Hello readers,
So this is my second guest blogger who I am travelling around Italy with, we are currently in Milano after some minor troubles and no internet. This is a blog from yesterday originally hand written by Lizzy herself. I'll just quickly set the scence. We arrived in Venice and the day before and my ATM card was not working so I was broke. Also, we were staying on an island named Guiddecca off the main Island in Venice.
"Venice: The city of canals, carnivales and masks (also, shitty train services and chinese rip offs)
The day started with Doug running off to increase his funds, the ATM worked... thank God! We began our journey by catching the waterbus to the stop directly across the water from us.(€6.50 but for us, free! I heart their lack of ticket inspectors) This was at 9.30am and by 10.30, weàd each bought an item of fruit for breakfast, Iàd paid €5.00 for the porcelein mask worth €6 that I accidently smashed (the first of many discounts) and we'd seen HUNDREDS of masks.
By 12.30 we'd been through a street filled with masks, all handcrafted and some even crafted in the shops we were in. Though we'd also seen the dark side, one beautiful mask was tried on only for us to notice the not so lovely 'made in china' sticker.
At this time, weìd reached a massive bridge, it was crowded with pedestrians and shops. There, Doug got our second discount €15 became €14. YAY.
We then preceded further, now well and truly in tourist central. We passed a beautiful mask shop whose name I can remember. ANother whereI bought a €5 mask for my nephew Blake and we also found 'La Bauta' the best mask shop in THE WORLD. We watched them create some beautful masks and it was a place we would definetly return to, that day and in the future.
Now was tie for lunch, one gelato each. Yummy.
We made our way back through Venice still hunting for our masks, our newest addiction. While searching, we found a massive square which must've been a tourist attraction, we didn't care, we wanted masks. I eventually found my one. It was from a street vendor, part of it made in VEnice but I am sure most of it was from China... Its pink and gold, only €5.00!
It took longer to find Dougs, we had tea before we did which was yummy lasagne. When we finally made our way back to La Bauta in search of Dougs mask, we only had €13 between us. The mask we found for Doug was €15. The shop owner remembered us as I was quite obsessed with their shop so the mask become our 3rd discount of the day.
We continued to stroll until we eventually strolled back to our hostel (universtity dorms) where we inveted hearts konverted, a fun card game.
Et voila! Guest blog number two. Some things I should mention having read it are: we did go in a gondola but a cheap €0.50 one that took us about 30 meters accross the grand canal, we did not fancy much paying €80 for a gondola tour. The boats were really fun, I enjoyed them. Also Lizzy was MAD about that mask shop it was quite funny AND the guy who gave us a discount was really nice to us apparently, his wife came and said he never gave discounts to anyone, very sincerely. Do not even try to persuade me otherwise. My mask is awesome too, it has music on it.
I should quickly add today too because I may not have internet later.
Today we woke up and came to Milan. We missed our train so lizzy had a panic attack, long story. We argued then this random REALLY NICE man cam up and was like are you okay? and then he solved all our problems for us taking us to the station we were meant to be at and talking everyone into letting us change our ticket for free. I mean, this guy was just a legend and saved us a minimum of €30 each. Thankyou Fillipo for existing. YOu made our day.
We've since found our hostel and looked for internet. Milan is pretty plain and after the relaxing time in VEnice, all the cars seem annoying to me. (there are no cars in Venice).
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Part 140: Ostia Antica
Hey readers,
Sorry this is up late I got distractedlast night and then forgot to post, so its now a blog for yesterday.
Yesterday was a fairly easy going day. We woke up and met at 10.30 and then made our way into the city by 11. We were originally going o go to Pompeii but because of the extreme heat and the price, we decided against it and heard that the Ostia Antica is very cool as well. Its a forty minute train trip but still technically a part of Rome heading towoards the coast.
When we arrived we walked around and got ice cream before making our way to the said place. Its basically a bunch of really really cool and bloody old ruins some of which date to 150bc. Its an old town which was used as a port when the Tiber River ran through it. I cant remember exactly what happened there but it was a huuuuuge place. I mean we walked around in the ruins for hours and hours on end and never saw it all. WE got to most of it however it was just liek a huge maze of ancient ruins. VEry very cool and I HIGHLY recommend it to anyone who comes to Rome. Its impossible to explain because I need photos and stuff to help but basically you can see the entire town from the town center to a bar. You can also, unlike all the other ruins in Rome,actually go inside them and climb them and really explore the city. Its amazing. We saw a bunch of mosaics that was and stuff too... Ill put photos up eventually because theres no way to explain it.
After Ostia antica, we made our way back to the resort, buying some gelato on the way. Here, we met up with our friend who we met the night before at a toga party whose from Edinburgh had a drink, went on the net to organise our Milano hostel and double check all our other stuff then we sat outside had a few drinks and played cards all night. It wasgood fun.
Today, I am off to Venice. I dont knw what my internet sitauation will be but hopefully it wil be not too bad. I am going to miss Rome, its molto bella. I have no idea if thats right... I am remembering that from primary school.
I have picked up some italian though, I can understand which side of the train we get off when they announce it before we arrive and I can ask for direcitons, thank people etc... Its pretty good.
Cya laàer :D back to the pool I go.
Sorry this is up late I got distractedlast night and then forgot to post, so its now a blog for yesterday.
Yesterday was a fairly easy going day. We woke up and met at 10.30 and then made our way into the city by 11. We were originally going o go to Pompeii but because of the extreme heat and the price, we decided against it and heard that the Ostia Antica is very cool as well. Its a forty minute train trip but still technically a part of Rome heading towoards the coast.
When we arrived we walked around and got ice cream before making our way to the said place. Its basically a bunch of really really cool and bloody old ruins some of which date to 150bc. Its an old town which was used as a port when the Tiber River ran through it. I cant remember exactly what happened there but it was a huuuuuge place. I mean we walked around in the ruins for hours and hours on end and never saw it all. WE got to most of it however it was just liek a huge maze of ancient ruins. VEry very cool and I HIGHLY recommend it to anyone who comes to Rome. Its impossible to explain because I need photos and stuff to help but basically you can see the entire town from the town center to a bar. You can also, unlike all the other ruins in Rome,actually go inside them and climb them and really explore the city. Its amazing. We saw a bunch of mosaics that was and stuff too... Ill put photos up eventually because theres no way to explain it.
After Ostia antica, we made our way back to the resort, buying some gelato on the way. Here, we met up with our friend who we met the night before at a toga party whose from Edinburgh had a drink, went on the net to organise our Milano hostel and double check all our other stuff then we sat outside had a few drinks and played cards all night. It wasgood fun.
Today, I am off to Venice. I dont knw what my internet sitauation will be but hopefully it wil be not too bad. I am going to miss Rome, its molto bella. I have no idea if thats right... I am remembering that from primary school.
I have picked up some italian though, I can understand which side of the train we get off when they announce it before we arrive and I can ask for direcitons, thank people etc... Its pretty good.
Cya laàer :D back to the pool I go.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Part 139: Vatican City Eclipse
Hey readers!
So, my numbers are out of whack because of my previous blog, sorry, I will fix that asap - this is not the best computer in the world.
So, today was pretty cool. I woke up really early, at 7.30 so I had enough time to shower, buy sunscreen and be ready to go into the city solo and be ready for my Vatican city tour at 9.30. Gatens was not joining me at this point because she had already ahd a tour. I arrived on time and waited for the tour to start talking to an awesome tour guide named Tom. He took the group on an epic journey all the way around Vatican city, the smallest country in the world. It was cool being able to say I walked around an entire country in 4 hours, got over it then walked to Italy. Haha.
In Vatican we did all the sites there which were just amazing. I learnt so much about the history of the city and also how Christianity began as the major Roman faith. So much to learn so much history so much sites. GOd, Vatican was great. We started going through all the courtyards which, like all of the country, are filled with amazing statues by various artists. We then went through the al lthe museums and had good looks at the amazing tapestrys and frescos. The tapestries were just incredible so huge and took over 5 generations of the same family to complete. One of them was really weird becuase it had Jesus on it but no matter where you stook he was always staring directly at you. All the time. Scary. Haha.
We then made it through all of another artist who is not all that famous but famous to art lovers. Unfortunately, I have forgotten the name but there is a whole seciton dedicated to him. Nextm we made it to the sistine chapel which is where Michelangelo painted his famous picture with God giving life to Adam It was smaller than I thought, but very impressive all the same. It was a bit annoying to lok up all the time, but it made me feel for poor Mike who actually painted looking up the entire time, rather than lying on his back as most people are lead to believe, it actually crippled the poor guy, looking up for so many years painting these masterpieces. And they are just that, masterpieces. VEry very cool.
We toured some more learning more about different things in Vatican before making it to St. Peters Cathedral, the largest church in the world. IT IS HUGE. Can sit over 50,000 people and has amazing amazing architecture (some of which was by Michelangelo) amazinger sculptures and just beautiful stuff everywhere. It really weas just stunning. I was very very impressed with it. Eventually though , I had to leave so I did said fairwell to Tom and made my way to where Lizzy was at Circus Maximus with a friend she met on her tour.
We talked for a while there at the place, which was okay, but had construction like the Pantheon yesterday, did I mention that? anyway it was really hot so we left saying goodbye to her friend and leaving lizzy and I stuck for things to do until I was like "lets fo see a film" forgetting it would be in Italian, we did anyway. Haha, it took a while and I even made up some Italian which was just Spanish with an accent asking for directions- it bloody worked! I can speak italian... ohhh yea!
WE ended up watching Eclipse which in Italian is called, Eclipse. It was fun to watch in Italian because we knew the story but couldnt understand a word. Actually, a few words crossed over with French and some of it I could pick up which was cool. But for the most part, squat haha. It was fun though.
After Eclipse we pondered back to our place had some tea and now here I am. There is a toga party later which we were going to go to but Gatens is sick and I dont want to go on my own haha. I am so lame :)
Its. So. Hot.
p.s. Sorry my font has changed to this ugly one, I cannot change it to Arial on this computer ... makes me sad.
So, my numbers are out of whack because of my previous blog, sorry, I will fix that asap - this is not the best computer in the world.
So, today was pretty cool. I woke up really early, at 7.30 so I had enough time to shower, buy sunscreen and be ready to go into the city solo and be ready for my Vatican city tour at 9.30. Gatens was not joining me at this point because she had already ahd a tour. I arrived on time and waited for the tour to start talking to an awesome tour guide named Tom. He took the group on an epic journey all the way around Vatican city, the smallest country in the world. It was cool being able to say I walked around an entire country in 4 hours, got over it then walked to Italy. Haha.
