Thursday, July 22, 2010

Part 138: Roma

Hey yo readers!

I have internet! Unfortunately, its a bit crowded with a queue behind me so if I am quick, the happier people will be. These keyboards are honestly retardrd. If I press backspace twice this comes up ù... wtf. Dont even ask where the question mark is.

So, here I am finally in Rome after having arrived last night and meeting Gatens. I got to my hostel at 12 and was in bed by one, exhausted. The travel was a pain in the butt solely because I hate changing flights haha. Its cheaper though, so thats good. Anyway, I arrived alive and well but unfortunately, it was seltering at lke a gazillion degrees and I couldnàt get to sleep for ages.

This morning I woke up at 8.30 and met up with Gatens as previously arranged at the hostels market at 9. The showers here are amazing ! Haha. So we bought some stuff for lunch to make our life cheaper then headed off to the city. First stop, spanish steps. It swelterig again, I nearly died within 5 minutes, but in front fo the spanish steps there is a fountain in the shape of a boat, which wasplaced there after a boat was found there after a flood or something. Anyway, you can totally drink out of all the fountains in Rome and so I jusmped into the fountain to cool off, it was golden.

We then restedù for a bit and then made our way up the biggest stair thingi in Europe visit a church and then walked aùround looking for a gelato. We found this awesome shop with amazingly cheap Gelatos which were HUGE and tasty. Life was good and very italian. I should add here that I spend all day waving my hands about when I speak and saying any italian words I can even if they dont really fit in at all... good times.

After Gelato we went to some thing where the rooms were decorated in the skeletons of dead people who the pope many many years a go had killed because they didnt want to pay to go to heaven. It was eerie because there was like a millinon skulls which means sooo many people died. After that we made our way to the famous fountain I can not be bothered thinking of the name because its so blùoody hot. I hate this keyboard. Oh I also bought some sunglasses and swindled it down to 5 euro rather than 12 ...wpic win.

The fountain was cool, I through my coin in over my shoulder and then took a bazillion phots before leaving to go else where. We wanted to go to the colosseum but kept getting distracted by milions of little things that were all just so impressive everywhere. We saw a big big huge building dedicated to an unknown soldier who died in the war which wa cool. We stopped there for lunch then finally walked up to the colosseum. It s very very cool. I am in love haha. We went to Roman Forum which is just behind it to buy tickets because there was no line and its the same ticket -saved us about 2 hours, no joke. We then went back to colosseum and then bnought a guided tour which included a tour of the Roman Forum, bonus.

The tur was great I learnt a lot about the colosseum and ancient Rome and took a lot more hotos. It was BOILING though so it was hard to concentrate the whole time. At least I,ll tan haha. After we did the Roman Forum which is a buch of ruins from teh time Romans trulked the world. (I will edit my typos back at home!) It was pretty tops.lots of thing s that look nothing like what they used to but look bery cool now too. Very ruiney.

We were there until about 6 then we made our way to get some dinner -had pasta at an italian restaurant in Italy. Cannot top that!! Then made our way back home talking to an enthusiastic italian who used to live in Perth. Good times.

Far outr its hot. I am exahusted.

Vatican city tomorrow


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