Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Part 6- Les Princesses d'Hanball ...?

Okay! I am in a hurry but if I dont do todays one I never will. It is 11.31pm and I have to be up tomorrow at 7.30am because I have school! (wish me luck...)

So today, as per usual my morning was slow and pretty laid back. I was on msn for a bit had breaky.. the usual... After I was showered and ready Fanny, who if you recall has Wednesdays off (like Tim and Bastien but without the skiing...), wanted help with her homework. I obliged which was funny because I was helping her with her French homework but actually helping... I knew the answers to questions she didnt - it was very odd but it sure made me feel smart :P After we also did some English homework but it was much to easy for her and very Americanised, so it annoyed me and I didnt help that much. Instead I just stared out the window at the fresh batch of snow which had formed over night - amazing no?! :)

Later Carole, Fanny and I made lunch. It was a salad with various leftovers on the side. It was yum. I then killed time playing card games and such and going on my computer until about 4pm where it was decided we would go to the cinema. Tim had got home, so the four of us went to go see 'The Princess and the Frog' but it was all in French so I should say 'La Princesse et la Grenouille' I was a bit worried I wouldnt understand anything and thus be bored throughout the whole film but once again I was suprised as this was not the case. I understood most things except for the songs and this stupid firefly who had some ridiculous accent. It was a cute film though and thus easy to watch and I think it helped that the story was easy to follow so if I did miss bits, I could still catch on. It was funny though because the baddy in the film scared Tim a little so he had to hide with his mum... poor Tim...:P

Upon getting him, I was promptly dragged into the worl of games again and played until about 7 where I was rushed into dinner (A quickly whipped up Omelette with bread and left-over salad) then given tickets to go see a handball match. Now, I was always under the impression that I was going to go see Fanny play handball (hanball) mais non! It was a full on 'professional' match. It was me and Fanny who were going but with a family friends family. The family were really good because all of them were easy to understand when they spoke French - perfection.

We went to a stadium and watched Frances best team Chambery (yes, thats the town near mine) take on an annihilate Nante. Apparently, France is the worlds best handball country so, apparently the game I was watching was world class. I dunno, to me, it seemed like such a stupid game. But the crowd loved it and the atmosphere, although ridiculous, was pretty impressive. There was a commentator the whole way through, who never actually talked about the game, he just wanted to get the crowds singing and cheering for Chambery (it was a VERY biast crowd, not one person was barracking for Nante :( hehe) I didnt cheer much but I did enjoy it at, some of the goals looked pretty cool. It was still a bit of a lame sport nonetheless haha. I think, some people found it to be a very... manly (maybe not the right word... tough?) game, because they deliberatly charge each other or sometimes 'accidently' knock someone over. To me, it seemed very wussy because they would fall over when a ball hit them... It wasnt even thrown all that hard. I dunno, maybe its because I am comparing to AFL (basically the only other live sport I've been to) where people actually do get injured... Oh well! It was fun. I did randomly get a strike of homesickness but that was just ridiculous.. I dont know why I got it then... Stupid.

Also, Carole gave me 20 Euro to buy food and drinks for Fanny and I, so I bought us unhealthy stuff that I probably shouldnt have because Fanny was a wee bit hyper afterwards.. oh well haha. Ermm Oh yea! They also did the cannon thing during time out that they have on the simpson (the thing that killed Maude Flanders...) A girl would come out with a cannon and shoot out t-shirts into the audience- me and Fanny were the first people to get one. It was awesome. Everyone around us was so jealous haha. Fanny actually won it, but its much to big for her so I am gonna con it out of her as a souvenir.

Okay, sorry its a bit rushed. But thats the update for today. School tomorrow - I am scared haha EARLY.

Hope all is well. COMMENTS?!


1 comment:

  1. did you take any photos of the game..or the t-shirt? Would love to see them. I hope your French lesson goes well. I can't wait to hear your feedback. Love ya xoxo