In Vatican we did all the sites there which were just amazing. I learnt so much about the history of the city and also how Christianity began as the major Roman faith. So much to learn so much history so much sites. GOd, Vatican was great. We started going through all the courtyards which, like all of the country, are filled with amazing statues by various artists. We then went through the al lthe museums and had good looks at the amazing tapestrys and frescos. The tapestries were just incredible so huge and took over 5 generations of the same family to complete. One of them was really weird becuase it had Jesus on it but no matter where you stook he was always staring directly at you. All the time. Scary. Haha.
We then made it through all of another artist who is not all that famous but famous to art lovers. Unfortunately, I have forgotten the name but there is a whole seciton dedicated to him. Nextm we made it to the sistine chapel which is where Michelangelo painted his famous picture with God giving life to Adam It was smaller than I thought, but very impressive all the same. It was a bit annoying to lok up all the time, but it made me feel for poor Mike who actually painted looking up the entire time, rather than lying on his back as most people are lead to believe, it actually crippled the poor guy, looking up for so many years painting these masterpieces. And they are just that, masterpieces. VEry very cool.
We toured some more learning more about different things in Vatican before making it to St. Peters Cathedral, the largest church in the world. IT IS HUGE. Can sit over 50,000 people and has amazing amazing architecture (some of which was by Michelangelo) amazinger sculptures and just beautiful stuff everywhere. It really weas just stunning. I was very very impressed with it. Eventually though , I had to leave so I did said fairwell to Tom and made my way to where Lizzy was at Circus Maximus with a friend she met on her tour.
We talked for a while there at the place, which was okay, but had construction like the Pantheon yesterday, did I mention that? anyway it was really hot so we left saying goodbye to her friend and leaving lizzy and I stuck for things to do until I was like "lets fo see a film" forgetting it would be in Italian, we did anyway. Haha, it took a while and I even made up some Italian which was just Spanish with an accent asking for directions- it bloody worked! I can speak italian... ohhh yea!
WE ended up watching Eclipse which in Italian is called, Eclipse. It was fun to watch in Italian because we knew the story but couldnt understand a word. Actually, a few words crossed over with French and some of it I could pick up which was cool. But for the most part, squat haha. It was fun though.
After Eclipse we pondered back to our place had some tea and now here I am. There is a toga party later which we were going to go to but Gatens is sick and I dont want to go on my own haha. I am so lame :)
Its. So. Hot.
p.s. Sorry my font has changed to this ugly one, I cannot change it to Arial on this computer ... makes me sad.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Part 138: Roma
Hey yo readers!
I have internet! Unfortunately, its a bit crowded with a queue behind me so if I am quick, the happier people will be. These keyboards are honestly retardrd. If I press backspace twice this comes up ù... wtf. Dont even ask where the question mark is.
So, here I am finally in Rome after having arrived last night and meeting Gatens. I got to my hostel at 12 and was in bed by one, exhausted. The travel was a pain in the butt solely because I hate changing flights haha. Its cheaper though, so thats good. Anyway, I arrived alive and well but unfortunately, it was seltering at lke a gazillion degrees and I couldnàt get to sleep for ages.
This morning I woke up at 8.30 and met up with Gatens as previously arranged at the hostels market at 9. The showers here are amazing ! Haha. So we bought some stuff for lunch to make our life cheaper then headed off to the city. First stop, spanish steps. It swelterig again, I nearly died within 5 minutes, but in front fo the spanish steps there is a fountain in the shape of a boat, which wasplaced there after a boat was found there after a flood or something. Anyway, you can totally drink out of all the fountains in Rome and so I jusmped into the fountain to cool off, it was golden.
We then restedù for a bit and then made our way up the biggest stair thingi in Europe visit a church and then walked aùround looking for a gelato. We found this awesome shop with amazingly cheap Gelatos which were HUGE and tasty. Life was good and very italian. I should add here that I spend all day waving my hands about when I speak and saying any italian words I can even if they dont really fit in at all... good times.
After Gelato we went to some thing where the rooms were decorated in the skeletons of dead people who the pope many many years a go had killed because they didnt want to pay to go to heaven. It was eerie because there was like a millinon skulls which means sooo many people died. After that we made our way to the famous fountain I can not be bothered thinking of the name because its so blùoody hot. I hate this keyboard. Oh I also bought some sunglasses and swindled it down to 5 euro rather than 12 ...wpic win.
The fountain was cool, I through my coin in over my shoulder and then took a bazillion phots before leaving to go else where. We wanted to go to the colosseum but kept getting distracted by milions of little things that were all just so impressive everywhere. We saw a big big huge building dedicated to an unknown soldier who died in the war which wa cool. We stopped there for lunch then finally walked up to the colosseum. It s very very cool. I am in love haha. We went to Roman Forum which is just behind it to buy tickets because there was no line and its the same ticket -saved us about 2 hours, no joke. We then went back to colosseum and then bnought a guided tour which included a tour of the Roman Forum, bonus.
The tur was great I learnt a lot about the colosseum and ancient Rome and took a lot more hotos. It was BOILING though so it was hard to concentrate the whole time. At least I,ll tan haha. After we did the Roman Forum which is a buch of ruins from teh time Romans trulked the world. (I will edit my typos back at home!) It was pretty tops.lots of thing s that look nothing like what they used to but look bery cool now too. Very ruiney.
We were there until about 6 then we made our way to get some dinner -had pasta at an italian restaurant in Italy. Cannot top that!! Then made our way back home talking to an enthusiastic italian who used to live in Perth. Good times.
Far outr its hot. I am exahusted.
Vatican city tomorrow
I have internet! Unfortunately, its a bit crowded with a queue behind me so if I am quick, the happier people will be. These keyboards are honestly retardrd. If I press backspace twice this comes up ù... wtf. Dont even ask where the question mark is.
So, here I am finally in Rome after having arrived last night and meeting Gatens. I got to my hostel at 12 and was in bed by one, exhausted. The travel was a pain in the butt solely because I hate changing flights haha. Its cheaper though, so thats good. Anyway, I arrived alive and well but unfortunately, it was seltering at lke a gazillion degrees and I couldnàt get to sleep for ages.
This morning I woke up at 8.30 and met up with Gatens as previously arranged at the hostels market at 9. The showers here are amazing ! Haha. So we bought some stuff for lunch to make our life cheaper then headed off to the city. First stop, spanish steps. It swelterig again, I nearly died within 5 minutes, but in front fo the spanish steps there is a fountain in the shape of a boat, which wasplaced there after a boat was found there after a flood or something. Anyway, you can totally drink out of all the fountains in Rome and so I jusmped into the fountain to cool off, it was golden.
We then restedù for a bit and then made our way up the biggest stair thingi in Europe visit a church and then walked aùround looking for a gelato. We found this awesome shop with amazingly cheap Gelatos which were HUGE and tasty. Life was good and very italian. I should add here that I spend all day waving my hands about when I speak and saying any italian words I can even if they dont really fit in at all... good times.
After Gelato we went to some thing where the rooms were decorated in the skeletons of dead people who the pope many many years a go had killed because they didnt want to pay to go to heaven. It was eerie because there was like a millinon skulls which means sooo many people died. After that we made our way to the famous fountain I can not be bothered thinking of the name because its so blùoody hot. I hate this keyboard. Oh I also bought some sunglasses and swindled it down to 5 euro rather than 12 ...wpic win.
The fountain was cool, I through my coin in over my shoulder and then took a bazillion phots before leaving to go else where. We wanted to go to the colosseum but kept getting distracted by milions of little things that were all just so impressive everywhere. We saw a big big huge building dedicated to an unknown soldier who died in the war which wa cool. We stopped there for lunch then finally walked up to the colosseum. It s very very cool. I am in love haha. We went to Roman Forum which is just behind it to buy tickets because there was no line and its the same ticket -saved us about 2 hours, no joke. We then went back to colosseum and then bnought a guided tour which included a tour of the Roman Forum, bonus.
The tur was great I learnt a lot about the colosseum and ancient Rome and took a lot more hotos. It was BOILING though so it was hard to concentrate the whole time. At least I,ll tan haha. After we did the Roman Forum which is a buch of ruins from teh time Romans trulked the world. (I will edit my typos back at home!) It was pretty tops.lots of thing s that look nothing like what they used to but look bery cool now too. Very ruiney.
We were there until about 6 then we made our way to get some dinner -had pasta at an italian restaurant in Italy. Cannot top that!! Then made our way back home talking to an enthusiastic italian who used to live in Perth. Good times.
Far outr its hot. I am exahusted.
Vatican city tomorrow
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Part 137: Bees from Canada?
Hey yo!
I been hearing some complaints about my lack of blogging over the last 2 days so I would like to apologise for my absense. In my defence I have no reason why I should not of blogged... wait? Thats not right...
Anyway, the last two days involved much Zelda playing on Sallys DS (I am more than halfway through!), TV, Italy organising aaand other random pointless stuff. The weather has been awful so my time for achievements has been tres limited. Oh well. Today was a bit better.
I woke up this morning and bummed around on the computer for a little bit before Sally and AJ came into my room and informed me that I am meant to be baby-sitting them so I should get out of bed. With a groan, I got up and then got a cuppa tea and some cereal then sat outside in the finally sunny weather. I was joined by the two littlies who suddenly took interest in the outside world and chatted to them while listening to some of Sallys Japanese music. It was good to chat though and play with AJ's new airplane toy which I figured out how to use. It was like a slingshot but with an airplane. Unfortunately the dog ate it... so you know... whatever.
I then had a shower and came down stairs where I did all my booking for Venice and then got online and spoke avec the Mum for a good while, even though she was soo tired, it was nice to talk to her anyway. I enjoyed it. We talked for about an hour and then dad came online so mum went to bed and I talked to dad for an hour. Webcam is seriously one of the best inventions ever. I mean, they are miles away! Incredible technology. It was great chatting to them and seeing what they've been up to.
After, I had to go post some stuff before 4, when the post office closed so I went to go but the kids really wanted to go to the park and skip stones so I thought we could do both at the same time. I let Al know, who arrived back home during my parental conversations, and then we set off on a 2 hour adventure which consisted of posting some letters and then some stone skipping and collecting. We collected all the biggest stones we cold find which was good then the kids cleaned them all and out them in a huge pile. We were pretty impressed with our collection in the end but got so distracted we didn't realise the dog went missing. Oops. Luckily some random dude was like... your dog is there and we were like thanks dude and he was like yep. Good times.
Erm, we came back home after that and I went to go back on the computer but got distracted by toast and a wee bit of Zelda. I eventually got back on for a bit to talk to Ruby when Al came in and was like, I am going out for beer on the deck... If you want a beer? I was like beeeeer! so I left Ruby and went out and chatted to Al in the sun with a few beers. It was funny because AJ came out at one point and was like yo, I need a p and an s. So Al was like huh? and then Aj was like A pudding and a snack. And Al was like oh. And then Al said I need two more b's. Aj was like? You need bees from canada? And I lol'd. It was such a random thought. He was serous too, I mean WHY did he think of bees from canada of all places? And we were talking about food and holding beers. Odd kid. HE eventually clicked and we got more beer and he got a p and then an s.
