Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Part 128: A Full Circle

Hello Readers!

So today was another wonderful day in Prestwick. I am currently watching some after football match show which for some reason is starring Scotlands Tennis player, Andy Murray who is as boring as drying paint. Oh hooray! Much to Moiras dismay Big Brother has been put on and the first thing we saw was Shabby screaming out '****' and I was like oh god! Turn it off turn it off! Moira was like... eh, watch away! Good on her. I've missed it and the drama in the house has been turned up times a bazillion, so exciting!

Now on to my day: Oh no! Caoimhe is leaving the house because she cant cope any more! Nooooooooo. Okay, my day: My day started at 9.15 to my alarm ringing. I got up, showered and then dawdled my way up to Moiras flat by 10 where we shamelessly watched too much tv and talked. The weather outside was dreadful so we just chatted with dodgy day-time television and a cuppa.

It eventually made its way to lunch time and we still hadn't done anything so we made lunch and sat at the table discussing the news and what we wanted to do for the day. WE decided we'd make our way down to the neighbouring town Troon. We finished our lunch and then walked down to the bus stop in the commencing rain and 10 minutes later we were on a bus. When we arrived at Troon the weather was even more miserable so we went to a cafe and came back to Prestwick. It was pretty funny but we got a nice coffee out of it so, yea.. haha. My God I have never noticed how much they swear on this show its all “F*** this” and “F*** that”. I did say to turn the channel over but Moira was happy to watch it... haha... hmm...

Anyway! We arrived back at Prestwick where I went off in search for a new pair of black shoes for work as the two pairs of black shoes I already have are not bloody suitable for my job. Now, Moira works at a lovely little charity shop called “Marie Curie” which I have heard is a hit with other members of my family. It was a longshot, but we thought we might be able to find a pair in there. We went in and I met Ellen, the shop owner who was really really nice and helpful and found a air of shoes that would were perfect! We weren't sure though if they would be comfortable for a long period of time so Ellen said I could have the shoes, no charge for a night to see if they were good and then if they were come back and pay tomorrow! Best. Service. Ever. I took them and they are perfect so I am going back tomorrow to pay for a practically brand new pair of European shoes … for like 4 pounds apparently sorry. Ohh Nathan is becoming really agro now, he used to be so nice and now hes a bully and everyone hates him. Also he is being mean to Shabby who wants to leave now. Ah, Big Brother. I love you.

Um, where am I? Oh yea the shoes. We got the shoes then walked back home where on the way I got a phonecall from work saying my hours had changed which was good for me sort of. I lost a few hours however I dont have to wake up at some ridiculous hour Thursday morning, I am now working Friday, Saturday, Sunday and I think Monday, I am not really sure about that but they said my hours wasnt reduced too much... I bloody hope not! Anyway the good news was I am the doorman which means I will be camping right at T in the Park rather (OMG SHABBY LEFT FOR NO REASON NO NO NO NO NO NO Thats so unfair, poor Sunshine who got evicted even though Shabby was up and now I am listening to the stupid group of boys who are like the 'loser' group, I dislike them muchly) than a far way out at the school thing. They provide me the tent and stuff (And now Caoimhe is sad because they were best friends its like someone died and omgomgomgomgomgomgomgomg OMG I am shocked and sad and omgomgomg) and I am happy because I think this set up will be closer to the music and such.

Anyway, we arrived back home and we came back and relaxed until tea which was Mince and Patatoes and then had Brian came over again. It was good to chat and get to know him a bit better with the football on then I showed him Lachlans 21st stuff which was interested in and then chatted some more, watch Holland stomp out Uraguay and then organised a possible trip to a Scottish football match if we can get in and arranged for me to come back here at some point when Julie and the kids are free (I say kids but I am only a few months older than Andrew...) in the next few months which I am very keen on. Brian then left and Moira and I were left with the telly which was swithed to Big Brother. And thats the fully circle.



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