Thursday, September 9, 2010

Part 172: Sad Face


Just Arghhh! And thus endeth my visit to Scotland (sad face)! Tomorrow bright and early (like 8.15am) I am leaving Scotland and catching a bus down to Cardiff, Wales. What can I say? I dont even know! I am part excited about going on the next part of my adventure and part shattered that I am putting this part behind me. Blah. My room is totally packed away now and looking at it knowing that it is going back into being a dining room makes me sad (faced). Its not mine anymore... Hmmm. Ah, nostalgia before leaving- who needs it?

So my day today was a-okay. I woke up at 8.30 and stared at the ceiling. Last full day in Scotland commenced. Chloe is still asleep so I went on the computer and watched TV whilst I waited for her to wake up. At like 10.30 she did. In this time, I also sent the dog off for a walk with the neighbour. Anyway, when Chloe woke up we sat for a while watching telly and doing a load of washing for Chloe. The load took two hours so in this time we both got dressed and ready to go to the doctors for Chloes infection.

We walked to the train and caught it to Mount Florida then walked to Victoria hospital where I waited for Chloe as she got her antibiotics. It was good, because I borrowed Chloes iPod cord before and finally synced Florence + the Machine onto my iPod! Gunnin' ith something to do. Da daaah! Anywho, We then came back home and then I sat and talked to Jilly who arrived just recently to say goodbye to me! Fortunately, she had to come back to drop the kids later, which meant I could see her later. Chloe, Jilly and I sat out with tea and talked about time thats past and whats to come. I then said 'Cya in a minute' as Jilly left back for her flat and Chle and I went out to the city so I could show Chloe some of Glasgow.

Train. Maccas. Quick tour of Glasgow. We went into a few shops and walked around the centremost part of Glasgow. Book tickets to Cardiff tomorrow. Good effort. It was my last time in the city so I was again sad walking around looking at all my places I like. Blah. Train (last one... which made me sad as well... wtf?) Train back in to Muirend. Walk to Netherlee. Pack EVERYTHING. Jilly and Al arrive.

I talked to Jilly and Al for a while and then watched some youtube with the kids until Jilly had to go back home. Arghhhh now I have no idea when I'll see her again! Weirrrd. I hate leaving places. Anyway... huge goodbye hugs. sad face. wave. inside. Hm, the kids went to bed (but I'll see them in the morning) so then Chloe, Al and I decided that we would have fish and chips for tea. Dinner (Chloe tried haggis! haha) . TV. Beer. Chats. Sad face. Blog.

BLAH. blahblahblah.

Thankyou Scotland, you were amazing. (Oh and Al, Jilly, kids: You were pretty tops too. Thank you SOOO much for your hospitality and I hope that I see you soon in either Australia or Scotland or China or wherever! Sad face....)

Goodnight. Sad face.


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