Friday, September 10, 2010

Part 173: Next Adventure

Hey there,

So I have now officially left Scotland! Gone gone gone. I woke up this morning to my alarm at 6am and Chloe and I did all our showering, packing and final things to get ready by 7.00. At 7, the kids and Al woke up and Al gave me the number for the Taxi company so I called a taxi to pick Chloe and I up at 7.30 to take us all the way to the bus station- I dont know about Chloes stuff, but all my stuff weighs a bloody tonne! As if I would want to walk to the station then from Central to the bus station. Taxi was easier. When the taxi came to take us away I hugged everyone a final goodbye and handed over my keys along with a card. As the taxi pulled out I gave a final wave and that was that... But I'll be back... Eventually... :/

We arrived at the bus station about 20 minutes before I bus was set to depart so I went and bought some water and Chloe bought us some snacks. We then hopped on the train and left Glasgow setting off on our 6 hour trip to Burmingham. I've borrowed the book 'Memoirs of a Geisha' off of Chloe so along with 'Florence + the Machine' and 'Mumford & Sons' in my ears the trip was pretty harmless. I am really enjoying the book so far. Chloe slept for most of the trip too. When we arrived in Burmingham we had 20 minutes until our bus to Cardiff left so Chloe went to the toilet then we were back on the bus for nearly 3 hours before finally reaching Cardiff at 6.30. We then caught a second taxi to our hostel because I couldn't be bothered walking again and it was raining.

So here we are at the Nomad hostel Cardiff. Its not great but the reception guy is great! We also have a French dude in our room so I told him about my stay in Grenoble and he didn't know where it was so I told him haha. He was from Nantes I think... Chloe and I did go out for dinner at a pub around the corner at some point which was reaaallly cheap and good food. (Chloe fell in love with the bathrooms there, they were as fancy as all get out! I mean really! Best. Toilets. Ever...)Aaand finally, we've organised our trip to Oxford, London, Stonehenge and Bath which is tres exciting. Oh! and I downloaded the film 'Inglorious Basterds' which we are having a break from currently for me to write this and Chloe to write her journal.

All is well but I keep thinking how odd it is that I am not going back to Scotland. Odd. Oh well, here starteth the final parts of my adventures in Europe. Wish me luck!

Thats all for today folks,


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