Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Part 137: Bees from Canada?

Hey yo!

I been hearing some complaints about my lack of blogging over the last 2 days so I would like to apologise for my absense. In my defence I have no reason why I should not of blogged... wait? Thats not right...

Anyway, the last two days involved much Zelda playing on Sallys DS (I am more than halfway through!), TV, Italy organising aaand other random pointless stuff. The weather has been awful so my time for achievements has been tres limited. Oh well. Today was a bit better.

I woke up this morning and bummed around on the computer for a little bit before Sally and AJ came into my room and informed me that I am meant to be baby-sitting them so I should get out of bed. With a groan, I got up and then got a cuppa tea and some cereal then sat outside in the finally sunny weather. I was joined by the two littlies who suddenly took interest in the outside world and chatted to them while listening to some of Sallys Japanese music. It was good to chat though and play with AJ's new airplane toy which I figured out how to use. It was like a slingshot but with an airplane. Unfortunately the dog ate it... so you know... whatever.

I then had a shower and came down stairs where I did all my booking for Venice and then got online and spoke avec the Mum for a good while, even though she was soo tired, it was nice to talk to her anyway. I enjoyed it. We talked for about an hour and then dad came online so mum went to bed and I talked to dad for an hour. Webcam is seriously one of the best inventions ever. I mean, they are miles away! Incredible technology. It was great chatting to them and seeing what they've been up to.

After, I had to go post some stuff before 4, when the post office closed so I went to go but the kids really wanted to go to the park and skip stones so I thought we could do both at the same time. I let Al know, who arrived back home during my parental conversations, and then we set off on a 2 hour adventure which consisted of posting some letters and then some stone skipping and collecting. We collected all the biggest stones we cold find which was good then the kids cleaned them all and out them in a huge pile. We were pretty impressed with our collection in the end but got so distracted we didn't realise the dog went missing. Oops. Luckily some random dude was like... your dog is there and we were like thanks dude and he was like yep. Good times.

Erm, we came back home after that and I went to go back on the computer but got distracted by toast and a wee bit of Zelda. I eventually got back on for a bit to talk to Ruby when Al came in and was like, I am going out for beer on the deck... If you want a beer? I was like beeeeer! so I left Ruby and went out and chatted to Al in the sun with a few beers. It was funny because AJ came out at one point and was like yo, I need a p and an s. So Al was like huh? and then Aj was like A pudding and a snack. And Al was like oh. And then Al said I need two more b's. Aj was like? You need bees from canada? And I lol'd. It was such a random thought. He was serous too, I mean WHY did he think of bees from canada of all places? And we were talking about food and holding beers. Odd kid. HE eventually clicked and we got more beer and he got a p and then an s.

More time passed with some conversations then Big Brother happened. CAOIMHE LEFFTTTTTT! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Ergh. 18 days withough BB and laptop. Is Europe really worth it? Really? I'm struggling to justify my decision to go touring just now.

I joke.

Oh, I got a job phone call yesterday for door knocking but with good pay, they'll ring me when I get back.

Im off to Italy tomorrow, I may have internet (pleaseeee!) I am wearing my lucky underpants but thoughts from you would be lovely. Please wish me luck on my newest adventure and I hope to keep you up to date as much as I can.

If not, I'll miss you all.



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