Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Part 131: Phineas & Ferb

Good evening,

I am vaguely sleepy right now for no reason. That was useless information.

Today I woke up at 9am before anyone else, it was amazing. I got up showered and had breakfast and commenced talking to the mother on webcam which lasted for a bit over an hour which was loverly becuase we hadn't spoken for a while 'face-to-face'. We discussed my amazing weekend and her life. I also heard a recording of my wee sister singing some jazz piece and to be blunt: She was amazing. Yes...

More useless information: I am watching Phineas and Ferb which is the BEST cartoon in the world. Haha. It makes me giggle. Defs check it out if you can.

Anyway, I finished my convo with mum then sat on the computer until Al came into my room and was like: 'We have house inspectors in an hour by the way can you.. tidy up or something?' I was like: '...' *rushes around and cleans room*. When my room was spotless and the floor was vaccuumed I thought it would be good to empty the house so Al could show it off without interuption and I wanted to go to the park so the kids, the dog and I went out to Lynn park and hung out there for a good hour and a half. It was good. Skipping stones, playing hide and seek in the park and listening to all the bands I heard live on my iPod. Such a good feeling. I was like 'totes saw them a few days ago' haha. The park was good.

We got back to the house at 2 but there was a second evaluator so we were stuck out of the house for an hour just sitting in the garden. When I got back inside I just talked to people on the net for the rest of the day. Had some form of lunch in there somewhere too.

I go to Italy sooooooooooon.

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