More time passed with some conversations then Big Brother happened. CAOIMHE LEFFTTTTTT! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Ergh. 18 days withough BB and laptop. Is Europe really worth it? Really? I'm struggling to justify my decision to go touring just now.
I joke.
Oh, I got a job phone call yesterday for door knocking but with good pay, they'll ring me when I get back.
Im off to Italy tomorrow, I may have internet (pleaseeee!) I am wearing my lucky underpants but thoughts from you would be lovely. Please wish me luck on my newest adventure and I hope to keep you up to date as much as I can.
If not, I'll miss you all.
I been hearing some complaints about my lack of blogging over the last 2 days so I would like to apologise for my absense. In my defence I have no reason why I should not of blogged... wait? Thats not right...
Anyway, the last two days involved much Zelda playing on Sallys DS (I am more than halfway through!), TV, Italy organising aaand other random pointless stuff. The weather has been awful so my time for achievements has been tres limited. Oh well. Today was a bit better.
I woke up this morning and bummed around on the computer for a little bit before Sally and AJ came into my room and informed me that I am meant to be baby-sitting them so I should get out of bed. With a groan, I got up and then got a cuppa tea and some cereal then sat outside in the finally sunny weather. I was joined by the two littlies who suddenly took interest in the outside world and chatted to them while listening to some of Sallys Japanese music. It was good to chat though and play with AJ's new airplane toy which I figured out how to use. It was like a slingshot but with an airplane. Unfortunately the dog ate it... so you know... whatever.
I then had a shower and came down stairs where I did all my booking for Venice and then got online and spoke avec the Mum for a good while, even though she was soo tired, it was nice to talk to her anyway. I enjoyed it. We talked for about an hour and then dad came online so mum went to bed and I talked to dad for an hour. Webcam is seriously one of the best inventions ever. I mean, they are miles away! Incredible technology. It was great chatting to them and seeing what they've been up to.
After, I had to go post some stuff before 4, when the post office closed so I went to go but the kids really wanted to go to the park and skip stones so I thought we could do both at the same time. I let Al know, who arrived back home during my parental conversations, and then we set off on a 2 hour adventure which consisted of posting some letters and then some stone skipping and collecting. We collected all the biggest stones we cold find which was good then the kids cleaned them all and out them in a huge pile. We were pretty impressed with our collection in the end but got so distracted we didn't realise the dog went missing. Oops. Luckily some random dude was like... your dog is there and we were like thanks dude and he was like yep. Good times.
Erm, we came back home after that and I went to go back on the computer but got distracted by toast and a wee bit of Zelda. I eventually got back on for a bit to talk to Ruby when Al came in and was like, I am going out for beer on the deck... If you want a beer? I was like beeeeer! so I left Ruby and went out and chatted to Al in the sun with a few beers. It was funny because AJ came out at one point and was like yo, I need a p and an s. So Al was like huh? and then Aj was like A pudding and a snack. And Al was like oh. And then Al said I need two more b's. Aj was like? You need bees from canada? And I lol'd. It was such a random thought. He was serous too, I mean WHY did he think of bees from canada of all places? And we were talking about food and holding beers. Odd kid. HE eventually clicked and we got more beer and he got a p and then an s.
More time passed with some conversations then Big Brother happened. CAOIMHE LEFFTTTTTT! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Ergh. 18 days withough BB and laptop. Is Europe really worth it? Really? I'm struggling to justify my decision to go touring just now.
I joke.
Oh, I got a job phone call yesterday for door knocking but with good pay, they'll ring me when I get back.
Im off to Italy tomorrow, I may have internet (pleaseeee!) I am wearing my lucky underpants but thoughts from you would be lovely. Please wish me luck on my newest adventure and I hope to keep you up to date as much as I can.
If not, I'll miss you all.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Part 136: Ponyo Is A Fish
I'm so epically uber tired right now. I dont even know why, its only 12.30 but I just am. I had a pretty normal day today which obviously included waking up, having breakfast and showering. I then stole Sallys DS and commenced playing Zelda which was another present she got which isn't as fun to draw as Pokemon. I also spent some time on the net and organising stuff for y Italy trip on Wednesday- so soon! Cannae wait! Lois and I have so much organised for Holland and Belgium too. Its gonna be gunnin'.
I really wanted to go for a walk or something as part of my 'stay healthy' scheme which is just utter fail. I have cut out snacking on junk but I am still drinking a few beers a night and my main meals still aren't all that healthy. I also did exercise the other day but failed to make it consistent so... its a bit of a fail. However! I did eat fruit instead of chocolate everytime I felt like a snack so at least thats something. A start. Oh and I had a big lunch rather than a big tea which is always good too...I will not get fat! Anyway, point is it was raining today which mae walking not look like fun and work not so thrilling for Jilly so she decided we should go out for lunch and then to spend Sallys birthday gift cards she recieved. I was hungry so I went along.
We went to a New York Italian Restaurant (I think thats a bit of an odd style of restaurant. Can they not decide America or Italy?) which was good. I had bbq chicken wings then parma... with some celery... Oh and Sally had a board game that came with her meal about keeping healthy which I played, that was good. Haha. So many ideas to ignore! After a pretty rockin' lunch we made our way to the shops and pondered around. I wanted a new pair of shorts as supposedly in Italy its going to be low-mid 30's and shorts are lighter than jeans but I couldn't find any I liked and gave up. I do need to get some new volley-like shoes that are white not black just because the black ones look so dorky with my current shorts and they're like 3 quid at Primark haha.
Erm, when we got back I sat outside with Jilly because the sun decided to come out and play so we had some beer and chatted until it got cold so I went inside and (Black Eyed Peas album is on in the other room- Woo! Seen 'em live!) played more Zelda. I have already pwned the first temple thing. So easy. Haha. I love Zelda, not as much as Tam though. Sally, Aj and I also watched a film called 'Ponyo' which was cute and fun to watch too. Good times.
Erm, c'est tout I think. Sleeeeeeep. (I wish everyone is still up and pumping music *glares*)
I'm so epically uber tired right now. I dont even know why, its only 12.30 but I just am. I had a pretty normal day today which obviously included waking up, having breakfast and showering. I then stole Sallys DS and commenced playing Zelda which was another present she got which isn't as fun to draw as Pokemon. I also spent some time on the net and organising stuff for y Italy trip on Wednesday- so soon! Cannae wait! Lois and I have so much organised for Holland and Belgium too. Its gonna be gunnin'.
I really wanted to go for a walk or something as part of my 'stay healthy' scheme which is just utter fail. I have cut out snacking on junk but I am still drinking a few beers a night and my main meals still aren't all that healthy. I also did exercise the other day but failed to make it consistent so... its a bit of a fail. However! I did eat fruit instead of chocolate everytime I felt like a snack so at least thats something. A start. Oh and I had a big lunch rather than a big tea which is always good too...I will not get fat! Anyway, point is it was raining today which mae walking not look like fun and work not so thrilling for Jilly so she decided we should go out for lunch and then to spend Sallys birthday gift cards she recieved. I was hungry so I went along.
We went to a New York Italian Restaurant (I think thats a bit of an odd style of restaurant. Can they not decide America or Italy?) which was good. I had bbq chicken wings then parma... with some celery... Oh and Sally had a board game that came with her meal about keeping healthy which I played, that was good. Haha. So many ideas to ignore! After a pretty rockin' lunch we made our way to the shops and pondered around. I wanted a new pair of shorts as supposedly in Italy its going to be low-mid 30's and shorts are lighter than jeans but I couldn't find any I liked and gave up. I do need to get some new volley-like shoes that are white not black just because the black ones look so dorky with my current shorts and they're like 3 quid at Primark haha.
Erm, when we got back I sat outside with Jilly because the sun decided to come out and play so we had some beer and chatted until it got cold so I went inside and (Black Eyed Peas album is on in the other room- Woo! Seen 'em live!) played more Zelda. I have already pwned the first temple thing. So easy. Haha. I love Zelda, not as much as Tam though. Sally, Aj and I also watched a film called 'Ponyo' which was cute and fun to watch too. Good times.
Erm, c'est tout I think. Sleeeeeeep. (I wish everyone is still up and pumping music *glares*)
Part 135: Random Bonus
Random post just to show bits of T in the Park, got these from Elidh who was with me at Muse. We were a bit further back in Muse than most things which is a shame because at this point I didn't know about our V.I.P entrance for the main stage :/
Friday, July 16, 2010
Part 134: Sallys Special Birthday Blog

So this blog isnt special just for Sally really, its just that is Sallys birthday and there is a lot in this blog! I would like to firstly say a HUGE congratulations to my Auntie Tin and Uncle Adam who had their first daughter today and can I say I am so excited and cant wait to meet my newest family member!
Anyway, today was a day like all others in the morning until I woke up. I got up and quickly rushed around tidying the entire house and having breakfast and showered and all that to make sure the house wasn't in any mess by the time somebody arrived home. Jilly and Al both said they'd be here for Sallys birthday but I had no idea when... I just did it really early to be sure. I also ran down to Muirend to get Sally a birthday card which I nearly forgot- it had a badge and thus was awesome, and some wrapping paper too. I got back got ready and then watched Tv and craved sleep until Al pondered in and said g'day. He was only in for a short while then he had to take Sparky to the vet so I utilised this time to go down to the shops again and get some moreshtuff then came back and was promptly met by Jilly and the kids.
Sally was excited and explained to me her day so far and I heard bits of adventures from their time at Cardenden in Fife with a friend. They seemed to have had a good time but did bring some guests back with them...Some head guests but not in a good way. Unfortunately, Jilly did notice something crawling in Sallys head and somehow Sally had got lice and it made for a great birthday treat when Jilly napalmed them with all the chemicals available from the local pharmacy along with a rather sharp toothed comb which made their heads bleed. Thank God I didn't get checked. I just chucked on my hood and prayed the kids would stay away.... hehe.
Anyway, the kids a clear for now so moving on, we did the whole cake and present thing for Sally which was fine, Sally was happy with her ample gifts and I was happy because while it was happening I booked accommodation in Rome so, you know, we all win. A bit later, Al ended up leaving for work after a few games on Super Mario Galaxy 2 and then Jilly rinsed the napalm off herself and the children and I could finally remove my hood. FREEDOM!
Dinner. Drawing. Blog. Rubiks Cube somewhere in there as well (I just learned that Rubiks cube has a 'ks' not and 'x'... Every day is a school day!)
