Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Part 47: Ils statent

Hello! (Carole, 'ils statent' will make sense- hopefully)

Todays blog is gonna be a quick one just to ensure that my adoring fans dont get depressed from a prolonged absence! (Of course, I know this wouldn't happen but occasionally my ego needs stroking :P)

All thats been happening in my life recently is Stating (Carole and I made a codename for Smallville so we could watch it and talk about it without the kids knowing.. even though the whole idea is that they watch it, hehe the verb 'to state' [in french perhaps 'stater' following the regular conjugations: je state, vous statez taking the aux. avoir -nothing irregular here! j'ai state+accent!!] means to watch Smallville in a secretive manner), finalising Paris plans (Louisa and I are staying with one of the Beyliers family friends place in a rich area but possibly tiny appartment in Paris) and finalising post-Paris plans. Well, Finalising Post-Paris plans is a bit over-the-top, basically all I got is Louisa is coming back chez moi for 2 nights after that I may be going to Rome at some point, may not. Whatever. Stupid. Plans.

My, whats the word... my, its like estheem but not... morale? My... current feelings towards my situation are (that'll do) that I dont want to leave France in one month. Its sooo soon! I kind of think I am just getting the hang of it. Sure, I spend to much time on my computer but still, I like it. Oh and dayum am I gonna miss the language! I was thinking about the 12 days that the Beyliers are in Dubai, I am gonna forget everything! 12 days... now imagine 7 months assuming I go back and study French straight away! I may never study French again and then what? I'll forget it and never become properly bilingual... Hmm... Anyway, point of this all is that I have to make the most of my time I have left! Somehow...

Alors! Last uni course tomorrow (Its all ending already!!) so I have to go to bed, its 12.03 and I am leaving at 8.10. Not that bad really, but in my current super easy lifestyle, its death.



Yes its 7.00am now and I just remembered its the end of the month and if I dont do my summary now, I never will. Again, I am in a hurry so that kinda sucks but you know. If I have time tonight I might edit or something...

So! March is now over and I'm heaing on into my third and final month of my France section. I think March was better than February but there are a few things I still want to work on. 30 days to go. Shit.

Okay! Sumary:

Week 1: 1st-7th March
  • Started tutoring Antoine in English.
  • Designed and created Caroles website
  • Became an assistant ski instructor
  • Went to Grenobles Modern Art Museum with Uni
  • Went to Lumbin
  • Had a night work and 5 hour dinner in St Hilarie du Touvet (wow, I thought that was February!) Good night, that was.
  • Started Planning Lyon trip
  • Learnt about Couch surfing
  • Watched Smallville

Week 2: 8th-15th

  • Train hopped to Grenoble and was petrified the whoooole time, then learnt you could buy tickets on board.
  • Played tourist for the day in Grenoble
  • Drove in Europe, ergh.
  • Made Lamingtons!
  • Went to Villar d'Arene for a ski weekend in the Alps
  • Ski'd on a black level (the hardest) path and didn't die!
  • Watched Smallville

Week 3: 16th-22nd

  • Had my final ski group :(
  • Painted outside furniture at home, at of worry of being a tad useless here.
  • Went to Lyon for a weekend
  • Stayed at a strangers house for the night who I met over the internet and called at 10pm (in other words, couch surfed)
  • Had a few beers in a boat bar.
  • Realised and was proud of my first 50 days here.
  • Oh... I went to Switzerland for a day.. you know.. 'tevs
  • Watched Smallville

Week 4: 23rd-31st

  • Covered 'Hearts a mess' and chucked in youtube
  • Watched all of season 4 of Skins
  • Started trying to organise my Germany flights
  • Made a cake and then went to a end of the ski group party. My cake was all gone before I could try it :(
  • Started my art project 'the Tiques'
  • Went out in Grenoble with Maria for the day and was inspired.
  • Realised I want to come back to France already (even though I haven't left yet)
  • Oh, and Jonothan Kent in Smallville died. It was tragic.
  • Even though its obvious from the last point, I stated.

That was my March summed up for your pleasure. Paris on Sunday! Cant wait! Catchyas I gotta get ready for uni now.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Part 46: Comment Dire?

Today was a great day.

I woke up this morning at 8am (7am, if you recall.. daylight savings) and sped around getting ready to Grenoble for the day. I had a study day with Maria and we had planned to meet at 10.00. I originally was going to leave at 9ish but due to train times, I left at 20 to ten and thus, including the train and trams arrived at 20 past 10.

