Sunday, February 28, 2010

Part 23: Live it

And thats all, February is over. In an hour and a half, it will be March. I am one month into my adventures. Wow. How quickly it has gone, I feel like I just got here but I am already 1/7th of the way into my initial plans. Amazing.

I thought I might honour the month by doing a recap and outline things I have learnt and want to change in the future. I'll do the quickest cap of today and dive into it.

Today it was planned that we would all go to the cinemas. Carole, Bastien and I were going to see Avatar and the rest were going to watch a film called Ocean. We were going to leave at 12.00, get McD's then go to the films. At 10 to 12 Benoit recieved a call from a friend who was coming to drop of ski's (I think) that a) they hadnt seen for like 6 years and b) they forgot were coming. We skipped Maccas and stayed home so that they could catch up and have a proper get-together. I didnt really know what to do, they assumed I didnt speak French, thus didnt talk to me, so I left and played cards with the kids, who were also a bit stuck for things to do. The family had two kids that played with Tim, which was nice, but Bastien and Fanny were a bit out-of-place so.. yea.

Eventually, we had pizza for lunch and then everyone rushed out the door, the family to go home and us to go to the cinema. We saw Avatar in 3D, I much prefer it without 3D but it was cool watching it in French. Bastien and Carole I think were somewhat underwhelmed with the film, but oh well. The others enjoyed their ocean film... sure.

Back home, we all did our own things until tea, then yea... Smallville.

Right! thats out of the way.

Week 1 (30th-7th):
  • Had a going away party and said goodbye to all my friends and family in Australia.
  • Had some luck to start off the trip by meeting Luke, Danielles partner who was going on the same flight as me. I was being looked after.
  • Left Australia at 6.30and thanks to a 'stupid?' delay, ended up in London (where I bought the first thing I have ever bought overseas- a hot chocolate from starbucks in order to get change so I could use the computers to contact Student Placement Australia) and then Paris eventually, 6 hours late. By this time having been in 4 completely different countries in 30 hours: Australia, Singapore, England and France.
  • Got lost in Paris, but found my way in the end
  • Travelled on the Metro
  • Had a quick tour, I have seen Paris. Quickly, but I have done it.
  • Went on the SNCF train for 3 hours - so comfy
  • I trained to St-Marie d'Alloix and met the Beyliers
  • Tried French cheeses... and then stopped eating French cheeses
  • I saw around St-Marie including some of the surrounding towns such as Pontcharra (with the beautiful park!), Chambery and the little ones I dont really know that well.
  • Saw buildings older than Australias history.
  • Got amazed by supermarkets
  • Experienced snowing for the first time.
  • Went Skiing for the first time...On the Alps.

Week 2 (8th-14th)

  • Explored more towns. I had the walk through La Flanchere with Carole.
  • Went and saw 'La Princess et la Grenouille' in the Pontcharra cinema
  • Went to a professional Handball match with Fanny
  • Started University in Grenoble ... FRENCH University to study FRENCH. Odd.
  • Went bowling
  • Made friends with Vincent
  • Had my first French wine in France
  • Got incredibly sick. Death
  • Started teaching Piano to Charlie
  • Had Maccas in France haha.
  • Got told by Bastien that I had crappy hair. Luckily it was just a bad translation, he meant curly... Lol

Week 3 (15th-21st)

  • Met Flore, the kids' cousin, she stayed for 3 days.
  • Toured Grenoble all alone and fell in love with it :)
  • Went rockclimbing and didnt hyperventilate
  • Saw a french play
  • Walked from Saint Marie to La Buissiere
  • Had an awkward meeting with Ankes daughter and her...hobby...

Week 4 (22nd-28th)

  • Scaled up to the Bastille in Grenoble
  • Tried Hot Wine
  • Rode a bike to La Buissiere and stopped in a forresty like place for a while to gather my thoughts
  • Visited Allevard...
  • Had a French dinner party with two other families thus meeting Clara and Manu
  • Met Camille who offered to do cooking courses with me
  • Ski'd from the peak of a mountain in blizzard conditions at a famous ski resort.
  • Tried a boomerang (How French...)
  • Had sugar popcorn, its gross. Dont have it.

Thats it. That was my February. Sometimes amazing, sometimes lonely but always an experience I guess. Something that I have found odd though, is since Paris, I havent heard from Student Placement Australia or the French company PIE. Thank God everything is okay.

Now, I have learnt things about being here which I need to work on to make the next two months even better than this one. To make sure I do it, I am going to tell the whole bloody world so that everyone is there making sure I do it. I will.

Things to work on: Be more outgoing, be prepared to get out of my confort zone with people, be confident in my French, go out and explore - screw being on my own I chose this and I am going to live it, keep my room cleaner, stop hiding in my room so much, play piano more, make more of an effort to get to know everyone I have met so far and finally, try more. I am here now, I am going to make the best of it, I am going to go places. Live it.

So, yes. Determination at its peak :P I made a list of things I want to do, I am going to try and do them all. The one that looks the most do-able at this point is my day-trip tour of Geneva-Switzerland. Should book that tomorrow and just do it.

No more excuses.

Goodnight everyone, I hope you had awesome Februarys too.


Saturday, February 27, 2010

Part 22: Well, I'm part Scottish

I say this as my excuse for not being able to throw a boomerang... But I'll get to this.

G'day readers! So, today was another not a lot day but a few things did happen.

This morning was normal, I spent it just doing what I do best, exercising my fingers on the laptop. Nothing really happened until around lunch time. Just before lunch I was bored and so played cards with Bastien and Fanny. We played 'slide' but a weird way with scores and such which I cannot be bothered explainining properly. Basically you used the high cards only and if you lost then you would pick a card from the pile of remaining cards, in the end, the highest score lost. I pwned it and so Bastien and Fanny conspired against me taking advantage of my lack of abillity to comprehend unarticulated French. It was annoying. Luckily I was saved by the bell of lunch.

Lunch was a bit of a drama, the Beyliers were having fish while I was having a hamburger, which Fanny wanted. So she got upset because she didnt want fish anymore and then left and didnt eat lunch. Also, Bastien wanted it too so he kept staring at me eating asking for half (jokingly sorta...) but it was quite awkward. In the end, he brought out burger buns and made a fish burger... it was good because he stopped glaring at my food. Sigh...

After lunch we played more cards until I got bored and stopped. Then, in a fit of rage because I was leaving, the kids decided to attack me. They wouldnt let me leave the room so, of course, I showed them who was boss picking both Fanny and Bastien up of the ground and throwing them across the room.... Maybe Carole shouldnt read this bit haha. God I am buff (LOL) Anyway, I went downstairs to the kitchen to escape but ran into Tim who then saw Bastien and Fanny attacking me and though it would be good to join in. So the three of them were jumping off the staircase, grabbing my legs and tickling me trying to take me down. Thank God they are all little, I could take them on with ease throwing them and tripping them down. Thank God for my ex-Tae Kwon Do too.. haha. I pwned them all! It was really quite fun though until Tim got upset because he hurt himself a little bit so to cheer him up, I got penalised and had to sit through tickle torture. I nearly died. It was awful. I told them to stop for a drink break, then it all began again until Benoit came and said we should go test out the boomerangs I gave the kids when I first got here.

All 6 of us hopped on a bike and rode to a nearby paddocky-field things and we played with the boomerangs for a bit. None of us had done it before and thus we were all relatively terrible. I think Benoit was the best at it, he could actually get distance and then it would turn slightly. I could get it to turn the tiniest bit but I couldnt get the height or distance. Really though, we all kinda sucked but it was very amusing watching us all give it a go. I have some videos of us, but they are so silly haha. I may chuck up some photos at the end if I can be bothered :)

After boomeranging, we biked for a bit then came back home where we snacked and I went back to computing until I was dragged up to the TV room due to the fact that Carole and Benoit had gone out shopping and the kids were arguing over what TV show to watch. With my brilliant problem solving skills I sat doing nothing while they explained there stories until Bastien suggested I allow him to go on his computer and then the others could watch whatever. I was not one to be like 'er... no laptops...' (Hypocrite!) so this worked fine for me.

