Hello there,
So today was good but I cannae be bothered going into too much detail. I woke up with intentions of doing not alot. Well, that turned out to be a dud. I got up and was on the computer for a little bit whilst I waited for my load of washing to finish. Today was really sunny which was surprising, I was under the impression that today was meant to be raining so I was happy to hang out my washing, have a shower then take the dog for one final walk around Linn Park. The walk was really relaxing, I took my time and pondered around taking everything in with the greenery and such. Niiice.
When I got back and I had some lunch did another load of washing and did more packing and

Afterwards, I went and sat in Central Station for an hour playing Sudoku on my phone before meeting Chloeeeee! yay! Chloe is sick... not yay! But it was great to see her and after a big hug we went to the train and I introduced Chloe to Netherlee, Al and Sparky. It was nice. Since Chloes arrival we've planned our England/Wales trip and such. Now we are watching Family Guy and relaxing. Poor Chloe is EXHAUSTED after her 20 day Contiki tour. Good on her.
Well, thats about it!
LOVE the hair cut and thanks for the pic!!! lol!! xo