Big Brother: Ife got evicted, good riddance. She was annoying anyway. Thank God Corin and Mario stayed! Gooood times. How am I gonna live without it next 2 weeks?!?!
anyway! Toodle pip everyone!
p.s. Dont you think my art skillz have gotten better?!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Part 133: Seafood Fail
Readers, hello!
I had a relaxed day today, really. I actually achieved a few things though. I checked-in for my flights and finished Sallys birthday present. It took ages. AGES... I thought it would be a lot less work than it turned out to be but I hope she likes it. I'll teach her how to use it (i'll explain tomorrow) and then it should be wonderful.
Anyway wow... I summed up my day in like 5 sentences haha. I spent a lot of it listening and just loving Florence and the Machines 'Dog Days are Over' its just golden and I had some awful pasta thing for dinner which I made for tea becuase I didnt have the right stuff to make anything I wanted. Unfortunately, while I was cooking dinner I also reheated 3 slices of pizza and ate them... then had tea... OH GOD ITS AWFUL. I want to go on a diet and not a seefood one. Seriously, I am just not happy with the fact that I am still putting on weight at an unhealthy speed. Feil.
Um, I did a load of washing today and looked for more couchsurfing places in Italia with no avail. 6 nights- no accomodation... shit.
Thats about it really. Sayounara :)
I had a relaxed day today, really. I actually achieved a few things though. I checked-in for my flights and finished Sallys birthday present. It took ages. AGES... I thought it would be a lot less work than it turned out to be but I hope she likes it. I'll teach her how to use it (i'll explain tomorrow) and then it should be wonderful.
Anyway wow... I summed up my day in like 5 sentences haha. I spent a lot of it listening and just loving Florence and the Machines 'Dog Days are Over' its just golden and I had some awful pasta thing for dinner which I made for tea becuase I didnt have the right stuff to make anything I wanted. Unfortunately, while I was cooking dinner I also reheated 3 slices of pizza and ate them... then had tea... OH GOD ITS AWFUL. I want to go on a diet and not a seefood one. Seriously, I am just not happy with the fact that I am still putting on weight at an unhealthy speed. Feil.
Um, I did a load of washing today and looked for more couchsurfing places in Italia with no avail. 6 nights- no accomodation... shit.
Thats about it really. Sayounara :)
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Part 132: Works With The Father
Hey family and friends!
Today was a nice day. I woke up at 11.35 and run out of my room in a glorious mood for no particular reason. I sang good morning to Sally and AJ who were watching TV and to Jilly who was a bit upset in the kitchen. I talked to her for a wee bit and she was cheered up slightly as I left. I went watched some telly and then went on the computer to check up on the whats doing.
I logged on and saw my dad was online so I had a great chat with him. It was really good honestly, one of the more interesting chats we've had in a while. We talked about when I return to Australia and other stuff. We also were just discussing dads work mate Bruce who is currently in Scotland with his 19 year old son. Then, speak of the devil, I got a phone call from Bruce himself. He wanted to catch up today and asked me what time would suit me. We decided on 3pm at the information centre. He was out the front of George Square when he rang me but couldn't find the IC so I gave him directions. It was pretty cool that I could give directions around Glasgow. I mean, the IC was just behind them but still I could help them exactly. It was great. I then told them they can catch the Tourist Bus from there if they wanted and I'd see them soon. Hang up. Talked to dad a little more which was nice until I had to go and get ready because now it was 1.30 and I wanted to catch the 2.15 train so I could get Sallys bday present before meeting up with them.
I ran out the city tryting to find what I wanted which I wont announce now in case Sally reads this and then stood out front of the IC as I waited for Bruce and I believe his sons name is Nick... We talked about their tour around Glasgow and our previous journeys as we slowly dawdled towards their hotel they're staying at. They couldn't quite remember where it was but remembered the street so I could help them out- win! On the way we stopped for some beers at a bar thing which was good to get to know them a little bit. At 4 though, Bruce had to go and get ready for a meeting saying he would meet us again at 8. He left and so I sat and chatted to Nick for a while and we got some dinner and then decided we should catch a movie. We actually got along which was really cool. We walked up to the cinema and then saw a massive MASSIVE queue for it so gave up and I thought it'd be cool to check out the Australian bar around the corner. So we did.
After another beer and some more chats we went back up to their hotel which was a fairish walk and then sat and watched TV and chatted until 8 came and went. Bruce still wasn't back. So we chatted had more drinks and watched more TV until finally at 10 Bruce came in. At least its not just my dad who underestimates the amount of time meetings go for. When he came back we talked for a little bit but then it was 10.10 so I thought I should probably head back. I left and was so happy that I caught up with them. They're good people and I like them. Good times.
I got back home at 11 and because Jilly and the kids had off'd for the next two nights I pondered in turned the TV on and chilaaaaaaaxed. Oh I also was singing loudly for the hell of it. Was good haha.
It was a good day.
Toodle pip.
Today was a nice day. I woke up at 11.35 and run out of my room in a glorious mood for no particular reason. I sang good morning to Sally and AJ who were watching TV and to Jilly who was a bit upset in the kitchen. I talked to her for a wee bit and she was cheered up slightly as I left. I went watched some telly and then went on the computer to check up on the whats doing.
I logged on and saw my dad was online so I had a great chat with him. It was really good honestly, one of the more interesting chats we've had in a while. We talked about when I return to Australia and other stuff. We also were just discussing dads work mate Bruce who is currently in Scotland with his 19 year old son. Then, speak of the devil, I got a phone call from Bruce himself. He wanted to catch up today and asked me what time would suit me. We decided on 3pm at the information centre. He was out the front of George Square when he rang me but couldn't find the IC so I gave him directions. It was pretty cool that I could give directions around Glasgow. I mean, the IC was just behind them but still I could help them exactly. It was great. I then told them they can catch the Tourist Bus from there if they wanted and I'd see them soon. Hang up. Talked to dad a little more which was nice until I had to go and get ready because now it was 1.30 and I wanted to catch the 2.15 train so I could get Sallys bday present before meeting up with them.
I ran out the city tryting to find what I wanted which I wont announce now in case Sally reads this and then stood out front of the IC as I waited for Bruce and I believe his sons name is Nick... We talked about their tour around Glasgow and our previous journeys as we slowly dawdled towards their hotel they're staying at. They couldn't quite remember where it was but remembered the street so I could help them out- win! On the way we stopped for some beers at a bar thing which was good to get to know them a little bit. At 4 though, Bruce had to go and get ready for a meeting saying he would meet us again at 8. He left and so I sat and chatted to Nick for a while and we got some dinner and then decided we should catch a movie. We actually got along which was really cool. We walked up to the cinema and then saw a massive MASSIVE queue for it so gave up and I thought it'd be cool to check out the Australian bar around the corner. So we did.
After another beer and some more chats we went back up to their hotel which was a fairish walk and then sat and watched TV and chatted until 8 came and went. Bruce still wasn't back. So we chatted had more drinks and watched more TV until finally at 10 Bruce came in. At least its not just my dad who underestimates the amount of time meetings go for. When he came back we talked for a little bit but then it was 10.10 so I thought I should probably head back. I left and was so happy that I caught up with them. They're good people and I like them. Good times.
I got back home at 11 and because Jilly and the kids had off'd for the next two nights I pondered in turned the TV on and chilaaaaaaaxed. Oh I also was singing loudly for the hell of it. Was good haha.
It was a good day.
Toodle pip.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Part 131: Phineas & Ferb
Good evening,
I am vaguely sleepy right now for no reason. That was useless information.
Today I woke up at 9am before anyone else, it was amazing. I got up showered and had breakfast and commenced talking to the mother on webcam which lasted for a bit over an hour which was loverly becuase we hadn't spoken for a while 'face-to-face'. We discussed my amazing weekend and her life. I also heard a recording of my wee sister singing some jazz piece and to be blunt: She was amazing. Yes...
More useless information: I am watching Phineas and Ferb which is the BEST cartoon in the world. Haha. It makes me giggle. Defs check it out if you can.
Anyway, I finished my convo with mum then sat on the computer until Al came into my room and was like: 'We have house inspectors in an hour by the way can you.. tidy up or something?' I was like: '...' *rushes around and cleans room*. When my room was spotless and the floor was vaccuumed I thought it would be good to empty the house so Al could show it off without interuption and I wanted to go to the park so the kids, the dog and I went out to Lynn park and hung out there for a good hour and a half. It was good. Skipping stones, playing hide and seek in the park and listening to all the bands I heard live on my iPod. Such a good feeling. I was like 'totes saw them a few days ago' haha. The park was good.
We got back to the house at 2 but there was a second evaluator so we were stuck out of the house for an hour just sitting in the garden. When I got back inside I just talked to people on the net for the rest of the day. Had some form of lunch in there somewhere too.
I go to Italy sooooooooooon.
I am vaguely sleepy right now for no reason. That was useless information.
Today I woke up at 9am before anyone else, it was amazing. I got up showered and had breakfast and commenced talking to the mother on webcam which lasted for a bit over an hour which was loverly becuase we hadn't spoken for a while 'face-to-face'. We discussed my amazing weekend and her life. I also heard a recording of my wee sister singing some jazz piece and to be blunt: She was amazing. Yes...
More useless information: I am watching Phineas and Ferb which is the BEST cartoon in the world. Haha. It makes me giggle. Defs check it out if you can.
Anyway, I finished my convo with mum then sat on the computer until Al came into my room and was like: 'We have house inspectors in an hour by the way can you.. tidy up or something?' I was like: '...' *rushes around and cleans room*. When my room was spotless and the floor was vaccuumed I thought it would be good to empty the house so Al could show it off without interuption and I wanted to go to the park so the kids, the dog and I went out to Lynn park and hung out there for a good hour and a half. It was good. Skipping stones, playing hide and seek in the park and listening to all the bands I heard live on my iPod. Such a good feeling. I was like 'totes saw them a few days ago' haha. The park was good.
We got back to the house at 2 but there was a second evaluator so we were stuck out of the house for an hour just sitting in the garden. When I got back inside I just talked to people on the net for the rest of the day. Had some form of lunch in there somewhere too.
I go to Italy sooooooooooon.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Part 130: Wonderful
Hello Readers,
Today I did nothing. It was wonderful.
Slept in. Wonderful. Caught up on the Internet. Wonderful. Ate food. Wonderful. Had a shower. (Honestly after the last 4 days of well, basically no shower- it was just WONDERFUL) I did nothing else. It was wonderful.
I go to Italy in 10 days. It will be wonderful.
Today I did nothing. It was wonderful.
Slept in. Wonderful. Caught up on the Internet. Wonderful. Ate food. Wonderful. Had a shower. (Honestly after the last 4 days of well, basically no shower- it was just WONDERFUL) I did nothing else. It was wonderful.
I go to Italy in 10 days. It will be wonderful.
Part 129: T in the Park
To sum up in a word: EPIC.