Later was tea, we had fried rice and beans it was yum then after I had a cool chat to Carole about LA while clearing the table and doing the kitchen. Carole and Benoit then went out to see a film which I was invited to, but we're going tomorrow to the cinemas as well, so I politely declined allowing them a night out and stayed home to watch Smallville with Bastien and Fanny. I took notes for Carole, but they were 3 bloody good episodes so I suggested she watch them anyway. After, the kids went to bed and I went up and made the notes into little paper cranes for my amusement. Then I typed this.

Okay.. Because I am nice, photos...

The coach haha, giving everyone his idea of how it should be done. He internet researched haha

The Australian, failing haha.

On the way there were horses which Fanny likes and rides sometimes. She bought food for them so she fed them.

Our bikes. I love how bikes look in photos now for some reason. Random.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Part 21: Trying to Spell Your Name

Goodmorning, it is currently 1.15am. I dont have much to report today as I chose not to do anything. I was sleepy *yawns*.

I woke up at around 10ish and went on msn to let mum and Ellen know that I was going to miss a previously scheduled webcam meeting in 20 minutes and that I'd be on after I had had a shower, breaky etc. I was meant to be on for just a second however I found out that the one and only Victoria McLure was over visiting my parents briefly (sans Lachlan - lazy lazy boy) She was going to go before the time I would be online dressed and proper, so we had a chat then and there. It was really good to talk to her! Havent had a decent chat for essentially the whole time I have been here! She was well, I was tired and eventually the sound on her end cut off so we decided to call it quits after a view laughs and well-missed injokes and I went to go get dressed.

I came back and this time chatted to my mum and also Net and Poppa who had come over to visit as well! It was great to see them as well! SO many people in one day on webcam, it was good. Everyone was well and I also downloaded skype to make webcamming easier. Any skypers can add me, just search for me I guess, my full name should work shouldnt it? Oh well. I would love a chat xD

I had lunch and chatted to the family for a little bit then came back up stairs and laptopped till 3ish when Benoits sister-in-law came over with her 4 kids. I forgotten everyones names now because I didnt really talk to them much. I sat and tried to listen to Carole and sister-in-law (SIL) have a chat over a coffee, but I didnt get much and couldnt reply so it was a bit frustrating. I felt so daft. Anyway, eventually Fanny came in complaining she didnt have anything to do, so I left and played cards with her. Then Bastien and two of the cousins came wanting to play monopoly which I started but then, in true monopoly fashion, got bored and left about 10 minutes in.

I started looking more into my Geneve tour and also started, I dont quite know why, looking at tattoos. I spent most of the day doing that... I was inspired. I then wasted time on the computer until tea, I think... I cant recall doing anything of interest until tea. The kids all ate first having pasta so while they ate I sat with Benoit (who had arrived home), Carole and SIL with a glass of white wine as they chatted away about whatever. I sat and tried so hard to concentrate and try and listen in. I've decided, its hard to really concentrate after a while. I start off, and listen and then when I realise I dont know that word, then that word then that word then it all turns into a bit of a blur, I tune out and then miss it all completely. Then I'll realise I've tuned out and start again missing a fair wack of whats been said. Its especially bad when I realise I've been asked a question and everyone is anticipating an answer. Just smile and say 'oui' people either nod, that was the right answer, or just go back to the conversation thinking I just didnt understand anything...fml. Anyway! Dinner for the adults and I was ham and this other stuff which I dont know what it was, it was just a block of something that looked like I should be dipping biscuits in if I were into that sort of thing. I ate it anyway because everyone insisted I simply must try it. So I did, and it was okay. I guess.

After tea, the SIL-crew left and I went back to my room. I also decided on what my next tattoo will be. It will be the representation of this trip that I will get probably in the UK maybe, sometime before I go back to Australia. It will be a paper airplane either on my right ribs or right arm. I dunno yet, but I really am keen for it. I want it now. The tattoo is also the inspiration for the title of todays blog. Angus and Julia stone have a song called 'Paper Airplane' which love a hella lot. It has a lyric right at the start 'I spilt the paint, across the page, trying to spell your name...' So.. thats where that comes from.

So after that, I watched...I dont even have to type it. We watched I think 3 episodes which took us past midnight and thus making me be up so late typing this. I love it though. So good. the episodes tonight were odd though, poor Lex was getting drugged by his father to make him look like he had gone insane, meanwhile Lana was getting somewhat hypnotised into loving someone who had gained superpowers as well and so Clarke was fighting to save both of them. He also went blind at one point... God its a random but awesome show. Haha.

Anyway, I'm gone with the wind so gotta say: mmm

Post finished at 2.00am thanks Tam for the distraction.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Part 20: Taking The Boots Off

Wow! So, nothing went as planned but thank god, what an amazing day. I have to start with last night because that was missed so, I will start there...

Last night...The cake I made with Fanny turned out to be a bit of a.. not quite disaster. It didnt set correctly, but it tasted oh so good. How we mucked up, I really dont know. Anyway, We ended up getting little bowl things and putting it in them so people at the gathering could have personalised bowls. Then Carole sprinkled it with sugar and it looked like it was meant to be like that. We agreed to say it was anyway. At around 7.30 Tim's baby sitter Camille came. Camille is 22 and Carole has been wanting to introduce me to her since my arrival as she has as much free time as I do, I think. A good buddy to have apparently. I went downstairs to do the formalities and meet her. Self-conscious about my French thats about as far as we got, except for the occasional conversation about geography with Tim that we could both comment on.

At 8.00 we said goodbye to Tim and Camille and left for the Marcoux's place. When I got there all the hello's and how are you's were quickly over with and I was left to fend for myself with Vincent, Clara and there friend Manu. I say fend because, although they were very very nice people, they spoke in a language that was not French at all. It sounded more like 'le uhhcroissantuuuhheuhhghh' in other words, I could pick up a few things but the rest was just slurr. Stupid Teenagers and their stupid articulation issues. Oh well, luckily, Clara lived in Australia for a year and thus had good English and Vincent can hold a conversation therefore, if I got lost and they noticed, they would give me a quick update on the conversation. Manu tried her very best but her English was just not quite up to the same standard. She articulated the most though!

Dinner was served in an informal manner so you just ate when you felt like it. I have absolutely no where to go with that sentence... it was just a statement of fact....

Moving on! After sitting for a while with the teens and trying to chat sometimes (also, getting picked on for the way Australians say 'No', they tried to show me what was funny about it, apparently it sounds like 'noey' to them? lol) We went down to Claras room and watched her in some old dance concert videos. They got thrills out of pointing out people they knew and such, so I sat awkwardly until occasional questions slipped out from them or I. The language barrier really was killing me. I had nothing to say due to my lack of ability to say anything so I really hope they still like me at least a little. I must have been a bit odd... haha :S Anyway, also due to my lack of ability to communicate I decided to not go to the part last night. According to Clara, it would be a waste of time because no one would bother trying to speak to me because its that kind of crowd and so I would end up being bored whilst everyone got absolutely blind and such. A bit disappointed I declined Vincents final offer before he and Manu left at 10.30.

With just Clara and I the only teenagers remaining we joined the adults and didnt speak much at all. I dont know why. Oh well. The adults chatted away in a much more articulate manner and thus was sometimes actually comprehensible and thus allowed me to have some input in the conversation. That was good... Anyway! After a while and lots of dessert we decided to leave I think it was just about midnight. Oh! also, Vincents mum wants me to teach Vincents 14 year old brother English. Apparently, he has no interest in learning it, doesnt listen to his mum when she tries to help him and she was hoping I could help out. We'll see.