I met Maria at a fountain near the Grenoble Contemporary art museum, which is where we first started hanging out 4 weeks ago! We met and the first thing she wanted was a coffee so we went to her favorite little cafe and hada coffee shot and a little snack each (I had some chocolate thing and she had some raspberry thing, in the end we ate ha;f of each others anyway!) The idea of today was that I was going to help Maria with her French and in return... well, I got a beautiful day out! The weather, I can add, was spectacular! we spent the first two hours at this beautiful little restaurant blabbing away in a bizarre French English mix and me then explaining how some things work in the language. We also had this really nice old guy come up and start talking to us in French which was great practice. He was so cool, I think he was like a frequent visitor to this particular cafe, because the owner came out and greeted him and then the 4 of us just sat around talking about his friend who does tiling in Australia. It was lovely, really. Haha.

After, we decided to spend the rest of the day enjoying the weather and the sights in Grenoble. We were going to see a movie but the weather was way too good to waste. We ended up going around town window shopping, chatting and just being totally relaxed as we past time. At one point we ran into another girl from Uni from England who was out with her friend having a coffee. We stayed and talked to them for a while and it was the first time I really talked to her. We've decided we might go out Thursday night, but we're not totally sure yet and we'll play it by ear. My problem here is getting back home after. It depends on how late they're talking... Anyway it was good to talk to them.

We then left and made out way to the Bastille which Maria hasnt done before. We bought tickets to go up in the eggs and she was totally amazed by the whole thing like I was when I first did it. It was quite funny having done it before and pointing out all the things that I knew and the facts I could spew out about them. At the top we sat on the very very top bit just looking out over Grenoble and talking some more - in French, of course! Why would I let her speak English? We were going to egg back down but instead we started walking and then ended up walking the whole way down getting lost (somehow, I mean, theres a bloody path?) and finding our way in the end.

After more aimless walking we found another nice little place to eat but it was closed so instead we went to a taco shop. Haha. It was nice as well, and it was right by the fountain we first met up so it was okay. The food wasnt bad either so, tevs. I made Maria do all the ordering and such today in restaurants and ask all the questions and it was funny because the guy, realising I spoke French better than her asked Maria if she was going to pay for the whole thing. He said it quick, but I understood and she didnt and so just to look in control she was like 'oui, oui'. After a giggle from me and a laugh from the server, her confused face made me explain what she'd agree'd to. I was content and the server was all: 'you're lucky, free lunch!' to me until Maria was all: 'split bill'. Shattered.

Eventually, as all good things must, my day in Grenoble came to an end. We caught the tram and then said goodbye as Maria left at her stop making sure we'd do it again, soon. I stayed on the tram then realised I was possibly going to miss my train. Impatient I sat and watched time go by until we pulled up at the station and then saw my trains time disappear from the board. I missed it by 1 minute...

Eventually I got back home though the next one was only 40 minutes away so it wasnt too bad. I then had piano with Corentin which was.. okay. He practiced which was good but he struggled with the concept of timing in music which we've been doing for a while now. I will just blame my accent and be done with it. After, I came home, msn'd tea'd blogg'd end.


Oh, comment dire means, how do you say (or literally how to say) it was a phrase I heard often today. :)

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Part 45: -tique


Je viens de finir la deuxieme partie de mon nouveau projet artistique ! (Oh haha ArtisTIQUE!) Le projet s'appelle 'The Tiques' je crois, mais parce que ce n'est pas fini, je ne sais pas si je vais l'appeller plutard... Je le doute. Je peux mettre les parties que j'avais fait deja, en fait je VAIS les mettre ici pour vous montre....

Alors, Je vais essayer ecrire en Francais maintenant pour la premiere fois! (Desole Carole, j'espere que je ne fait pas trop de fauts mais je n'ecris pas en francais depuis longtemps! Aussi, je n'ai pas d'accents...hmm) De tout facon, j'ai dit essayer pas seulement ecrire! Aujourd'hui etait pas mal. J'ai pas fait grands choses mais...comment dire...'whateverrr'

Ce matin, je me suis reveille a 9 heure qui etait, en fait, 8heure (parce que tout le temps a ete avancee d'une heure hier soir) et j'ai pris mon douche etc... et a, je crois, 11h ce matin, les parents de Carole sont arrives. J'ai pas realise qu'ils y etaient jusqu'a le dejeuner a 13h (...peut etre?) parce que j'etais dans ma chambre et j'ai pas entendu quand ils sont arrives. J'ai dit mes 'Hellos' (ils parlent anglais, le Pere de Carole est un prof d'anglais!) est apres ca, tout le monde a mange et apres ca, je suis alle dans ma chambre encore et commence mon projet.

J'ai parle avec Louisa (avec qui je vais a paris!) aujourd'hui aussi nous avons decide essayer couch surfing encore mais nous avons reserve un auberge de jeunesse si nous pouvons pas trouver quelqu'un... nous verrons.