I cannot think of anyway to explain this weekend because it was so... just... awesomely...awesome.... Good. Where to begin? So on Thursday, I went and got a hair cut then at 4.30 had all my stuff packed and made my way to the train station. I was pretty apathetic at this point because I didn't know anyone who was going to the be there and I didn't know really if I had a chance to see any music (oh how little I knew...)
When I got to the meeting spot I stood on my own and glared at the people I would be spending the next 4ish nights with. I was really shy and didn't talk to anyone until we were shoved on to this tiny bus and I was next to some guy whose name I dont know and I chatted to him the whole trip which was good, I guess. When we got there we all got to our massive marquee (Is that right?) which had just a wooden floor, thank GOD I could use Al's blow up matress otherwise I would have not been able to sleep or anything and my back would have been wrecked. The first night was pretty bad, I was just bored because I didn't talk to anyone so I ended up going to bed and trying to sleep with large amounts of people and crowds going crazy outside. Took a while, but I got there.
So Friday after having about 6 hours sleep I got up at 6am and was off to work. I was on the main gate for camping entry. The thing about this job is that the work is tedious and not interesting but time flies by and its pretty easy. All I had to do was scan tickets all day for 13 hours. It was just bad because my feet would get sore or I would get cramps in my hand from holding the scanner for so long. At the very start though, we got paid to stand for 2 hours before the gates even opened so we all just chatted and then when they did open the gates and literally thousands of people poured in we got sent on our break. It was funny because we didnt do anything for like 3 hours (Oh we get paid for breaks too, woo!) but seriously, time just goes so quick that 13 hours is just over and it feels like about 2. Its great. We also got paid to have breakfast and all that. Oh, and I got moved to the main gate for day entry at one point too where I met Vicky who I ended up hanging out with for most of the weekend and and Eiledh who I hung out with for most of the Friday.
When our shift was over, at 8 we had a walk back to our marquee (which was quite a hike, this place was MASSIVE) through the park. It was great because I caught some La Roux as I was going through singing 'The Kill' which was awesome. However, I did get attacked by someone who picked me up and started dancing in circle and had my arms stuck under me and my legs off the ground, I was stuck but it was funny because the dude got spear tackled. God, I am useless when it comes to actual security. All I am good for is scanning haha.
When we got back Eiledh and I talked for a while and sat to relax our feet then went out to check out T in the P. Fortunately, being on staff, our wristbands let us in where to places even the V.I.Ps couldn't use. Amazing. We first went in and saw the last half of 'Florence and the Machine's' set which was awesome. She was not bad live. I dont know if shes well known in Australia but she is pretty big here and I really like her stuff. It was great. I then got soooo pumped because MUSE was playing next at the main stage so we ran over to it and squished throught the epic crowd of over 80,000 people and made our way to about midway back, but with still an awesome view of Mr. Balamy blasting out Supermassive Black Hole and other awesome Muse songs. SO much fun to shout out those lyrics alongside the actual singer live. Argh. I love Muse sooo much and to see them live was just the best thing ever. We left about 3/4 through the Muse set unfortunately(ish) because Eilidh wanted to go check out the Black Eyed Peas who were on the second stage. There I was leaving one of my favorite bands to see my old favorite band. Couldn't complain.
We snuck round to the V.I.P entrance of the BEPs and got right to the front to watch them play and awesome mix of their new stuff and their old stuff. There old stuff was great because its what I love but their new stuff was amazing becuase the music is so good to dance and jump around in a mosh pit too. Friggen hell. I mean, Muse, I love you but Black Eyed Peas really held their own against you which was a shock. I've seen them live on TV and Fergie always seems to be terrible live but she practiced and her voice was incredible. Omg. It was incredible. Just the best. That night was probably the best because it was 2 bands that had been my favorite at one point in my life.
Bed at 1 struggle to sleep from the high. Get up at 6.
Saturday I was on the main gate for campers again which again just flew by. It was really busy but there was a few too many people on staff so we just got breaks every 20 minutes for 20 minutes and God, it was so easy. The only bad thing was that it was raining and it made the scanners stuff up and all the drunks (at 8am) got angry because it took a while to scan sometimes. I was on the same gate all day but was shocked when I was sent off to lunch. I thought it was like maybe 12 but it was actually 4. It was great because I saw Joshua Radin live while I was there whose music is exactly my genre of music and his song 'Closer' is in my top 25 played on my iPod. Best way to eat lunch. Ever. The food, if you were wondering, was not too bad it was filling and tasted pretty okay. Much healthier than what the people could buy at the festivals shops too so couldn't complain. On the way back to work, I also got The Proclaimers singing '500 miles' the only song of theirs I know and it was just awesome to catch the crowd loved them. I loved it.
I worked some more until dinner which was interupted midway because there was a riot as Stereophonics started so I had to run to the riot until someone picked my up in a jeep and drove me and some others to it. We jumped out like the a-team and started forming human barriers and stuff to break up the riot. Then stood around and watched Stereophonics who were really good to listen too (and I literally got paid for it) and then stand as Eminem, the headliner started. Vicky and I were really keen to see Eminem (for me because I really REALLY wanted to hear Lose Yourself live)
So when our shift finished we ran only to get held up by signing out and stuff which was annoying because I was going to miss Eminem. Fortunately, I could listen to The Prodigy playing a few songs which I knew so I caught them as well. Anyway, by the time we could sign out we were sure we were going to miss Eminem but we ran anyway got changed and grabbed another guy whose name I think was David and ran up and used the V.I.P Main stage entrance which gave us the most awesome spots in the mosh pit for Eminem who was still playing a few new songs and old ones and then finished. We caught the last 3 songs and then he left. Everyone in the mosh pit started clearing out but we stayed and yelled encore for a while and then when half the people had left, he came back out and did his envore- Lose Yourself. We moved up closer still and listened to his best song. It was such a great one to yell out to as well. He was surprisingly good live too. Everyone I saw was amazing live. I should probably stop saying it but holy crap it was such an awesome weekend. The only thing that annoyed me here was that I missed Mumford and Sons who played at the same time as Eminem MAAANNNN the would have been awesome.
Bed at 1 struggle to sleep from the high. Get up at 8.
I had a short shift on the Sunday (10 hours) so it was good because i could sleep in. I was shoved on to anothe gate which I dont even know what it was for. I just scanned tickets haha. Eventually I was sent for lunch which was another great lunch because I sat and listened to Rise against playing a couple a songs I recognised which was pretty cool. Then went to work on the gate again which was pretty fun because well it just skipped on by until dinner which was when my shift finished. After that Vicky, an Irish girl named Nicola and I ran down to check out the end of the festival. We met up with two other people who Vicky waited for which was unfortunate because Nicola and I kept going and she said we would meet them inside. Didn't happen. We did get free rum shots though which was good to drink as we started listening to Jay-Z. He played a heap of songs I didn't really know but he did play 'New York' or whatever its called (with Alicia Keys, but there was a different girl singer) and also the Numb Encore (with Linken Park, but without Linken Park) so it was great because I love both those songs. Also, with Irish, it was awesome because she could shove us pretty close (although we werent in the main mosh pit like we were for Eminem, we were a bit further back, but we could still see him really clearly.
When he finished we went up and checked out Madness (Our house, in the middle of our street! Haha) then went up to listen to Goldfrapp who was so much fun because we were in a tent and the lights where amazing and the crowd was incredible. Had an awesome vibe. We also caught Kasabian on the way which was okay, but I dont really know them that well. then to finish it all up we caught Frenchy, David Guetta, talking and playing part of his first song but we saw him, before rushing back to our bus which we were late for. On the way We got stopped by the working security who was just like 'wait there, Jay-Z is coming through' and so he did. That was pretty cool. Nicola, being a Jay-Z fanatic nearly had a heart attack, it was pretty legendary. we then ran and made it to the bus just on time because it was about to leave haha. Unfortunately, she was on the Edinburgh bus, so was Vicky but it was okay, because I could sleep and I also talked a bit to Eilidh about our weekends.
When I got back to Glasgow it was 12.30 at night and I was just exhausted. There were no buses or trains so I had to call a cab, hitch hike or wait till 6am and catch a bus. I was annoyed but I called a cab because I was dead. they were booked out for the next 3 hours so raged, I made my way to central station where there was a few spare cabs from a different company. 9 pounds later I was home and then crawled into bed (which I had to re-make because my sheets had been washed) and then just crashed.
Friggen hell, it was an AMAZING weekend. Seriously work festivals, dont pay for them. Its a thousand times better. I got paid to see these guys.
To some up:
I caught: Muse, Black Eyed Peas, Florence and the Machine, Biffy Clyro, La Roux, The Proclaimers, The Prodigy, Kasabian, Rise Against, David Guetta, Goldfrapp, Eminem, Jay-Z, Madness, Joshua Radin, Stereophonics aaaaannnd I think thats about it. Thats 17 for freeeeee :D
I dont even remember the work haha.
I'm exhausted today though, so dont expect and exciting blog tonight.
I cannot think of anyway to explain this weekend because it was so... just... awesomely...awesome.... Good. Where to begin? So on Thursday, I went and got a hair cut then at 4.30 had all my stuff packed and made my way to the train station. I was pretty apathetic at this point because I didn't know anyone who was going to the be there and I didn't know really if I had a chance to see any music (oh how little I knew...)
When I got to the meeting spot I stood on my own and glared at the people I would be spending the next 4ish nights with. I was really shy and didn't talk to anyone until we were shoved on to this tiny bus and I was next to some guy whose name I dont know and I chatted to him the whole trip which was good, I guess. When we got there we all got to our massive marquee (Is that right?) which had just a wooden floor, thank GOD I could use Al's blow up matress otherwise I would have not been able to sleep or anything and my back would have been wrecked. The first night was pretty bad, I was just bored because I didn't talk to anyone so I ended up going to bed and trying to sleep with large amounts of people and crowds going crazy outside. Took a while, but I got there.
So Friday after having about 6 hours sleep I got up at 6am and was off to work. I was on the main gate for camping entry. The thing about this job is that the work is tedious and not interesting but time flies by and its pretty easy. All I had to do was scan tickets all day for 13 hours. It was just bad because my feet would get sore or I would get cramps in my hand from holding the scanner for so long. At the very start though, we got paid to stand for 2 hours before the gates even opened so we all just chatted and then when they did open the gates and literally thousands of people poured in we got sent on our break. It was funny because we didnt do anything for like 3 hours (Oh we get paid for breaks too, woo!) but seriously, time just goes so quick that 13 hours is just over and it feels like about 2. Its great. We also got paid to have breakfast and all that. Oh, and I got moved to the main gate for day entry at one point too where I met Vicky who I ended up hanging out with for most of the weekend and and Eiledh who I hung out with for most of the Friday.