Back at home Camille was watching Hannah Montannah in French upstairs. I actually talked to her a little bit then. Later, when she was leaving, we also exchanged numbers and I think something about her teaching me how to cook (...this had nothing to do with the cake, I think its just something she likes to do) was mentioned. that could be a good hobby. Anyway, at around 1.00ish I ended up getting to bed knowing full well I had to be up at 8.00am. Now, I was going skiing.

This morning! Okay, I woke up got dressed had breakfast and got changed into snow gear than off we we went at about 9.15 to go to 'Les 7 (Sept) Laux' ski resort. Its near a village called Prepoutel and is apart of the Alp-Alps, not the Pre-Alps. Anyway so it was Carole, Bastien, Fanny, Tim and I all skiing (Bastien hasnt ski'd in like 5 years or something so was like newbie today like me!) Fanny had a slalom competition thing which was the main reason we were there so upon arriving, me Tim and Bastien stayed around the car while Fanny got registered and everything. Tim and Bastien decided to pummel me with snow balls, which was okay until the realised the could shove them down my jacket and shirt and thus it would be right on my skin, stuck in my shirt and melt there leaving me freezing... luckily Carole came and then we went and that was that. Or was it? (dun dun duuun!)

We all started off on an easy hill. I was not too bad considering I had ski'd once before and not for a little while. I only fell once and that was because after a while Bastien (who was much worse than me in the beginning but caught up quickly) and I grew bored and decided to race. I was fine until I turned to fast and crossed ski's. I was such a noob back then! By this time, Tim and Carole had left up a chair lift to the next highest part of the mountain to stay with Fanny so me and Bastien, acting all pro, decided to go up and take on a higher difficulty mountain. We did fine- serious. We had a few falls but all-in-all I think we were not too bad... Until we decided to go through a forest. What were we thinking? It was so much the fact that there were trees everywhere to run into while skiing, but there were trees everywhere that my ski's got stuck on when I fell right at the end. I couldnt get up for like 10 minutes... Stupid. It was really fun though.

After, Bastien and I were wondering where everyone was so we went to the meeting spot and tried calling Carole on my phone. no luck, answering machine. Not too fussed, we ordered oringinas (a French soft drink) and sat for a while until growing impatient and deciding to search. We found them when we were on the chairlift and then met them quickly after it was nearly Fannys turn to compete, so we stayed and cheered her on, which was great. Then with Tim and Carole, we took the same path back down the mountain that we just did before. I got stuck in the trees again. Idiot.

Lunch was next. I was hungry so I suggested lunch. No one was really hungry except Tim so it was decided that Tim and I would eat and the rest would keep skiing. Tim and I walked around the shops trying to find one that had free seats inside (it had started to rain) eventually we found one (which also happened to be the meeting point) and we sat and had lunch. I had a cheeseburger and Tim had a maaaassive plate of spaghetti that I ended up eating most of. At 2.30 the rest joined us and had their lunches while I had a hot chocolate and Tim drew on the windows.

When lunch was done and dusted Carole suggested we all took the other chairlift at the resort. I had no idea where it went and so was like 'sure, why not' Only once I was on for a while, and saw how bloody high we were going did I start to panic. We were going to practically the very top of the mountain. The chairlift ride started off fine until we got higher and higher and the wind kicked in. The weather was ridiculous. I cannot even begin to explain what it was like. I mean, furious furious winds and small snow particles blowing in it hitting your face and inflicting slight pain. We finally got to the top. I mean, this was the most amazing thing ever. I cant explain it well and I am sorry I have so many things to say about it, it would just come out as 'eoighasoerghaoweihge' My photos dont do it any justice either. I think the atmosphere made it. I mean, I was terrified. I was standing on the top of a mountain where I could look down on other mountains and it was so close to an edge where I could fall off and standing still meant the wind was pushing you forward. It was intense. Just amazing. Amazing. It got better/worse though, I was going to ski down it.

Looking down the mountain I was about to go down was just scary. It was sooo steep much steeper than I have ever tried before. Also I go side to side a lot when I ski to keep control of my speed, but I was to scared to do that properly because of the edge. Oh well, there was nothing else to do but go for it. What an experience! I actually did very well, It was bumpy, I was going really fast, I was terrified but it was amazing. I was a bit behind everyone else because before we started, I was taking photos (that was an experience in itself, so much wind pushing me around...) and they all left without me but they were waiting for me a little way down. I stopped there and the wind had died down a bit so I took out my camera and took photos. Carole pointed out to me different places - we could see St Marie d'Alloix alongside many other little towns. So far down. So so so far. It was spectacular. So scary though - especially when the wind came back again full force blowing us and starting us down the mountain again. I cannot explain this wind. It was soooo strong.

The rest of the way down was just so much fun. The whole time of course I was scared of dying but that added to it. Haha. I barely fell at all for the most part (i'll explain) and so it was really enjoyable, and the views were immaculate. Whilst nearing the end of the mountain Carole offered to film me going down because I was doing so well, it was impressive (egooo!) We tried three takes and every single time I did a not-so-graceful dive into the snow. I mean, I had barely fallen at all. Then the second we film its ka-plunk, ka-plunk, ka-plunk...sigh. Right at the last leg of the mountain part there was a very bumpy steep bit and Carole went first, we were going to give filming one last try. I can tell you now, I aced it, I flew down jumping on the bumps and did NOT fall over at all. Unfortunately the camera battery died and we didnt get it on film. Carole said she will vouch for me though, so if you dont believe me I have a witness.

That was probably one of the funnest things I have done. I would nearly say ever. It was so cool and so not what I am used too. Anyone who is coming to France - DO THAT it is amazing.

After Fanny went to go check her competition results so Tim and Bastien stayed with me and attacked me with more snow. It was really awful. I was so soaked in all my clothes now. Eventually, I got annoyed and left sitting somewhere else. I could still see them, but now they werent trying to give me hypothermia. Fanny came back a bit after with her results, she got her medal!! It wasnt like a 1st, 2nd 3rd thing, it was... I dont really know, but she did very well and got a medal for it! Good on her. XD

After praising Fanny for her efforts we decided it was time to leave. I looked back at the chairlift that tok me to the top of the mountain and noticed that it was closed - due to really strong winds. It. Was. Crazy.

Back at home we did the obvious things (put stuff away get changed) and then watched Smallv... Well, we did the obvious things. Oh! I also recieved a 'care-package' from mum and dad which was an added bonus to my day. I love it, and it was so good to solve the rubix cube again-much practice is required!! Thankyou Mum, Dad, it was great and I got a giggle out of it. Tea was next, Benoit was home and we chatted away about our adventures. After tea, I came up here and typed this.


PHOTOS: Now, there really dont do ANY justice for the pure epicness of the top of the mountain. I can tell you again and again- it was just ... far out.
Fanny, getting ready for take-off!!

THAT is where I was. THERE! All the way UP THERE! I am sorry the photo doesnt show much because it is little, but it is incredibly high. Wow. Haha

A view, all the ground is little houses and suc haha. Clouds and omg it was so cool

The drop. Haha, you cant see the drop but that what the edge was like. My god. I want to go again! Wtf?!
P.S. The name of todays blog comes from skiing. The best bit is taking the boots off I swear. It just kills your shins so its such a relief. Apparently thats well-known fact in France, but I pointed it out myself.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Part 19: Lucky Underpants


So, it is only 5.44 at the moment so my day hasnt finished and I am not even really doing anything until later. I am going out for tea with families (I mentioned this the other day) and then after, going out to a party with Vincent and Clara. I wont be back till tomorrow so I am posting my blog now.

Right, so! Today so far has been another day at home doing pas grands choses. It was cold and raining and such so I had no intention of going anywhere, neither did the Beyliers. We ended up just taking it easy here. I was MSN a fair amount until Lunch. At lunch Carole asked if I could take over Smallville downloading duties and also with Bastien set up a new chest of drawers that had been delivered. Why not? I am no handyman but whatever, something to do.

