Thursday, July 15, 2010

Part 133: Seafood Fail

Readers, hello!

I had a relaxed day today, really. I actually achieved a few things though. I checked-in for my flights and finished Sallys birthday present. It took ages. AGES... I thought it would be a lot less work than it turned out to be but I hope she likes it. I'll teach her how to use it (i'll explain tomorrow) and then it should be wonderful.

Anyway wow... I summed up my day in like 5 sentences haha. I spent a lot of it listening and just loving Florence and the Machines 'Dog Days are Over' its just golden and I had some awful pasta thing for dinner which I made for tea becuase I didnt have the right stuff to make anything I wanted. Unfortunately, while I was cooking dinner I also reheated 3 slices of pizza and ate them... then had tea... OH GOD ITS AWFUL. I want to go on a diet and not a seefood one. Seriously, I am just not happy with the fact that I am still putting on weight at an unhealthy speed. Feil.

Um, I did a load of washing today and looked for more couchsurfing places in Italia with no avail. 6 nights- no accomodation... shit.

Thats about it really. Sayounara :)

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