When our shift was over, at 8 we had a walk back to our marquee (which was quite a hike, this place was MASSIVE) through the park. It was great because I caught some La Roux as I was going through singing 'The Kill' which was awesome. However, I did get attacked by someone who picked me up and started dancing in circle and had my arms stuck under me and my legs off the ground, I was stuck but it was funny because the dude got spear tackled. God, I am useless when it comes to actual security. All I am good for is scanning haha.
When we got back Eiledh and I talked for a while and sat to relax our feet then went out to check out T in the P. Fortunately, being on staff, our wristbands let us in where to places even the V.I.Ps couldn't use. Amazing. We first went in and saw the last half of 'Florence and the Machine's' set which was awesome. She was not bad live. I dont know if shes well known in Australia but she is pretty big here and I really like her stuff. It was great. I then got soooo pumped because MUSE was playing next at the main stage so we ran over to it and squished throught the epic crowd of over 80,000 people and made our way to about midway back, but with still an awesome view of Mr. Balamy blasting out Supermassive Black Hole and other awesome Muse songs. SO much fun to shout out those lyrics alongside the actual singer live. Argh. I love Muse sooo much and to see them live was just the best thing ever. We left about 3/4 through the Muse set unfortunately(ish) because Eilidh wanted to go check out the Black Eyed Peas who were on the second stage. There I was leaving one of my favorite bands to see my old favorite band. Couldn't complain.
We snuck round to the V.I.P entrance of the BEPs and got right to the front to watch them play and awesome mix of their new stuff and their old stuff. There old stuff was great because its what I love but their new stuff was amazing becuase the music is so good to dance and jump around in a mosh pit too. Friggen hell. I mean, Muse, I love you but Black Eyed Peas really held their own against you which was a shock. I've seen them live on TV and Fergie always seems to be terrible live but she practiced and her voice was incredible. Omg. It was incredible. Just the best. That night was probably the best because it was 2 bands that had been my favorite at one point in my life.
Bed at 1 struggle to sleep from the high. Get up at 6.
Saturday I was on the main gate for campers again which again just flew by. It was really busy but there was a few too many people on staff so we just got breaks every 20 minutes for 20 minutes and God, it was so easy. The only bad thing was that it was raining and it made the scanners stuff up and all the drunks (at 8am) got angry because it took a while to scan sometimes. I was on the same gate all day but was shocked when I was sent off to lunch. I thought it was like maybe 12 but it was actually 4. It was great because I saw Joshua Radin live while I was there whose music is exactly my genre of music and his song 'Closer' is in my top 25 played on my iPod. Best way to eat lunch. Ever. The food, if you were wondering, was not too bad it was filling and tasted pretty okay. Much healthier than what the people could buy at the festivals shops too so couldn't complain. On the way back to work, I also got The Proclaimers singing '500 miles' the only song of theirs I know and it was just awesome to catch the crowd loved them. I loved it.
I worked some more until dinner which was interupted midway because there was a riot as Stereophonics started so I had to run to the riot until someone picked my up in a jeep and drove me and some others to it. We jumped out like the a-team and started forming human barriers and stuff to break up the riot. Then stood around and watched Stereophonics who were really good to listen too (and I literally got paid for it) and then stand as Eminem, the headliner started. Vicky and I were really keen to see Eminem (for me because I really REALLY wanted to hear Lose Yourself live)
So when our shift finished we ran only to get held up by signing out and stuff which was annoying because I was going to miss Eminem. Fortunately, I could listen to The Prodigy playing a few songs which I knew so I caught them as well. Anyway, by the time we could sign out we were sure we were going to miss Eminem but we ran anyway got changed and grabbed another guy whose name I think was David and ran up and used the V.I.P Main stage entrance which gave us the most awesome spots in the mosh pit for Eminem who was still playing a few new songs and old ones and then finished. We caught the last 3 songs and then he left. Everyone in the mosh pit started clearing out but we stayed and yelled encore for a while and then when half the people had left, he came back out and did his envore- Lose Yourself. We moved up closer still and listened to his best song. It was such a great one to yell out to as well. He was surprisingly good live too. Everyone I saw was amazing live. I should probably stop saying it but holy crap it was such an awesome weekend. The only thing that annoyed me here was that I missed Mumford and Sons who played at the same time as Eminem MAAANNNN the would have been awesome.
Bed at 1 struggle to sleep from the high. Get up at 8.
I had a short shift on the Sunday (10 hours) so it was good because i could sleep in. I was shoved on to anothe gate which I dont even know what it was for. I just scanned tickets haha. Eventually I was sent for lunch which was another great lunch because I sat and listened to Rise against playing a couple a songs I recognised which was pretty cool. Then went to work on the gate again which was pretty fun because well it just skipped on by until dinner which was when my shift finished. After that Vicky, an Irish girl named Nicola and I ran down to check out the end of the festival. We met up with two other people who Vicky waited for which was unfortunate because Nicola and I kept going and she said we would meet them inside. Didn't happen. We did get free rum shots though which was good to drink as we started listening to Jay-Z. He played a heap of songs I didn't really know but he did play 'New York' or whatever its called (with Alicia Keys, but there was a different girl singer) and also the Numb Encore (with Linken Park, but without Linken Park) so it was great because I love both those songs. Also, with Irish, it was awesome because she could shove us pretty close (although we werent in the main mosh pit like we were for Eminem, we were a bit further back, but we could still see him really clearly.
When he finished we went up and checked out Madness (Our house, in the middle of our street! Haha) then went up to listen to Goldfrapp who was so much fun because we were in a tent and the lights where amazing and the crowd was incredible. Had an awesome vibe. We also caught Kasabian on the way which was okay, but I dont really know them that well. then to finish it all up we caught Frenchy, David Guetta, talking and playing part of his first song but we saw him, before rushing back to our bus which we were late for. On the way We got stopped by the working security who was just like 'wait there, Jay-Z is coming through' and so he did. That was pretty cool. Nicola, being a Jay-Z fanatic nearly had a heart attack, it was pretty legendary. we then ran and made it to the bus just on time because it was about to leave haha. Unfortunately, she was on the Edinburgh bus, so was Vicky but it was okay, because I could sleep and I also talked a bit to Eilidh about our weekends.
When I got back to Glasgow it was 12.30 at night and I was just exhausted. There were no buses or trains so I had to call a cab, hitch hike or wait till 6am and catch a bus. I was annoyed but I called a cab because I was dead. they were booked out for the next 3 hours so raged, I made my way to central station where there was a few spare cabs from a different company. 9 pounds later I was home and then crawled into bed (which I had to re-make because my sheets had been washed) and then just crashed.
Friggen hell, it was an AMAZING weekend. Seriously work festivals, dont pay for them. Its a thousand times better. I got paid to see these guys.
To some up:
I caught: Muse, Black Eyed Peas, Florence and the Machine, Biffy Clyro, La Roux, The Proclaimers, The Prodigy, Kasabian, Rise Against, David Guetta, Goldfrapp, Eminem, Jay-Z, Madness, Joshua Radin, Stereophonics aaaaannnd I think thats about it. Thats 17 for freeeeee :D
I dont even remember the work haha.
I'm exhausted today though, so dont expect and exciting blog tonight.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Part 128: A Full Circle
Hello Readers!
So today was another wonderful day in Prestwick. I am currently watching some after football match show which for some reason is starring Scotlands Tennis player, Andy Murray who is as boring as drying paint. Oh hooray! Much to Moiras dismay Big Brother has been put on and the first thing we saw was Shabby screaming out '****' and I was like oh god! Turn it off turn it off! Moira was like... eh, watch away! Good on her. I've missed it and the drama in the house has been turned up times a bazillion, so exciting!
Now on to my day: Oh no! Caoimhe is leaving the house because she cant cope any more! Nooooooooo. Okay, my day: My day started at 9.15 to my alarm ringing. I got up, showered and then dawdled my way up to Moiras flat by 10 where we shamelessly watched too much tv and talked. The weather outside was dreadful so we just chatted with dodgy day-time television and a cuppa.
It eventually made its way to lunch time and we still hadn't done anything so we made lunch and sat at the table discussing the news and what we wanted to do for the day. WE decided we'd make our way down to the neighbouring town Troon. We finished our lunch and then walked down to the bus stop in the commencing rain and 10 minutes later we were on a bus. When we arrived at Troon the weather was even more miserable so we went to a cafe and came back to Prestwick. It was pretty funny but we got a nice coffee out of it so, yea.. haha. My God I have never noticed how much they swear on this show its all “F*** this” and “F*** that”. I did say to turn the channel over but Moira was happy to watch it... haha... hmm...
Anyway! We arrived back at Prestwick where I went off in search for a new pair of black shoes for work as the two pairs of black shoes I already have are not bloody suitable for my job. Now, Moira works at a lovely little charity shop called “Marie Curie” which I have heard is a hit with other members of my family. It was a longshot, but we thought we might be able to find a pair in there. We went in and I met Ellen, the shop owner who was really really nice and helpful and found a air of shoes that would were perfect! We weren't sure though if they would be comfortable for a long period of time so Ellen said I could have the shoes, no charge for a night to see if they were good and then if they were come back and pay tomorrow! Best. Service. Ever. I took them and they are perfect so I am going back tomorrow to pay for a practically brand new pair of European shoes … for like 4 pounds apparently sorry. Ohh Nathan is becoming really agro now, he used to be so nice and now hes a bully and everyone hates him. Also he is being mean to Shabby who wants to leave now. Ah, Big Brother. I love you.
Um, where am I? Oh yea the shoes. We got the shoes then walked back home where on the way I got a phonecall from work saying my hours had changed which was good for me sort of. I lost a few hours however I dont have to wake up at some ridiculous hour Thursday morning, I am now working Friday, Saturday, Sunday and I think Monday, I am not really sure about that but they said my hours wasnt reduced too much... I bloody hope not! Anyway the good news was I am the doorman which means I will be camping right at T in the Park rather (OMG SHABBY LEFT FOR NO REASON NO NO NO NO NO NO Thats so unfair, poor Sunshine who got evicted even though Shabby was up and now I am listening to the stupid group of boys who are like the 'loser' group, I dislike them muchly) than a far way out at the school thing. They provide me the tent and stuff (And now Caoimhe is sad because they were best friends its like someone died and omgomgomgomgomgomgomgomg OMG I am shocked and sad and omgomgomg) and I am happy because I think this set up will be closer to the music and such.
Anyway, we arrived back home and we came back and relaxed until tea which was Mince and Patatoes and then had Brian came over again. It was good to chat and get to know him a bit better with the football on then I showed him Lachlans 21st stuff which was interested in and then chatted some more, watch Holland stomp out Uraguay and then organised a possible trip to a Scottish football match if we can get in and arranged for me to come back here at some point when Julie and the kids are free (I say kids but I am only a few months older than Andrew...) in the next few months which I am very keen on. Brian then left and Moira and I were left with the telly which was swithed to Big Brother. And thats the fully circle.