With instructions in hand, we did it. Luckily all we really had to do was put the handles on haha. So it was bloody easy... Yeppity. It took a bit of time though, but in the end it looked not too bad at all. Also, the boxes ended up providing entertainment for all, but I will get to this.

I cam back to MSN only to talk to Carole and find out she needed to make a cake for tonight, bored, we agreed I would do it. I havent cooked for a while, but I was glad to get out the old chefs hat and give it a go. I got Fanny to help me as well. It took us a while because I didnt know where anything was and it took a while to find a recipe that suited the ingredients we had. Eventually we settled for a chocolate one (of course) and I think its turned out okay. I dont know... Its in the fridge. Havent checked it... I probs should do that after this.

Anyway, then the box become the toy of the moment. We would (upon request) put one of the kids in the box then close it, and drag or carry it around the house so they would find themselves in a different location. It was pretty fun because they didnt really know what was going on whilst they were in the box so we spun it around randomly and flipped it and stuff even though we werent actually moving. Haha. It was a good way to use a box, I think.

Anyway, now I am back here typing this wondering whether I am going to live through the night haha. Not really, thats a bit dramatic. But all of those who know me know a) I'm not the biggest party person, I like to have some people to cling to and chat with. I dont have that here and b) I decided not to drink too much whilst overseas. Without a Michelle guiding my actions I could do so many things I would probably regret. Especially because I dont know anyone. Hm, it could be very very fun, very very awful (especially because its an overnight thing, I mean, if I become all 'closed-shell' Doug, I am in for a very long time of being bored out of my brains alone) or very very anticlimatic. We shall see I guess. I do have my lucky underpants haha so heres hoping I make a few new friends tonight and dont do anything stupid! Wish. Me. Luck. Haha. I am looking forward to the dinner though. That should be good.

Right. Thats it. I guess you'll hear more tomorrow, I am also going skiing. So it should be quite a blog I think. Maybe. We'll see.

p.s. You probably noticed the change in the blog layout. I dont know if I like it but I am giving it a try. Lemme know?

**edit** So, I just found out because I return at 10, I miss out on skiing. bugger. Another day home alone. Haha.... Sigh. We might also go this weekend though, so heres hoping.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Part 18: Meteor Shower

Hello friends!

Todays title is because I cant really think of a way to sum up today. Meteor shower is a short song by Owl City which I have been listening to quite a lot recently. Its relaxing. That and Fireflies are the only Owl City worth listening to. Also, Carole would probably have thought straight away of Smallville which is a very important part of our lives right now, so it could mean that too!

This morning, morning routine. Really, I shouldnt add that. Oh well, I got ready for piano. I had Charlie today at 11.00 (btw, his name is actually Carantin [spelling.. yes...]) I left here at 5 to and walked there getting there just on time. After saying g'day to Fredricke and Anke I went to the piano room in a fairly good mood ready to try and teach some sort of exersise he can practice to improve dexterity seeings in that we dont really have any music to learn. I thought the best one to start with would be a scale, they're easy enough and he should understand. Well, I was wrong and it took the whole hour to get some sort of gist accross. I admit, it was slightly frustrating but when he occasionally got it right, it was a relief. I felt bad because I knew exactly what he was doing wrong but I couldnt quite explain it properly. Sigh... I really really want to be better already still havent got anywhere with my language. Anyway, Piano wasnt as good as last time, but I showed Anke how to play it as well so she can help him practice throughout the week. After, it was arranged I would go back 5.15 next Monday.

When I got back home it was a bit after 12 and so I put on a load of washing and talked to Melbournians for a bit catching up on the Melbourne whats-doing. Uni has started : Then I got summoned to lunch. We had eggs and left over pizza. It was good because no one really ate the pizza, so I got more.. bwahaha. At lunch I found out that the Beyliers had to go to Allevard to pick up passports and was invited to go along. Of course I would, even though it was raining a chance to explore should never be wasted (lol...)

I went up to my room hung up my washing then off we went to Allevard. Allevard is a smallish town (bigger than Saint-Marie d'Alloix though!) not unlike the size of Pontcharra. Upon arriving it was raining slightly heavier than when we left. The first thing we had to do was go do the whole passport thing. We went to a nice looking place where the passports were to be picked up from. We sat waiting for a while for other people to finish. Carole offered me the opportunity to go exploring the town whilst we waited. I declined, it was raining (lol...) and instead stayed in the dry office. I did go out for a second to take a photo of this little dolphin fountain though... Anyway, finally it was the Beyliers turn and they didnt take too long and so we decided to explore the town with the rain. It was a niceish town. All the shops were closed until three and it was 20 to 3 so we walked around looking at a park and other things until the shops opened again. Carole had to go to a pharmacy and there was a tourist looking shop that I wanted to check out. Come 3 o'clock we went and did this. The tourist shop turned out to be.. not all that great but I grabbed som postcards that said the name of the place anyway. Haha.

Eventually, after driving around looking for the museum which Carole thought would be a pretty building (but turned out to be... just a building) we left and drove back to Saint-Marie d'Alloix. Tim, Fanny and I came inside and Carole took Bastien to a friends place. I came and laptopped for a while until Carole came and said it was the perfect weather to watch Smallville. I objected for the sake of Bastien, but then was in the end won-over, he could watch it later. Smallville... haha. We watched two episodes which brought the story a fair way which was nice. I love that show... xD

When Smallville finished I wasted time until tea. I had a cool chat with Ruby again today (2 mentions in two days!) I was showing her something on webcam when Fanny and Tim came in and tried to get me t play a game with them. I told them I would later so they sat and waited in my room... It was fun though because I ended up showing Ruby how cool French is by getting them to speak and such. They liked listening back to themselves and playing with the MSN stuff, I liked that they were entertained and I didnt have to go play catch and Ruby was happy because she loved their french. Everyone was a winner.

After dinner, I came back to my room and started work on a project I am doing. I wont explain anything now but I am gonna get so damn attached to this thing. I love it already. So much haha. It was really fun because it involves creatvity and thus got me inspired and enthused to make it as awesome as it can be. Then I typed this :) yep. Photos:

Fanny and Tim under the umbrella in Allevard

The fountain I mentioned, a main part of Allevard... It was on the postcards and everything

Monday, February 22, 2010

Part 17: A Day, Made

I am in a great great mood right now. I mean, I have a stupid grin on my face right now as I am typing this. I'll explain why, but it only just happened so you'll have to wait till the end of todays blog to find out!

So, today started off really nicely, I woke up and looked out my window an noticed it was a gorgeous day not unlike yesterday. Today I knew I had to go for a bike ride. I got up and did the whole 'get-ready' routine. Benoit had gone to work, Basiten was still asleep and Fanny and Carole were downstairs having breaky. Tim was MIA, I have no idea what he was up to. It was about 10.30 and I was not quite ready to go for a bike ride yet so, I decided to waste time (literally, what a waste!) on my laptop (not really though because I get to talk to some of my favorite people in the whoooole world)

At 11.30ish I decided I was being lazy and boring in my room and thus decided to go on a bike ride. I packed a bag with a few things to write with and on in case I found an inspirational spot to sit and write at. I also grabbed my keys, wallet and my camera for the journey. With iPod in hand and determination I grabbed Caroles bike and left to go exploring again.

I ended up taking nearly the exact route that I walked solo the other day but with some extra detours. I was listening to the most fitting music which made me feel like I was in a movie on a great adventure.. yes. It was really nice, except when I was going up hill. I dont like going up hill. Oh well it was good exersise. I ended up getting to la Buissiere and explored around for a little bit before turning around to come home. On the way I found a nice little place to sit which wasnt the prettiest or the comfiest but it was nice. I sat and organised my thoughts for a good half and hourish with a green texta and a note pad. It was good. I was completely alone and just relaxed.

