lthe museums and had good looks at the amazing tapestrys and frescos. The tapestries were just incredible so huge and took over 5 generations of the same family to complete. One of them was really weird becuase it had Jesus on it but no matter where you stook he was always staring directly at you. All the time. Scary. Haha.

We then made it through all of another artist who is not all that famous but famous to art lovers. Unfortunately, I have forgotten the name but there is a whole seciton dedicated to him. Nextm we made it to the sistine chapel which is where Michelangelo painted his famous picture with God giving life to Adam It was smaller than I thought, but very impressive all the same. It was a bit annoying to lok up all the time, but it made me feel for poor Mike who actually painted looking up the entire time, rather than lying on his back as most people are lead to believe, it actually crippled the poor guy, looking up for so many years painting these masterpieces. And they are just that, masterpieces. VEry very cool.

We toured some more learning more about different things in Vatican before making it to St. Peters Cathedral, the largest church in the world. IT IS HUGE. Can sit over 50,000 people and has amazing amazing architecture (some of which was by Michelangelo) amazinger sculptures and just beautiful stuff everywhere. It really weas just stunning. I was very very impressed with it. Eventually though , I had to leave so I did said fairwell to Tom and made my way to where Lizzy was at Circus Maximus with a friend she met on her tour.

We talked for a while there at the place, which was okay, but had construction like the Pantheon yesterday, did I mention that? anyway it was really hot so we left saying goodbye to her friend and leaving lizzy and I stuck for things to do until I was like "lets fo see a film" forgetting it would be in Italian, we did anyway. Haha, it took a while and I even made up some Italian which was just Spanish with an accent asking for directions- it bloody worked! I can speak italian... ohhh yea!

WE ended up watching Eclipse which in Italian is called, Eclipse. It was fun to watch in Italian because we knew the story but couldnt understand a word. Actually, a few words crossed over with French and some of it I could pick up which was cool. But for the most part, squat haha. It was fun though.

After Eclipse we pondered back to our place had some tea and now here I am. There is a toga party later which we were going to go to but Gatens is sick and I dont want to go on my own haha. I am so lame :)

Its. So. Hot.


p.s. Sorry my font has changed to this ugly one, I cannot change it to Arial on this computer ... makes me sad.

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