So today was another wonderful day in Prestwick. I am currently watching some after football match show which for some reason is starring Scotlands Tennis player, Andy Murray who is as boring as drying paint. Oh hooray! Much to Moiras dismay Big Brother has been put on and the first thing we saw was Shabby screaming out '****' and I was like oh god! Turn it off turn it off! Moira was like... eh, watch away! Good on her. I've missed it and the drama in the house has been turned up times a bazillion, so exciting!
Now on to my day: Oh no! Caoimhe is leaving the house because she cant cope any more! Nooooooooo. Okay, my day: My day started at 9.15 to my alarm ringing. I got up, showered and then dawdled my way up to Moiras flat by 10 where we shamelessly watched too much tv and talked. The weather outside was dreadful so we just chatted with dodgy day-time television and a cuppa.
It eventually made its way to lunch time and we still hadn't done anything so we made lunch and sat at the table discussing the news and what we wanted to do for the day. WE decided we'd make our way down to the neighbouring town Troon. We finished our lunch and then walked down to the bus stop in the commencing rain and 10 minutes later we were on a bus. When we arrived at Troon the weather was even more miserable so we went to a cafe and came back to Prestwick. It was pretty funny but we got a nice coffee out of it so, yea.. haha. My God I have never noticed how much they swear on this show its all “F*** this” and “F*** that”. I did say to turn the channel over but Moira was happy to watch it... haha... hmm...
Anyway! We arrived back at Prestwick where I went off in search for a new pair of black shoes for work as the two pairs of black shoes I already have are not bloody suitable for my job. Now, Moira works at a lovely little charity shop called “Marie Curie” which I have heard is a hit with other members of my family. It was a longshot, but we thought we might be able to find a pair in there. We went in and I met Ellen, the shop owner who was really really nice and helpful and found a air of shoes that would were perfect! We weren't sure though if they would be comfortable for a long period of time so Ellen said I could have the shoes, no charge for a night to see if they were good and then if they were come back and pay tomorrow! Best. Service. Ever. I took them and they are perfect so I am going back tomorrow to pay for a practically brand new pair of European shoes … for like 4 pounds apparently sorry. Ohh Nathan is becoming really agro now, he used to be so nice and now hes a bully and everyone hates him. Also he is being mean to Shabby who wants to leave now. Ah, Big Brother. I love you.
Um, where am I? Oh yea the shoes. We got the shoes then walked back home where on the way I got a phonecall from work saying my hours had changed which was good for me sort of. I lost a few hours however I dont have to wake up at some ridiculous hour Thursday morning, I am now working Friday, Saturday, Sunday and I think Monday, I am not really sure about that but they said my hours wasnt reduced too much... I bloody hope not! Anyway the good news was I am the doorman which means I will be camping right at T in the Park rather (OMG SHABBY LEFT FOR NO REASON NO NO NO NO NO NO Thats so unfair, poor Sunshine who got evicted even though Shabby was up and now I am listening to the stupid group of boys who are like the 'loser' group, I dislike them muchly) than a far way out at the school thing. They provide me the tent and stuff (And now Caoimhe is sad because they were best friends its like someone died and omgomgomgomgomgomgomgomg OMG I am shocked and sad and omgomgomg) and I am happy because I think this set up will be closer to the music and such.
Anyway, we arrived back home and we came back and relaxed until tea which was Mince and Patatoes and then had Brian came over again. It was good to chat and get to know him a bit better with the football on then I showed him Lachlans 21st stuff which was interested in and then chatted some more, watch Holland stomp out Uraguay and then organised a possible trip to a Scottish football match if we can get in and arranged for me to come back here at some point when Julie and the kids are free (I say kids but I am only a few months older than Andrew...) in the next few months which I am very keen on. Brian then left and Moira and I were left with the telly which was swithed to Big Brother. And thats the fully circle.
Part 127: Family Union
So, I am internetless however I decided that I would write my blog on in a document on the day so I dont forget anything, then post it at a later date as if it had been there the whole time!
Here goes:
This morning I woke up to my alarm at some stupid hour (like 9 maybe) and grumbled my way out of bed and into the shower, no one else in my Netherlee house was even awake yet. By the time I was downstairs Al was doing something in the kitchen and so after a quick 'sup?' 'nm' conversatino I went into my room and packed for my three day adventure to Prestwick home of Moria, Brian and Julie. I also gave my room a good tidy up so I didnt leave it in a mess for Al and Jilly then had breaky. After a goodbye-internet-I'll-miss-thee chat with Tam and Mum, I set off to the station and was on my way.
I arrived in Glasgow then caught the train into Prestwick via the Ayr line arriving right on time at 12.10 where I was met by my...Grandauntie(?) Moira. She recognised me at once and we gave each other a big hug, after 18 years of birthday cards, I finally had a proper face and hug to put to the name. It was good. Moira had just finished volunteering at her local volunteer working place and her friend volunteered to drive and pick me up then drop us home – afterall, Moira cannae drive. It was a quick journey to Moiras flat and when we arrived we had much to discuss and discuss, we did.
We talked about my recent adventures and other random things that were rather funny. I should here point out that when I am old I want to go to a retirement house likie she has because its wonderfully perfect. I loved it. And she was worried I wouldn't like it- ptch! We had some lunch which was homemade chicken soup and sandwhiches and then decided we would walk down along the beach (which by the way, Moira has an awesome view of from her window) but after I got shown my room. My room is a floor down and is the guest place of the flats. Its loverly. I just wish all places I could stay in when I travel were like this. Spacious and very very clean. Perfection. I also got my own key which now I feel special with. :)
We went down and walked along the beach and talked some more and Ialso made an effort to run out and touch the water. We also then walked through a park and then down the main street having various significant places pointed out to me and explained which was very interesting. I saw shops that Nette and Poppa liked and it was cool thinking of them being there. Unfortunately, it began to rain so we went into a little cafe for a coffee and we talked some more about the town and family stuff until after about an hour, we made our way back to the flat where we sat in the recreation room where there was a dodgy keyboard which I failed miserably on and many discussions to be had, clearly with both our entire lives to catch up on, there was much to discuss.
I then showed Moira videos from Lachlans 21st which I have and where thoroughly enjoyed by her and it was good because I could point out people and yea... It was good. We ended up watching it twice and the second time pausing every 5 seconds to point out everyone in every photo haha. It was good. We were hungry by the time it finished (It was like... 7pm or something) and so we went out for dinner at a pub named 'Golf Inn' which I apparently has a mean all day breakfast meat fest thing... Apprently... but I instead chose not to go that and a had a bacon burger. We chatted more about my adventures in France and then Moiras adventures in France and general stuff before arriving back at the flat again and finding out what Brian was up to.
He may not have been able to come so Moira suggested I go for another walk because she had a few phone calls to make so willingly, I pondered around the beach again and took some photos of the water and the misty outline of Aaran (spelling?) which is an island not to far away. And then sat on the rocks as my camera died and stared out to the sea which looked stunning under the slowly setting sun. Very slowly, it was only like 8.30 -9.00 the sun still has hours to be up for... Anyway, I made it back and was greeted up in Moiras flat by Brian my... second (?) Cousin or something like that. Moiras son anyway... He couldn't stay long but he wanted to meet me so we sat and chatted for about 40 minutes about my upcoming job and his kids and this and that for the whole time and also decided I have to come back again and that tomorrow we shall try and do something of some description. Try. He is very busy.
Anyway after he left, Moira and I switched on the telly and chatted while watching the news and then somehow Family Guy came on. It was funny and Moira liked it haha. Tres cool.
OH! I should point out, I was saying I needed a hair cut and Moira said “Gosh I wish I had your curls” ... it really reminded me of someone?
Here goes:
This morning I woke up to my alarm at some stupid hour (like 9 maybe) and grumbled my way out of bed and into the shower, no one else in my Netherlee house was even awake yet. By the time I was downstairs Al was doing something in the kitchen and so after a quick 'sup?' 'nm' conversatino I went into my room and packed for my three day adventure to Prestwick home of Moria, Brian and Julie. I also gave my room a good tidy up so I didnt leave it in a mess for Al and Jilly then had breaky. After a goodbye-internet-I'll-miss-thee chat with Tam and Mum, I set off to the station and was on my way.
I arrived in Glasgow then caught the train into Prestwick via the Ayr line arriving right on time at 12.10 where I was met by my...Grandauntie(?) Moira. She recognised me at once and we gave each other a big hug, after 18 years of birthday cards, I finally had a proper face and hug to put to the name. It was good. Moira had just finished volunteering at her local volunteer working place and her friend volunteered to drive and pick me up then drop us home – afterall, Moira cannae drive. It was a quick journey to Moiras flat and when we arrived we had much to discuss and discuss, we did.
We talked about my recent adventures and other random things that were rather funny. I should here point out that when I am old I want to go to a retirement house likie she has because its wonderfully perfect. I loved it. And she was worried I wouldn't like it- ptch! We had some lunch which was homemade chicken soup and sandwhiches and then decided we would walk down along the beach (which by the way, Moira has an awesome view of from her window) but after I got shown my room. My room is a floor down and is the guest place of the flats. Its loverly. I just wish all places I could stay in when I travel were like this. Spacious and very very clean. Perfection. I also got my own key which now I feel special with. :)
We went down and walked along the beach and talked some more and Ialso made an effort to run out and touch the water. We also then walked through a park and then down the main street having various significant places pointed out to me and explained which was very interesting. I saw shops that Nette and Poppa liked and it was cool thinking of them being there. Unfortunately, it began to rain so we went into a little cafe for a coffee and we talked some more about the town and family stuff until after about an hour, we made our way back to the flat where we sat in the recreation room where there was a dodgy keyboard which I failed miserably on and many discussions to be had, clearly with both our entire lives to catch up on, there was much to discuss.
I then showed Moira videos from Lachlans 21st which I have and where thoroughly enjoyed by her and it was good because I could point out people and yea... It was good. We ended up watching it twice and the second time pausing every 5 seconds to point out everyone in every photo haha. It was good. We were hungry by the time it finished (It was like... 7pm or something) and so we went out for dinner at a pub named 'Golf Inn' which I apparently has a mean all day breakfast meat fest thing... Apprently... but I instead chose not to go that and a had a bacon burger. We chatted more about my adventures in France and then Moiras adventures in France and general stuff before arriving back at the flat again and finding out what Brian was up to.