When I got back from my bike ride I think it was about 12.30-12.45ish and lunch was served. It was perfect, JUST what I wanted upon arriving. It was just Carole, Bastien, Tim and I because Fanny had gone out cross country skiing for the day. We had a lasagne. I was really hungry so I even took seconds (which is rare) and I ate a yogurt after (which I dont think I have mentioned. After every meal the Beyliers bring out yogurt, fruit and cheese. I never ever eat any. I dont really know why? Carole was shocked that I was eating yogurt) This made me feel full and thuus content. I had been on a bike ride and was now full with warm food to keep me happy.

I then did the whole laptop thing for a bit until I got incredibly bored and decided to see what Bastien was up to. Tim had Charlie, Charlies brother (Gabrielle) and sister over and they were making quite a fuss outside so I decided to not go downstairs. Also, the Beylier house cleaner was here, so I stayed to avoid any awkward chats. Bastien was loading a game on to his computer and so I dragged him away in my boredom to play cards. We didnt have a complete set so I had to open some that I bought yesterday which were going to be souvenirs but.. oh well. They're even more souvenir-like I guess because they've been used! Haha. We played 'spit' for a bit until Carole came up and told us we should play tennis. I like tennis, but I am no Federer thats for sure. Oh well, it would be fun to see how good Bastien and I were so we went.

The courts are just behind the Kiosk so it was an easy walk there. We played on them for a while hitting randomly and terribly for a while. By the end my serve was going in the right spot sometimes which I was quite chuffed about unfortunately, we still couldnt get a decent rally going so we decided to go play against a wall instead. The wall was fun. It was in a cage so the ball didnt go too far away ever and we turned it into a game. I won because I am so damn competitive haha. It was good though but after we agreed we'd had enough and come back home.

By now it was about 4.30 and so I laptop'd again for a while (I dont know how the hell I spend so much time on it and not really run out of things to do..?) Until I wanted to checkout what everyone was up to. The kids were all watching 'Grand gallop' which didnt interest me all that much so instead I went and played the piano which was mightty embarrassing because Carole was there and I was awful. Awful. Terrible. Bleargh. Oh well... then after a quick chat it was decided that we would watch an episode of Smallville (season 3!!) before Benoit got home.

I went upstairs and let Bastien know (who in an excited rush stood up much to fast and smashed his head on the roof, it was very painful looking but oh so funny) Smallville was interesting. Clarke has now turned evil because of his red ring : it finished on a 'to be continued...' again and unfortunately it was tea time. Well, it wasnt that bad though because we were having chicken and I like chicken. Benoit was now home from work and the 6 of us mixed up French and English as we told each other our days adventures. After unsetting the table and cleaning the kitchen the three Smallvillers ran upstairs excitedly and watched the second part of the 'to be continued...' it was sad because it looks like Clarke and Lana are never going to get together and Lex's wife tried to kill him and argh... Oh but Clarke is good again and now using his super powers for good now. Phew! Haha.

Right, so when that finished I went down to my room to go type my blog only to be taken by suprise as my room was.... tidied. My bed was made and my desk was arranged differently. The best bit though was that there was a card and a present sitting on my pillow. Utterly confused I went to it and saw that it was from Fanny. Still confused I read her card which was said 'le crayon qui ecrit est celui que tu m'as achete! Ton cadeau va te plaire - Fanny Beylier' I will try translate! 'The pencil which is writing is the one you bought me! (I bought her a pencil yesterday at the Bastille) the second half is 'your present is going to please you' (Beyliers?) It was so nice! I have put it on my card bench thingi. I opened the present and it was the t-shirt that we won at the handball. It was seriously the highlight of my day haha. It was great! I run and told her thanks but it was slightly awkward and underdone. Fanny read this bit: 'MERCIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII :D I love it!' haha... Yes. So that put me in a great mood! Cheery to come and write this blog. Win.

Right, no photos again today sorry, I didnt really take any worth showing.

Till tomorrow!

p.s Ruby, the title in this also is a reference for you but in case you dont remember heres a more obvious one... Pigeon. R(ello)

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Part 16: Bastille

So, today is going to be a complete contrast to yesterdays one because today was active and iteresting. A good day.

Right, so I awoke this morning with the intentions of going for a bike ride around the towns and also to get some stuff done (such as clean my room, print some photos etc..) I had a shower, went downstairs and had breaky where Carole and Benoit were chatting. I made an effort to be non-exsistent whilst eating breaky so they could chat only to be discovered within a second and told that today, we were going to the Bastille.

"The Bastille, an ancient series of fortifications, sits on the mountainside
overlooking Grenoble, and is visible from many points in the city. The Bastille
is one of Grenoble's most visited tourist attractions, and is a good vantage
point for viewing the town below and the surrounding mountains.Although the
Bastille was begun in the Middle Ages, later years saw extensive additions
including a semi-underground defense network. The Bastille has been credited as
the most extensive example of early 18th century fortifications in all of
France, and held an important strategic point on the Alpine frontier"
-wikipedia, for your convenience.

Excited to know that I was going to do something, although not quite sure what at that time, I ran upstairs enthused to get everything done before leaving. I quickly went to the Kiosk and printed out photos (which was an utter disapointment as it didnt recognise any of my files except one!) came home and cleaned my room just in time because then we were going.

We all hopped into the car, it was good it was the first full 'family' thing that we have done together. We also had Tim's little friend Gabrielle here still (charile's brother) so there was 7 of us nicely fitted in the big car and off we went. The drive to Grenoble was great, the weather today was just amazing and sunny so I got some pretty views of the mountains and such. Also, when we were getting near the Bastille, we drove though a street and every shop on it was a pizzeria, it was pretty funny. So many pizza shops it was great! Haha.

Anyway, eventually we arrived at the base of a mountainy thing and looked up to the top where the Bastille sits. There are two ways to get up there. The first, famous, way is to take a system of egg-shaped cable cars ("Les Bulles") up to the top. Its very scenic and easy letting you relax on your way up. The other way is to hike. Up the steep enough mountain. Guess which we did? If you guessed hike you're on the money. At first was like.. cant we just go in the egg things, but then after about 5 steps, I realised that walking was a great idea. There was so much to see and take photos of! It took a fair while to get up the windy (not windy as in strong breeze, windy as in spiral-like) path to reach our destination but it was really worth it because there were some amazing views on the way.

When we finally reached the top, there was a nice little cafe and so we had lunch while watching out over the city of Grenoble from up high and the amazing mountains that surround it. It was a really really nice spot. FYI, I had a.. oh crap.. a *insert french name, which doesnt even sound all that french..* grilled piece of bread with lots of cheese and ham piled on top and a bottle of good ol' Coke.

After lunch we went up a part of the actual building (god this is hard to explain..) and there was an amazing gift shop there. I bought some things finally that I can keep as souvenirs! It was perfect. I will go back one day to buy more stuff, it will also give me an excuse to try out those egg thingis. Haha. Then we went up to the very very top of the Bastille where there were the most amazing views of Grenoble and the mountains. It was just beyond amazing up there.. and beyond a little bit windy (as in the breeze, not the spiral-like one) but that made it good, because there were a bunch of flags all flying with pride. It was good.

After that, we went to a museum which was just next to the little cafe which was all about the history of the Alps (I think..) It was a nice little museum I think, but the whole thing was a tour. You got given a headset which picked up radio signals from each room and explained stuff. It was all in French though and it was fast and terminology I am very unfamiliar with, thus I didnt actually learn anything. Oh well, there were things to look at at least, and it was free so it was okay :)

After the Museum we commenced our hike down again. It was so much easier on the way down than the way up however the littlies were falling down over and over again and each time crying. Oh I didnt mention, Gabrielle cries. Alot. All the time. Over nothing... example, he wanted a packet of chips at lunch because everyone had chips. There were three packets between the 7 of us and he cried because he didnt get one to himself. Then he cried because he couldnt have a drink of coke.. then he cried... etc.. sigh.

