Saturday, May 8, 2010

Part 76: Royalty on a Birthday

Okay, its now 1am and I have to be up at 7am so I am gonna try and make this short and sweet. Kcool. Sorry for my lack of blogging yesterday by the way, just had nothing too exiting to report.

So, todays day was pretty crap. I was invited going to go to a brunch with Jette and he boyfriend, Arvid, but then stuff happened and I ended up not going. This meant I had the whole time home alone again. I mean, I could have gone exploring, but Ellerau is another Maryborough where by, if you've seen it once, you've seen it all and I didn't know when Jette would be back so I just stayed at home (turned out she was away for 6.5 hours, I could have done a fair bit in that time ie, Hamburg..) anyway, I did get time to work on my project which I havent done for a while, which was good. I also dusted off season 8 of Smallville. Eep.

When Jette got back at 4.30 she had some packing to do for selling tomorrow so I talked to her and followed around for that. I also uploaded this video: on to youtube. Its a 'how to make a paper crane' video. Yep. check it out if you have a spare 10 minutes and a square piece of paper. So anyway at 6.30 we ate cake which Jettes mum made then we walked to the station and caught the train in to Hamburg. On the way we met up with one of Jettes friends whose name I should remember but I cant and her two friends who was Timone (the only name I can remember because its like the lion king) and his girlfriend. The 5 of us all introduced ourselves and I reverted back to the shy guy who cant speak German. Still it was fun following them around and listening to them, also, they could all speak English to different degrees so when I caught them one on one it was fine.

We arrived at the harbour which had a whole fete going on with soooo many people it was ridiculous. Also, it is legal to drink in public in Germany so already there were drunks walking around with beer. Anyway, we cruised around for ages looking at everything and anything that looked like anything. Good times. There was also the Queen Mary 2 (The fanciest ship in the world) in the harbour today, which I have seen before in Queenscliffe, I think, so it was cool seeing that somewhere else.

We then met up with another guy, whose name I forget as well (I am shocking, SHOCKING with names) Anyway he was cool and spoke great English so I talked to him eventually for a while. The 6 of us went on a ferris wheel, had some drinks (one of which was called Fickin or in English to fuck [scuse my...Italian...?], me and the other two guys had a shot of it and I was all expecting to go like wasted or something to match the name like they were saying it would... but nothin' it tasted good though) walked around and saw a historic part of the harbour which dates back to the middle ages. It was an original way of importing goods and that is one of the reasons Hamburgs harbour is so special.

Later we made our way down to a part where no one else was and watched a magnificent fireworks display but also choked on the smoke. It was fun though and the fireworks where very pretty. After we watched the Queen Mary depart from the harbour and then made out way slowly back home through the MASSES (you can sorta see in the first picture, but the masses get worse. Much worse.) of people.


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