He may not have been able to come so Moira suggested I go for another walk because she had a few phone calls to make so willingly, I pondered around the beach again and took some photos of the water and the misty outline of Aaran (spelling?) which is an island not to far away. And then sat on the rocks as my camera died and stared out to the sea which looked stunning under the slowly setting sun. Very slowly, it was only like 8.30 -9.00 the sun still has hours to be up for... Anyway, I made it back and was greeted up in Moiras flat by Brian my... second (?) Cousin or something like that. Moiras son anyway... He couldn't stay long but he wanted to meet me so we sat and chatted for about 40 minutes about my upcoming job and his kids and this and that for the whole time and also decided I have to come back again and that tomorrow we shall try and do something of some description. Try. He is very busy.
Anyway after he left, Moira and I switched on the telly and chatted while watching the news and then somehow Family Guy came on. It was funny and Moira liked it haha. Tres cool.
OH! I should point out, I was saying I needed a hair cut and Moira said “Gosh I wish I had your curls” ... it really reminded me of someone?
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Part 126: A Small World?

Damn the world being so big. Oh! And if you squint really hard you an see Singapore is green too...
I have organised to go to Prestwick tomorrow meeting with Moira. Good times. This does mean, I dont know if I will be able to blog over the next... well week except on Wednesday until next Monday but we'll see I guess. If not I'll say "Till Wednesday!" where I am sure I'll be filled with plentiful stories of Prestwick and hopefully some glorious Scotland sun. Unlike today. Todays weather was awful.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Part 125: To Fold A Shirt
I like the number 125...
Its 1am, I am watching the Big Brother live show. Life is good.
So, today was a pretty laid back day, I am trying to keep it easy for now because if I do go to Prestwick on Monday, I will be non-stop until the following Monday evening. Non. Stop. So, I figure I might as well just enjoy my last bit of relaxation.
I have also decided that I am going to go to a few places in Scotland which were rated in the top 10 places of Scotland (I've already done a few, which I was happy about [Loch Ness, Glasgow, Glencoe, Fort William]) I want to vist it Edinburgh still, which I will probably do when I get back from work for just a day trip. Also, I want to go to Melrose. I have heard from Al its not all that great but its got a prett impressive Abbey and it is in the top 10 so, I kinda want to see it aaand Isle of Skye. They're the places I want to see before I go. (Oh, also- Tea in the Park was in Scotlands top 10 things to do which I can be all: I have done one better- I worked at Tea in the Park, which I think is pretty cool) Another thing in the top 10 things to do is to dine at the Willow Tea Room in Glasgow which I did with Louisa ages ago so... check!
I began following a new blog on my other blog today and its all photos taken from the most amazing places all around the world from Paris to tiny little places in remote areas of Peru. Its really a good blog to follow or at least check out at (I apologise for the language: http://fuckyeahglobetrotters.tumblr.com/) Whats even better is seeing some places I have been to on it and going... ptch, been there! It has also inspired me to visit other places in my life. I will make a list, I think. Gosh, thinking way too far ahead.
I also learnt how to fold t-shirts in a really awesome way. I am so cool. Sally also, being really keen on Japanese, got us into doing the LiveMocha Learn Japanese course which I have used before last year to help with my French. Its working pretty well the only thing I dont like is that it teaches it all in Roomanji rather than Japanese characters. I am learning though. Japanese, not Italian. Ochita (fail) I also did a French course to see where I sat- I got 93% on the advanced course which I thought was pretty darn good. I did make some mistakes and other mistakes were just typos so, I would have scored higher if I paid more attention!
I also did more of my Killer Bee comic things because I was nagged by the kids to do them, so I figure thats good. At least somebody likes them!
Thats about it, I'm afraid. Enjoy your days!
See you!
Its 1am, I am watching the Big Brother live show. Life is good.
So, today was a pretty laid back day, I am trying to keep it easy for now because if I do go to Prestwick on Monday, I will be non-stop until the following Monday evening. Non. Stop. So, I figure I might as well just enjoy my last bit of relaxation.
I have also decided that I am going to go to a few places in Scotland which were rated in the top 10 places of Scotland (I've already done a few, which I was happy about [Loch Ness, Glasgow, Glencoe, Fort William]) I want to vist it Edinburgh still, which I will probably do when I get back from work for just a day trip. Also, I want to go to Melrose. I have heard from Al its not all that great but its got a prett impressive Abbey and it is in the top 10 so, I kinda want to see it aaand Isle of Skye. They're the places I want to see before I go. (Oh, also- Tea in the Park was in Scotlands top 10 things to do which I can be all: I have done one better- I worked at Tea in the Park, which I think is pretty cool) Another thing in the top 10 things to do is to dine at the Willow Tea Room in Glasgow which I did with Louisa ages ago so... check!
I began following a new blog on my other blog today and its all photos taken from the most amazing places all around the world from Paris to tiny little places in remote areas of Peru. Its really a good blog to follow or at least check out at (I apologise for the language: http://fuckyeahglobetrotters.tumblr.com/) Whats even better is seeing some places I have been to on it and going... ptch, been there! It has also inspired me to visit other places in my life. I will make a list, I think. Gosh, thinking way too far ahead.
I also learnt how to fold t-shirts in a really awesome way. I am so cool. Sally also, being really keen on Japanese, got us into doing the LiveMocha Learn Japanese course which I have used before last year to help with my French. Its working pretty well the only thing I dont like is that it teaches it all in Roomanji rather than Japanese characters. I am learning though. Japanese, not Italian. Ochita (fail) I also did a French course to see where I sat- I got 93% on the advanced course which I thought was pretty darn good. I did make some mistakes and other mistakes were just typos so, I would have scored higher if I paid more attention!
I also did more of my Killer Bee comic things because I was nagged by the kids to do them, so I figure thats good. At least somebody likes them!
Thats about it, I'm afraid. Enjoy your days!
See you!
Friday, July 2, 2010
Part 124: Be Prepared (150)
Hello Readers!
I'm in a good mood. I dont really know why, just am. Today was pretty good too. I didn't do all that much but it was still good. I woke up at 10 to the sounds of AJ saying that he was absolutely starving and Al trying to give him cereal but him saying he didn't want any because he wanted a snack. Yep... I then went to go back to sleep but the dog came in and began snorring so I was then awake.
I decided to see if mum was online, which she was so after a good conversation with her, Nette and Poppa I was all motivated for the day ahead. Not that it was an exceptionally difficult day ahead (all I had to do was buy the things I needed for my job!) I looked at the time and realised I had much to spare so I sat outside in the glorious Scotland sun and read my book for a bit only to be interrupted by the all to frequent Scotland clouds and AJ asking me to go in to the pool (which Al fixed yesterday- they ahve a blow up one) with him. I decided rather than to go swimming, I would take the cloudy, sunless opportunity to go into the city.
By 1.30ish I was making my way to the nearest Primark on Argyle street (just around the corner from the station). There, I bought two new black polo shirts which yesterday I was told was a requirement. I then hung around looking out for some pants. There were some in Primark, but I didnt know what the sizes meant so I left in search of a place where the sizes made sense. Unfortunately, I found no such place and everywhere else was bloody expensive. I thus managed to end up again in the other Primark buying the pants I needed just making it up with the sizes and getting it right after like three trips to the dressing room. It was quite embarrassing. Oh well...Oh! I also bought a shoulder bag there, its plain and black but it was 4 pounds and open to any design I feel like putting on it. (I probably will never actually put anything on it, but still, if I ever chose to, its the best one for the job!)
When I got back home, I started work on my Project which has somewhat fallen behind and then sat outside for beers with Al. Currently, I am typing this whilst watching Al and AJ play Super Mario Galaxy 2. Its 7.30 and I can only imagine the rest of my day involving TV.
I didnt hear from Moira today, so I might call her either later or tomorrow just to see whats going on on Monday. Hmm...Oh! And Chloe has organised like my entire journey through Wales and England in September, I am at least prepared for that- good on her!
Anyway thats where I am at! May go to Edinburgh on Sunday- we'll see!
I'm in a good mood. I dont really know why, just am. Today was pretty good too. I didn't do all that much but it was still good. I woke up at 10 to the sounds of AJ saying that he was absolutely starving and Al trying to give him cereal but him saying he didn't want any because he wanted a snack. Yep... I then went to go back to sleep but the dog came in and began snorring so I was then awake.
I decided to see if mum was online, which she was so after a good conversation with her, Nette and Poppa I was all motivated for the day ahead. Not that it was an exceptionally difficult day ahead (all I had to do was buy the things I needed for my job!) I looked at the time and realised I had much to spare so I sat outside in the glorious Scotland sun and read my book for a bit only to be interrupted by the all to frequent Scotland clouds and AJ asking me to go in to the pool (which Al fixed yesterday- they ahve a blow up one) with him. I decided rather than to go swimming, I would take the cloudy, sunless opportunity to go into the city.
By 1.30ish I was making my way to the nearest Primark on Argyle street (just around the corner from the station). There, I bought two new black polo shirts which yesterday I was told was a requirement. I then hung around looking out for some pants. There were some in Primark, but I didnt know what the sizes meant so I left in search of a place where the sizes made sense. Unfortunately, I found no such place and everywhere else was bloody expensive. I thus managed to end up again in the other Primark buying the pants I needed just making it up with the sizes and getting it right after like three trips to the dressing room. It was quite embarrassing. Oh well...Oh! I also bought a shoulder bag there, its plain and black but it was 4 pounds and open to any design I feel like putting on it. (I probably will never actually put anything on it, but still, if I ever chose to, its the best one for the job!)
When I got back home, I started work on my Project which has somewhat fallen behind and then sat outside for beers with Al. Currently, I am typing this whilst watching Al and AJ play Super Mario Galaxy 2. Its 7.30 and I can only imagine the rest of my day involving TV.
I didnt hear from Moira today, so I might call her either later or tomorrow just to see whats going on on Monday. Hmm...Oh! And Chloe has organised like my entire journey through Wales and England in September, I am at least prepared for that- good on her!
Anyway thats where I am at! May go to Edinburgh on Sunday- we'll see!
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Part 123: ABC
Dear All,
I has a job.
From Doug.
P.S. I also arranged to visit Moira on Monday possibly until Wednesday. Today was good.
P.P.S I told you July would be better.
P.P.P.S I also spoke to Dad on Webcam today which was nice.
P.P.P.P.S For full details on my day today, please close your eyes and make up some amazing adventure.
P.P.P.P.P.S Today really was good.
P.P.P.P.P.P.S Todays Part number is rockin': http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cjFMIqo2pAE
I has a job.
From Doug.
P.S. I also arranged to visit Moira on Monday possibly until Wednesday. Today was good.
P.P.S I told you July would be better.
P.P.P.S I also spoke to Dad on Webcam today which was nice.
P.P.P.P.S For full details on my day today, please close your eyes and make up some amazing adventure.
P.P.P.P.P.S Today really was good.
P.P.P.P.P.P.S Todays Part number is rockin': http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cjFMIqo2pAE
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