At the bottom, there was a park which all the kids had a good play at and it was fun to watch. Then there was one of those spider net things. I actually went on it. I was so proud haha. I went all the way to the top because Bastien and Fanny were up there and I wanted to be in a photo haha. It was pretty fun. I did drop my camera once which was scary, I thought it might've been broken but it wasnt. Oh and Gabrielle fell of the web and face planted the ground, it looked quite awkward and painfullish. He cried. After a while, we left to go home. It was a really nice time out. I enjoyed myself a lot.

Back home I went on computer, not as angstily as yesterday though as I had been out and felt like I had done enough for the day. I went through all my photos of the day and then went through Caroles and Benoits too, then they grabbed mine. At 5.30 Bastien, Carole, Fanny (a guest viewer) sat and watched Smallville. It was pretty funny because half way through tim and Gabrielle had one of their frequent arguements and Gabrielle came in complaining angrily about how Tim is really mean etc. Carole was on the ball and was all, dont tell us, tell Benoit instead. It didnt wokr though because he couldnt find him. So instead, Gabrielle proceded to explain to me. I felt a bit bad moving him out of my way while he was complaining but thankfully, Carole shushed him and sent out to play with Tim anyway. Haha. It was good, but it was a 'to be continued...' episodeand at 6.30 when it finished Benoit did the dad thing of taking control of the TV to watch sport. Cue my exit.

I went and played piano for a while until Tim and Gabrielle came down with handcuffs and attempted to handcuff me because I was apparently a bad guy. I then used my ninja skills to instead, handcuff them together. They both took them off but then Gabrielle cried again and stormed off in an angry tantrum. Me and Tim tried to get him to play cards with us, but he wasnt speaking so I played cards with Tim for a bit while he was gone. Eventually, he came back and wanted to play so I helped Carole with Tea. I also tried to introduce them to honey carrots, but they didnt have enough honey to add flavour, so it was a bit of a failure... oh well.. next time.
After tea, we watched more smallville on the laptop rather than the telly, it was just not the same but it was the season finale and thus intense anyway. After that, I came up here and typed this.

I probably missed stuff about today, but I think I covered most important things. It was a good day.

Photos (I highly highly recommend you check out my facebook photos, there is a whole folder dedicated today and I think is worth your while if you are interested in seeing what its like at Bastille):

A view looking out from the Bastille over a part of Grenoble

The city of Grenoble. Its huge, pretty and surrounded by mountains. Its perfect.

The mountains from way up high. just spectacular...

Me with the Beyliers just after lunch, grenoble and mountains in the background

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Part 15: A World

Hello readers!

I dont really have much to report today nor do I have any photos to share so I am assuming a short blog is in order.

Today, Benoit got home from his travels in Canada and the USA so the house is now back to 'normal' (I put the apostrophe things there as my whole prescence here isnt exactly normal really...) We had the worlds briefest chat about his 10 days abroad and then I went upstairs and spent the rest of the day basically in my room again. Its ridiculous... I am starting to get very sick of staring at my laptop all day. I mean, there is sooo much that I could do here, I have so much free time its crazy and yet, I spend it in my room. I partly like to excuse this because I am yet to make any real friends and who wants to go to a town on there own for a day? I mean, its still good but there is something less appealing about going to, lets say, Paris on my own for a weekend than going with somebody else... I then think to myself: 'How the hell are you going to make friends sitting in your room all day?!' Its such a pain! I dont even know where to start. Hopefully, on Wednesday when Vincents family, another family with a daughter my age and the Beyliers + moi have a tea get-together thing something will click between us and I will have some proper friends who I can talk to and be like, 'Yo, who wants to go to switzerland for a day?' with.

Sigh... I must be in a bad mood. Lunch time was good, I went down just before lunch was served and talked to Benoit and Carole who at the time were reading this... It was lol. They also gave me a glass of a local white wine, it was not bad at all. After lunch whilst it was just Carole, Benoit and I at the table, they forced me to speak French (I think I underplay the lack of French I actually speak here, I mean.. I listen to French a lot, but I never actually speak it...It is the reason I am still so shit at it :S [wow, swearing, I am in a bad mood, for no real reason...Well, reason that isnt self-inflicted...])

Right.. how to cheer this up? Um, Well, Tim had a friend over today it was 'Charlies' (piano student) brother. He is very energetic and likes to talk to me in an impossible to understand way. Thankgod for Fanny who was there to translate for me and let me understand what he was going on about. I played some games with Fanny too for a bit which was good. She pwned (*note-to-Carole/Benoit* 'Pwned' is a really like.. I dont know, nerdy gamer way of spelling 'owned' [defeated by quite a lot] I think it started out as a typo of the word... haha) me in Monopoly Jr. but I held my own when we played a game we often play 'Mille Borne'. We also played a pictionary-type game which was good too.

Later, All the kids, Benoit and I tried to play a game like murder in the dark... Its a card game though and impossible to explain via blog. Long story short, you need more people than 7 to play a good game of it and you need good language skills to actually be a worthwhile player.. not to mention probably have 9 years under your belt, so really the only ones playing well were Bastien, Fanny and Benoit (who was running it all not actually even playing) It was a disaster really, but a funny one I guess... so it was okay. It filled in time away from my laptop too, which was great! Haha.

Oh! speaking of Impossible I recieved a DVD package from the rents today. Thankyou very much!! I love it! Poppa, you did an amazing job on it! Thanks too. I am sure mum and dad love it a lot! The DVD was filmed in my last two days in Australia and its basically me (thus why I love it, I am so egotistical..haha) playing piano (my piano, I miss it sooo much) so that mum and dad can remember how I play and the songs I played. It also has, however, footage from the going away party I had. Only a little bit, but the best bit. It has Micheal playing his version of my song 'Today' and even though it was mortifying watching myself cry (...) it was really good to have, because I got to have a good listen. It also had my acoustic guitar version of my other song 'Impossible' which I prefer to the original piano version by miles. I need to learn the guitar better so I can play that version rather than the piano one. Anyway, the real reason I like it, is because of those two things and also because in the speeches just before Micheals 'Today' it has a good shot of most of the people who were there and so it gave me a reminder of the support I have back at home, whenever I need it. It was really good.

Wow, look at that, I am back in a good mood now. Ranting then thinking positive is so good haha.

I will get better at French. Carole, Benoit I am asking you to be mean and put my thus far horrible attempts at learning french behind me and help me get better. I am ready but apologise in advance for any 'Stupid French' comments you will hear, remember, I love French and that is why I am here! (Now I am determined, I have a bloody whirlwind of emotions this evening...I'll get sad and cry if I keep this up)

And thus is my cue to leave. Goodnight all.

Apologies, this post is so odd.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Part 14: A bit of Everything

I had a pretty full day today, I did a few different things. The morning was a nice one, rising at 10.30 added to this. I got up, had a shower and then had breaky. Being Friday, it was time for my weekly webcamming session with the family in Australia. I thought it would be fun to introduce the kids to my family, but I couldnt find them, except Tim. I grabbed Tim and told him to bring his toys and have a chat to the rents and sis.

The conversation was a good one. Tim introduced his toys to my mum and dad and explained who was what and what they did. Parents sat smiling and occasionally asking for a translation, luckily, I could do this! Tim is pretty easy to translate usually, because he says the same things alot (sometimes however, he spurts out random things like the other day 'mum, we havent hugged for a while' in the middle of a dinner conversation. It throws me out haha) Anyway, after a bit, Bastien came to see what was going on and then he too met my parents and sister. They chatted away for a little bit then sat awkwardly for a little bit, then chatted some more. After a little bit Tim left and then came back with his massive fluffy kitty toy and took much pleasure in shoving that infront of the camera... It was funny. Soon, I thought I might as well knock the three birds out with one stone and got Tim to get Fanny (and Flore, who was still here and I actually talked to!) they came in and chatted away as well. Eventually, the kids decided to start attacking each other and jumping around, so the conversation didnt develop much for a while until they left for a while... It was a good morning.

