Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Part 177: Pull And Bear!!!

So, this is Chloes blog and I should add she just read it aloud to me and I was laughing like the whole time. When reading ensure you have the proper tone because its entertaining. Also my neck is sore :(

Hello. So this is weird...its Chloe here writing a guest blog thingy for Doug-a-bug. So today we got up vaguely early and had no breakfast (which i was sad about because breakfast is super yum) as we have ran out of time and had to go catch a bus!! We were traveling to LONDON!!! (dun dun duunnn) I slept on the bus a bit so that was fun...i think i even had dreams but i can't really remember them :( but yeah so we ended up catching a train to some random place once we had reached London and Doug said we needed to catch another bus after that but the problem was Doug didn't know which stop to get off on so we got off too early and had to walk a bit. It was quite entertaining seeing him maneouver his bag thing around people. But anyways we finally found the house and then (now that we actually knew the bus stops and all) made our way into London to go sight-seeing!!!

To begin with we decided food was in order as we were super hungry and had not eaten all day!! So we were looking for an awesome place to eat when we stumbled upon a restaurant called GIRAFFE. I was massively excited to see this restaurant as when i had previously been in London i had breakfast at that place (but in a different part of London) with my awesome Contiki friends :) it had been amazing food. Also when Doug and i had been talking earlier about where we should eat i had mentioned that i would have loved to go back to GIRAFFE even though i knew it was completely out of the way and a stupid idea. Anyways so we ate at GIRAFFE and i had this awesome chicken kiev thingy with mashed potato and veggies that they made skinny. Ooo i also had yummy wedges on the side cos they were awesome. And i had some orange juice!! Doug had a peri-peri half chicken (the peri-peri sauce was like super nice) and rice. The rice was pretty good but he had to add sauce to it to make it better. He also stole two of my wedges!! Oh and to drink he had Coke. Anywho the food was amazing and i was soooo full by the end of it. I almost couldn't finished the wedges but then i realised that i had to eat them because they were yum :)

Once we had finished our food we departed and walked past the London Eye. Its very big. I took a photo or two just for funsies and then we walked over the bridge towards BIG BEN!!!
(dun dun duunnn) Doug made my get photos of BIG BEN (dun dun duunnn) from this awesome spot where there would be a telephone box in it as well. Annoyingly we had to wait for this women who was taking a photo of a guy who was pretending he was touching the top of BIG BEN (dun dun duunnn) we didn't think it'd be a very fun photo at all but whatever. From there we went and had a look at Westminster Abbey...just a quick glance, a photo or two and all that jazz. Then we were off again this time heading towards Trafalgar Square. We got our pictures taken with the big lion and i almost didn't make it up as we had to pull ourselves up and i have no upper body strength at all. And then i almost didn't make it down as i was freaked out about falling. But i survived with Doug's help and we continued on to BUCKINGHAM PALACE!!!! (dun dun duunnn) I was super excited but i became sad once we realised that the funny looking guards with their silly hats weren't out and there were only normal ones marching around. Also there were policemen holding big guns near the gates. But anyways the non-cool marching guards marched really funny and i filmed them doing it on my camera because they looked that funny :) but i was still sad.

My sadness soon disapeared as we were getting closer to PULL AND BEAR (dun dun duunnn)!!!!!

So after BUCKINGHAM PALACE (dun dun duunnn) we wandered towards Picadilly Circus as we were hoping to maybe find tickets to The Lion King (the stage performance) for that night. Once we were there we decided to visit this really awesome souvenir shop because i had to find presents for my cousin. Anyways this souvenir shop was absolutely amazing!!! I mean it was just so cool and massive and there was a clown and a man standing outside all dressed up and everything. It took me ages to decide what to buy her because there were just so many options :) but in the end i found some awesome stuff that i hope she will like... :) Once that was done Doug and I searched for cheap tickets to The Lion King!!! We ended up finding some quite good ones which also included a meal but in the end we discovered how poor we were and decided against it. Instead we used retail therapy (well i did) to boost our spirits.

PULL AND BEAR!!!! (dun dun duunnn)

So yeah Doug and I walked to Oxford Street in search of PULL AND BEAR!!! (dun dun duunnn) Pull And Bear is a shop i had previously found in Ireland when i was traveling with my friend Louisa and her brother Jason. It was in the afternoon on our last day in Dublin. Louisa and I were just wandering down the main shopping streets when we saw this random shop. We decided to have a look because it seemed to be for the young people. In we walked and we were amazed at what we had found!!! It was the best clothes shop ever invented!!!! They had these really awesome, random jackets that were like waterproof and all. And there jeans were only 20euros and just all the clothes were amazing!! Loui and I decided to come back later but sadly by the time we had finished our looking around Pull And Bear was closed. We looked it up on the internet and found that the shop was also in Paris and Rome. When we went to Paris and asked people they had no idea the shop even existed. In Rome we discovered that the shopping centre it was in was ages away!!! And then we stumbled upon it in Bologna of all places. The sad thing was Loui was sick and we could not hang around in the shop for long. So when i found out there was a Pull And Bear in London i was estactic!!! I insisted that we must go there. We searched for PULL AND BEAR (dun dun duunnn) only knowing the shop number and that it was somewhere in the middle of Oxford Street. With a little bit of help from a kind shop person we finally made it to PULL AND BEAR (dun dun duunnn) and i was able to get over my sadness of not being able to see The Lion King. I only ended up buying a jacket and a pair of jeans as i was under money restrictions but those items of clothing made my day :D

All the important things done we decided to rest our weary feet and travel back to Sharon and Barry's house. Getting back to their house seemed to take ages but we finally made it back and had an awesome homemade dinner!!! We had garlic bread and spagetti bolognese. Then Doug and I drifted up to Seb's room (we are staying in Seb's room while we are here) and we wrote these blogs.

Here you may mention that the night is not exactly over...many things happen after 9pm. And it is very true. We will in fact be having sticky date pudding quite soon but anything else i believe will be so extremely exciting that i don't think you would be able to deal with merely reading it. For example we may go out and throw a frisbee around. But see now you would love to join us and i am sorry to say that you cannot. I would totally welcome you but it just isn't possible. Anyways that is all i believe...
Ciao :)

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