Saturday, September 18, 2010

Part 179: Endings

And thus my trip draws to a close. After leaving London bright and early on Thursday morning and stopping over in China I made it finally back into Melbourne. Mind you, as most things aren't, it was not that simple.

Getting to Heathrow was rather simple, it was a long trip on the Tube then getting on the plane was fair simple as well. I did have some difficulty with checking though. Qantas didn't allow me to check in online which meant I may not get a seat next to Chloe who I was flying home with (I didn't announce this because I was keeping it as a surprise for Ellen!) When I arrived it did take little persuasion then it was all good. I had my ticket and made my way through customs. Waiting for the hour was boring as all get out and Chloe took longer than me in customs and I thought she ditched me so I left her and then wandered around, then we couldn't find each other and it was awful. Haha eventually we did. Got to our gate and took our seat on the plane an hour later I said 'goodbye' to Europe and we were on our way to China.

The flight flew by (pun), movies, talking, 11 hours, some sickness, China. China involved finding Chinese dollars and waiting around. Cute chinese people and the language amazed us. Plane again. Chloe slept and I watched more movies. No sleep, 10 hours, touch dowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwn. MELBOURNE! MELBOURNE! MELBOURNE! OMGOMGOMG! I had landed. I was so happy to be off the plane so I ran out and Chloe and I skipped happily out to customs when Chloe realised she left her passport on the plane (dun dun dunnnnn) feil. We went back to the plane, searched for it then I found it in her bag... that she had in her hand.... feil. We then walked out through the customs, which took a while then we were out. Chloe found her mother and I hugged her goodbye then off I went to search for a familiar face. Tam! TAM? WHAAAAT? Lachlan! Tor! YAY! I ran up and hugged them all! Hug hug hug hug hug. Then we walked around to leave and find dad who was arriving from Perth then I walked nearly right in to him! HUGGGG. Then we went for coffee and talked for a while before I had to hug Tam and Tor goodbye then Dad, Lach and I drove home.

The drive was pleasant talking about music and I tried hard to stay awake then I finally arrived at home in Maryborough. Mum cried and had made me a 'Welcome back' sign which was very cute. I then surprised Ellen who hit me to no end in shock then we all stayed and chatted for a while. Distribution gifts, showing my stuff and trying not to die from exhaustion. Then I fell asleep at 12.30 feeling very strange in my own house. It felt exactly the same, but slightly different.

Today was Ellens birthday. That meant that Tor, Net and Poppa where coming too. It was an easy day but I am still slightly exhausted. I went to a resevoir with dad and saw water in it. Last time I was in Australia there was a serious drought, now there have been serious floods and the water is very abundant and the land is green again. Its very very strange. I cant explain it. It seems like a different place but exactly the same too. Not that its been that long really but the fact that the drought essentially broke, its amazingly different. Roast for tea. Yum. I played piano today too- terribly - but it was fun to do. I also took this photo, its my family wearing the shirts I got them from different countries- one is missing though... so that nearly sums up my trip!

We spent the evening watching footy. Everything is back to normal. Its an odd feeling but here I am and will remain until my next big adventure. Thank you for reading my blog. I hope you enjoyed reading it because I enjoyed writing it and explaining to you all my adventures. It was an amazing trip and I would do it again in a heartbeat.
I have been halfway around the world and experienced life at its best. I had highs and lows as we all must but it was incredible. I feel I have grown as a person and can tackle the world (literally) face on. Its a bit sad for me to say this but also a relief however because this would be the end of A Well Named Blog (and well-named it was).

“We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end to the adventures we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open.” – Jawaharial Nehru

Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Doug,

    we enjoyed having you here and its good to know that you had a good journey back home. Always welcome in Holland and good luck with all the new things in Ozzieland.

    xxx the muller family, Sneek Holland