Straight after the convo, I got called to lunch which was... actually I dont even know. It was pasta and other stuff all mixed together, I liked it. During lunch we were discussing what I wanted to do in the afternoon. The kids were going rockclimbing again and were asking me to come with them, me being me, said no. So then Carole decided I might like to go to a shopping center while they were climbing, I had some stuff to buy, and wanted to get out so I thought it was a great idea. Unfortunately (or fortunately?), Bastien did go on about the rock climbing and in the end I caved making the deal to go to the plaza first with Carole and Tim then after 1.5hours I would go do rock climbing for a few. We got ready, and off we went.

After dropping the kids at the rock climbing we drove to the shopping center. I started off walking around with Carole and Tim but then Tim needed the toilet and I needed to go to 'Carrefour' to get some stationary stuff so we split up deciding to meet up at 3pm (an hour away) I went to Carrefore and then spent half an hour in the bloody queue which ruined my chances of a good tour of the shops... I really wanted to buy a new shirt... I am already sick of wearing the same clothes day-in day-out... sigh. I didnt get round to that because after my quick whizz round, it was time to meet up with Carole and Tim. We quickly got a drink and a quick snack (woo! :P) and then left for the rockclimbing place.

I didnt like the idea of being there, I knew I would have to spend the next few hours watching everyone climb and not actually climb myself. It started out not too bad though, Tim was climbing one of the easy walls and the others were all off doing there own things, so I just walkede around taking photos and talking to everyone when I got the chance. Eventually, I was conned into climbing a wall myself. How I let this happen, I dont know. I started off on the easy wall and stupidly, with my camera in hand. I dont know how, but I managed to get up with relative ease but then struggled to take a photo from so high up without freaking out and embarrassing myself. I managed, and then abseiled down ready to try another wall. I decided to do the walls using only one colour (you know, they have different coloured 'rocks' to climb with and you just pick one clolour and only use those rocks..) that added challenge. I have no idea why I wanted this challenge because the whole time I was constantly rememebering that I was high in the air, not enjoying myself. Haha, nah in all seriousness, the climbing was actually quite fun. I just didnt like letting go of the wall to lean back and fall. Oh well, I am alive.

After the walls, they took me to the... whats the word.... the place were you climb without harnesses or anything, its not high and its quite challenging. I really enjoyed this the best. It was fun, Bastien took me around and told me what to do and I did them all. It was fun :) yes...

Eventually, it was time to go. Flore got picked up by her dad and so it was back to Carole, Bastien, Fanny, Tim and I. We drove home and got home at about 6.30ish so tea was needed. Carole had to go get some fruit from the shops, so I was in charge of putting the pre-made/frozen pizza in the oven, setting the table getting ready etc. I did this and then dinner was served. It was a very quiet dinner, I dont know why. Anyway, straight after, I got ready to go out to see a play with Carole.

The play was incredibly incredibly I cannot stress how difficult it was for me to understand. It was a comedy. I got the plot but I understood none of the jokes or anything, so really it might as well have been in spanish and I wouldnt have really noticed. Oh well, it was funny because the actors had a giggling fit after something went wrong, so I got at least on laugh, and there were somethings that I understood and got a chuckle out of but the audience loved it and so I think it was a not too bad play all up.

The play finished at around 10.30 so we came home and I went straight to my room and typed this. I still have to write my bloody written journal from yesterday and today... yay... Oh well. I dont think anything is happening tomorrow and I have a project to start so at least thats exciting. I am slightly sad though, I am going to get so bloody attached to it, and I am going to give it away D:

Right photo, quick and smart. I took so many at the rock climbing place today but some turned out awful and others I cant use so you just get one.. Just quickly, the poll has finished now, you have voted to keep the blog the same. Congratulations, I am keeping it the same (+photos, which people seem to prefer..)

a photo I took from way up high after my climb up. I was so proud of myself using a camera so high up withOUT hyperventilating.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Part 13: Creepy

I don't have a clue how to start today's blog... Its not like its remarkable I just don't have a starting point. Staring at the screen thinking 'what should I say first? Explain the title or get into it?' Screw the title, its almost self-explanatory so.. Lets go!

Righto, this morning I woke up early (8.30) pumped and enthused by the idea of going in to Grenoble for the day. I was going to actually do something rather than sit in my room feeling sick! I was stoked!! I also felt much better too, I still had a bit off a sniffly nose, but all in all I felt back on my feet and ready to roll. I showered and had breakfast. It was good because I was eating at the same time as Flore and Carole this morning. I dont recall eating breakfast with other people in a very long time... (sleep-ins, gotta love 'em) Carole was having a dilemma in regards to her stools. This morning she had a guy come to fix up the seat part of her kitchen stools and after much discussion over colours and themes that would suit the room with him, she decided on a light silver. Carole was worried that she should have picked a darker silver rather than the one she chose. Me, not having seen any of them, had to imagine the colour, and they both seem to match (in my head). We discussed her decision and I think agreed that it should look good but, really, I guess we'll have to wait and see... Meanwhile Flore sat quietly not quite sure about what we were talking about (until Fanny came in and reminded Carole to speak French, which was good... sorta :P)

After breaky I went and gathered my things and then went down to the Kiosque to get a photo developed to put on my train discount card thing. The photo is awful haha... Then, killed half an hour on MSN until Carole drove me into Goncelin where I went to catch the train at 10.30ish. After waving goodbye I went into the station where I saw a train pull up. Paranoid, I asked if that was my train to Grenoble. The guy at the station looked at me very confused-like then rambled on about how there isnt a train to Grenoble at all until 1.30. I grabbed a nearby timetable and turns out, he was right. I was so confused now, Carole and I checked it all out last night, we internetted to find the times and everything! Sigh... No train meant no Grenoble which meant I needed to get back home! I rang the Beylier house and Bastien answered. I told him briefly my situation and he said he would pass it on to Carole when she got home. 15 minutes later Carole came back and was also confused. After re-checking the timetable, it turned out we were looking at the Grenoble-Chambery line rather than the Chambery-Grenoble line... Bugger. We drove back home and it was decided that I would just wait and go in to Grenoble with Tim and Carole when they go to the Museum of Natural History at 1.40.

I went back on the computer (whats new?) and played scrabble online for a bit until lunch. Then played cards with Tim until it was time to go. We drove into Grenoble and parked just to the side of the Museum. Upon arriving at the museum we met up with people and had a quick look at the park/garden thing. It was so nice and was topped off by perfect weather (sunny, at least...) Tim played on a triceratops life-size model thing until it was time for him and Carole to start a tour for kids thing... I dont really know 100% what it was, but it meant I was on my own until 4.40 to do whatever I want in Grenoble. The logical thing now would have been to go into the Museum, but no, I wanted to explore Grenoble a bit better and that is exactly what I did.

I left the park after a quick whizz around with my camera and left in search of the main part of the town. I had a vague idea thanks to Carol pointing it all out to me last night so I kind of just walked, hoping I would find the Maccas we went to the other day, to orientate myself with. After about 2 minutes of walking I entered this like.. garden square thing. It was Grenoble Prefecture (I dont know if thats what its called or if thats like a hotel there or something but, its something to do with Prefecture) It was just amazing. I will add a photo of one of the buildings. They were so cool and with the mountains in the background it was just spectacular. It was great to walk through and see the people sitting and people watching. I loved it for some reason. It just had a great feel.