C'est tout! J'ai pas fait grands choses comme j'ai dit.. Je pense je vais faire un traduction et aller au lit. Parfait ^^


I just finished the second part of my new art project! (I pointed out that artistique ended with tique, the name of my prject/blog here) The project is called 'The Tiques' I think, but because it is not finished yet, I dont know if I'll call it that later later ... I doubt it. I can put the parts that I've already done, in fact I will put them here to show you ....

So I'll try writing in French now for the first time! (Sorry Carole, I hope I do not make too many mistakes but I havent written in French for while! Also, I have no accents ... hmm) anyway, I said try not just write! Today wasnt bad. I didnt do much but ... ... how to say 'whateverrr'

This morning I woke up at 9am which was, in fact, 8am (because time was put forward an hour last night) and had a shower etc. and I think 11am this morning, Carole's parents arrived. I hadn't not realized that they were here until lunch at 1pm (... maybe?) because I was in my room and I didnt hear when they arrived. I said told my 'Hellos' (they speak English, the Caroles dad is an English teacher!) after that, everyone ate and after that, I went into my room again and started my project.

I spoke with Louisa (who I'm going to Paris with!) today so we decided to try couch surfing again but we reserve a hostel if we cant find someone ... we'll see. That's it! I have not done alot as I said .. I think I'll make a translation and go to bed. Perfect ^ ^

Friday, March 26, 2010

Part 44: Music in the Kitchen

I had a nice day today again. I woke up and it was dark and raining this morning. It was even snowing up in the mountains at some points. I stared outside in disbelief just amazed at how quickly the weather had changed and upon going downlstairs and seeing Bastien playing Farmville, I laughed at the fact that poor Carole was out horse riding in this awful weather. The worst part was that by the end of the day the weather was just spectacular. Bizarre.

Anyway, so I spent the morning today just computing, boring and lame, I know but what else to do? I talked to family and friends as per usual and also tried to organise more stuff, failing miserably. Why anyone would let me try and organise stuff on my own I dont know. Hopeless.

Later it was just Fanny, Carole and I home for lunch and we had burgers. Over lunch the topic of this evening came up and it was bought to my attention that tonight we needed a dessert of some description for the Ski Group break up party that was on. Happy to do something and being the current dessert chef, I deecided to make a cake. A chocolate one because we already had most of the ingredients (minus eggs). Carole had to make a dinner for the thing as well but needed to buy a few things for it so she dropped Fanny off at school and bought the ingredients. After, we spent the next hourish in the kitchen talking about music. The topic came up because of my video on Youtube which led to the topic of Gotye which led to other musicians. We showed different music off and talked about my whole music writing stuff whilst avoiding getting in the others way while cooking. It was fun, actually. After a near setting disaster with my cake, in the end, it turned out quite well although I never actually tasted it! At the soiree tonight, when the desserts came out, it was all gone before I got a chance to get over there, so I think thats a good sign!

We also watched the first episode of Skins season 1 which Carole was interested in. We watched it in Spanish then French and then finally English (long story!) and English was by far the best we agreed on because we cant speak Spanish and in French it loses alot of the whole essence of Skins with the accents and whatnot. In the end though, Carole decided it wasnt exactly her type of show but yea, I dunno. I love it haha. In fact after this, I am to watch ep. 7 of season 4 :) win.

The party tonight was okay. I just hung out with Bastien and Fanny and the three of us stood awkwardly in the midst of children running madly and their parents chatting around the food tables. I also watched the photo slideshow which was fun, I was in it haha.

Oh! I also picked up Tim from school and we sat in a park playing games and talking for a while today too. That was fun. I got asked if I was his brother by one of Tims friends when I first picked him up. I laughed. Then at the party this evening, I got asked if Fanny was my sister. It was odd. We both got laughs out of it though and probs embarrassed the kid who asked... oh well :)

Thats all, folks! Short and sweet?

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Part 43: Cruising Through

Today was so simple. Just an easy day. I got up got dressed. Went to Uni. Went for drinks. Came home. Watched Skins. Had tea. Talked to Mum on Skype. Typed Blog. Perfection.

I found university ultra simple today, I dont know why. I got a lift to the station with Letissa and we organised that I would catch one of the later trains and hopefully meet her on the way back (this is relevant to later...)We did a test this morning to see exactly what level we're in. Its a bit late really considering next week is my last uni lesson, but you know, better late then never I guess. I breezed through it because it was sooo easy (I think!) so then after I had lots of time just to scribble in my book. Then we did comprehension, which was harder but really, not the worst I have ever faced so, that was okay too.

