So, I don't actually thing denited is a word however what can I do, it is me saying that I said goodbye to my Scottish family who I was only united with a few short months ago...
I guess I should fill you in on my last 2 days in Prestwick. Its an easy fill in though because of poor Julie and Moira not being well. It thus left us with poor opportunities to do much. I basically really enjoyed Moiras company in her flat and pondering about Prestwick town. We also went and visited Brian and Julie on Sunday evening after going to dinner at the local Golf Inn. It was nice to be with them at their place just chatting for a while getting to know my 2nd cousin a bit better. Its really odd to think that he is my mums cousin... Odd in a good way though. I just felt bad for Julie who really wasn't feeling well. Baaad timing on all our behalves but still, it was nice being in Prestwick with family and although we weren't running around like crazy chickens doing lots of stuff, I had a great time getting to know everyone and being in good company. Weekend. Summed up. Ha ha.
I left this morning after a coffee with Moira and then caught the bus back into the city. When I arrived back at home I talked to Al for a while about our weekends. He had a good one with the kids... Apparently they had a Club Penguin Party on the trampoline which is quite random indeed. After, I went and cleared out bits and pieces in my drawers and stuff chucking random bits of rubbish into the bin and putting others in my folders ready to be packed. *Crack* that was my heart breaking. Packing all my belongings again... Blah. I don't want tooooooooo. I then spent some time on my computer until Sally came home from school and the Al and AJ went to get a haircut. I decided that I would try and utilise my remaining time in Scotland and hang out with everyone as much as I can. We played Nintendo for a while then played hangman and drawing games until she had to go to dancing so I played Mario Kart with AJ while Al dropped her off at dancing. Good times.
At 7 I trained over to Burnside where I was met by Holly Miles as tonight I was out for dinner
Anyway, that's about all...
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