On the other side of the Prefecture, there was a tram stop. This was great news, it meant I was on the right track! I continued forward until I saw a familiar place - the car park where we parked last time I was in Grenoble. Excellent! I could now work out my own way into the main part of the town. I spent the next few hours just dawdling around in awe of the buildings, mountains, people and atmosphere of the city. It was just so cool. It reminded me a bit of Melbourne really, there were trams and people asking for donations for wwf etc. but it was much more exciting because it was all really new to me and thus awesome. I didnt go into many shops but every time I did, I picked well because I saw something I wanted to buy for someone! I didnt buy much at all though, just because I dont want to rush to much into souvenir shopping, I will do that when I am leaving France, but now I have some great spots to keep in mind for that time. :)

Eventually, like all good things, my time to ponder and explore were over and I made my way back (miraculously, how I remembered where I was the whole time, I dont know...) to the car were I was met by Carole and Tim. Apparently they missed out on a dinosaur fossil display in the museum so we went back and did that then went outside and chatted for a while with the other people they were with, then we left to go pick up Bastien and Fanny who had gone rock climbing with friends for the day (forgot to mention, sorry) We got to the rockclimbing place which looked.. not so great on the outside, but pretty neat on the inside. The kids were half way up some wall and enjoying themselves. How someone can enjoy putting themselves through pysical agony to get to a certain height, which is too high anyway, to touch the roof of a random building I'll never know. Anyway... We stayed there for a bit and Carole bumped into someone who she new 7 years ago but drifted away from, so they had a catch up chat as I stood there awkwardly watching climbers go up and down, up and down, up and down and so on, did I mention its a really pointless sport? Oh well. Its better than the sport I do, typing! *pants* this is so exhausting.

Back at home I did not too much really. I dont really know. I think I computered for a bit (x-treme) then set the table and talked to Carole then had tea and thennnn watched Smallville. I am sure I have missed something in there... what was it... Hm... Ergh, dunno.

Right photo-time because you love it.

Tim on the Triceratops

A photo of the prefecture place, I am sorry it doesnt do it much justice (I found this image which is slightly more worthy of exsisting to represent this magnificent place

Ah yes, the main town part. If you recall the maccas photo (of the building) that is behind me on my left a wee bit. Here, you can see all the people dining at the cafes, shops are everywhere, mountains and a pretty little fountain at the back. It was just so cool.

Thats all for today, Uru guys, I am off to sleep (it is now 1.15am) Actually, I have to do my writing journal thing now, for myself... sigh... I might do it in the morning. xP Oh! Before I go, the 'creepy' in the title refers to two things:
1. This nights smallville eps were eerier than usual, it lost its silly fluffiness for a bit haha
2. it post 13... duh!!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Part 12: Well, sort of...


I apologise for my absense, but I really really have done NOTHING the last two days. The only reason I am posting at all today is to inform you I am alive and well.

My sickness is a fair bit better today and should hopefully finish clearing up tomorrow, but we shall see.. Yesterday was awful, I couldnt move really and felt like utter shmit. The family went out skiing so that left me time to just sleep, play the piano and msn. I also did a load of washing. Woot! Also, last night Benoits sister-in-law came and dropped off her daughter Flore (I think thats right, either way its pronounced like floor but with an exaggerated French 'r' which sounds more like rehgckhhh... yes, that is exactly how you spell it! :P) I havent spoken to her much at all because she is always of busy playing with Fanny and then when near me, be quiet. She did pour me a drink and vice versa and we did exchange 'merci's' but thats about it I think... She is here until tomorrow and staying because she can over the holidays (I think)

Today, was a bit better but not really... I spent the majority in my room again (sorry Carole!) just chatting away on MSN and generally resting up. It was good. I still had random hits of wanting to vomit but now, they seem to be gone and I feel like 'I can mend with a cure so unreal... tooomorrrooow!' Yes... I just quoted myself. How awful. This is good because tomorrow I am going to Grenoble (on my own in the morning to do some touristy things/errands) then also to go to the museum of Natural History .. or something like that with Tim and Carole. Should be good.

I also helped Tim solve a triceratops puzzle today, that was fun, but he put the last piece in even though I wanted to... haha :) I also watched Merlin with Bastien and Florehgckhhh. Merlin is such a bad show. I think I am mainly put off by the graphics in it (damn Avatar standards!) but, Bastien likes to watch it and today it was in French so it was good to watch and test my comprehension out. I am getting quite frustrated with French already haha. I dont feel like I am getting any better (my fault really, I avoid speaking it too much...but I am so bad, I dont sound anything like the French.. at all!) Comprehension is good enough to get me plots and such too, I understand whats going on and for the most part, why but I miss little dialogues and other things that add interest. Its quite annoying. Gr.

Right that was my rant. And that was also my blog. I am alive. I am not well. But I will be :D

Also, the poll is practically closed now, this means that you guys have voted (the non-lazy ones who logged on and voted *glares at the rest*) You have chosen to keep it the same, so be prepared for more pointless blogs about my day-to-day life and bloody enjoy them :)

No photos today either.... Oh okay, if you insist. I'll chuck some up of my messy room (with tissues, and tourist magazines and OHMIGOO [<---lol, Ellen] A PACKAGE FROM TIM AND DI! They sent me this awesome Photo holder thing I love it soooo much XD I'll add a photo of it as well...)

Standing from my door looking can see my bed with: Laptop, Pajamas, pair of jeans, opened package, tissues, Notes for France Journal (white square near latop) my first travel Journal (green square near laptop) travel mags, my extra doona, extra blanket, window, chair, powerplug, lightswitch 1 and just behind the pillow on the right, is my hanging photo mobile thing.. you cannot really see it properly though...

Standing from the corner you just saw, looking at the door. Here, you can see my bed again, a cahir, my desk thing with a tissue box, train timetable for tomrrrow, camera case, BROKEN rubix cube [mum, in my top draw on my far bedside table, there is another two rubix cubes, well there should be, please send me one...), books, Michelle and Rubys envelopes and paper, French dictionary, deodorant, drugs and vitamines. On my bedside table (lol, I am doing this for my amusment, not yours) lamp, battery charger, clock, cards from before I left, a cup, Tams scrapbook. Oh and on the floor near the door is my laundry bag... Sigh... tidy up soon

this is what the package contained. It hangs on my bed and has photos that were spare in Tams scrap book :) I do want more photos though ... I will have to buy lots of photo paper and print photos out... and lightswitch behind haha.

Okay, c'est tout! Au revoir...extent of my french? Probably :P

Monday, February 15, 2010

Part 11: The blob

I did absolutely nothing today. I felt like absolute crap all day. I have a massive headache, a never-ending tap os snot for a nose, high temperature and large amounts of fatigue due to no sleep last night thanks to my illness.

Wait, I went for a walk on my own! that was fun. I thought I needed to get out into the fresh air and get some exersise happening. I ended up walking all the way to La Buissiere, the town next to mine. It isnt all that far, 3.5km but I did make a detour around the town and such. The walk was really nice and on the way back I saw two people playing with model airoplanes and helicopters. Saint Marie d'Alloix has a little runway and everything for them and apparently when its not winter its a fun little past-time.

The people were flying an airoplane to start with and I was taking photos and watching from a distance until I was noticed and invited to watch up close. I chatted to the people (in French- of course!) about their aircrafts and how they fly them and such. It seems pretty tricky to fly like they do, lots of tricks and flippy things and such (I have been informed I say 'and such' a lot, and now take notice when I do it... hehe) I also learnt that helicopters are much harder to fly. It was funny to watch one of the people who obviously was a total noob with helicopters try to fly one. It would kind of flop around on the ground for awhile then when it would take lift-off fly a meter or two then crash down again. I lol'd.

Back home I slept. It was refreshing. I also made orange juice and then had tea. Now I am sitting typing this to get it out of the way so I can close the screen which is killing my eyes.I hate being sick. I really hate it.

So I am including photos again today to compensate for my lack of writing. Enjoy.

I ended up getting a call from Anke's daughter who is 18, I have never met her before and so I went with her to meet some.. err.. friends. It was not exactly my scene. Luckily I escaped as my sickness gave me an excuse to not be there :) I did get invited to go back on Wednesday.. I have to find some excuse before then. As nice as she was.
Then we watched smallville