During lunch, I sat outside with Maria and a Swedish kid and yabbered away about our weekends. Maria spent her weekend in Paris and she just inspired me. Dont tell her, but she inspires me a fair wack actually. Her whole reasoning in coming to france to study and get closer to realising her dream just amazes me. Her work ethic with French and learning the language is jus phenomenal and she just seems to have the coolest life ever. She is moving to Paris with a friend who grew up there and they have a place 2 minutes from the eiffle tower. Things just have worked perfectly for her because shes worked at it. Its inspiring because seeing how happy she is and how great life is for her, I am amazed. I would love to meet her again in 5 years. Anyway... lol random rant of admiration...

After lunch we did lots of Oral stuff but it was easy because it was very structured around the subjunctive saying 'il faut que je fasse...Bien que je puisse' over and over again doesnt strike me as all that educational or difficult. Anyway after uni, I had a fair amount of time to kill so Maria and I went out to a pub in the center of Grenoble and had a chat with a beer, true Aussie styling. It was good. really easy going and so good. We get along really well and we may have a study day on Monday or Tuesday in the same bar. Shall be good I think.

When I got onto the train eventually, Letissa wasn't there so I called Carole (I felt bad, it could have been her day off from chauffering me around!) and was picked up. I was meant to buy my Paris tickets today but promptly forget which is a bugger so I will order them online tomorrow, I think.

Back home I... um... just did nothing. But it wasnt a nothing where I felt bored for doing nothing, it was a good doing nothing because ... I dont know. I talked to Jette on MSN and tried to work out my whole Germany shtuff and talked to Mum about finances and fitting in Italy and all the kinda stuff. That part was awful. I dont like organising money, but it must be done! After guilt tripping my mother into a longer conversation we talked of our daily adventures then eventually said goodbye because they are off to Candberra for the weekend... Random? First Perth now this?! Why is their travelling year when I am away? I could have travelled Aus AND Europe but no! I just get Europe... LAME... (Of course, I am kidding!)

Benoit also posed an interesting thought in my head today about Eurorail. Although I initially ignored the whole thing having no real need for it, it now could actually be usefull...ideas?

Whatever...Catchyas all, I'm off to sleep :)

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Part 42: Hearts a Mess

Finally a song title in March. I think the last one was Meteor Shower back in February. So, I know I was mentioning Hearts a Mess yesterday however today I got a bit better at it and re-fell in love with Gotyes amazing vocals. Irrelevant to my blog really? Yes. If you want hear my version of 'Hearts a Mess' I guess I should give you the youtube link on the conditions that you a) Do not laugh at my old, lame youtube account name! and b) you arent too harsh with the criticism! My vocals arent great in it, but hey whatever! Link: Comments are most welcome- I love hearing opinions but if you think its crap, say so nicely ... haha.

So, I think I might skim today as well, I feel bad sometimes that I write too much and bore the crap out of people... so you know skimming is good. Especially when I didnt do anything of interest. I think the most exciting I did today was make that video and have linch outside again. I like eating outside, except I am so scared of the wasps haha. I remember hearing about European wasps back in Australia and they sound so scary and agro. I am yet to be bitten (well, no I am not really, I hope I NEVER get stung by the little bastards...) but there are so many so its scary :S anyway...We had pizza for lunch it was a good lunch. Haha. It was Fanny, Tim, Carole and I home today because Bastien was out and Benoit is still in Africa or something crazy like that.

What else did I do today? I worked more on my project for a bit. That was good. I need to keep making sure the quality doesnt drop though, else it will become crappy and not worth doing anymore. Try, Douglas, try! Its looking not too bad at this stage. I feel its missing something, I hope I work out what it is soonish. :)

I also gave fanny a turn on my whatsimacallit... graffics tablet. She drew this. I actually quite like it. It reminds me of a contemporary art museum piece or something. Haha. Its a bird, if you couldnt tell. I think I should call it freddy. I dont actually know why but it just looks like a freddy to me... Maybe its too much skins season 4 watching but I like it. Anyway. Freddy ->

oh tea time!! (its 7.04) brb....

He returns at 8.01 full, but in a new found hurry. Smallville awaits, sorry readers! Also, I am waiting for a video Carole is downloading that she wants to show me to finish, so you know, I could wait till after Smalville to type this ot I could just get my day out of the way! I tried fixing Caroles computer in her office today, because it is sooo screwed with virus' and stuff but it was impossible to do anything, so we couldnt. I think she needs to take it to a specialist. We also watched an episode of 'Medium' which Carole is translating and so I decided to try and help out and watched the entire thing with her. Carole hates medium, she thinks its stupid that they take it so seriously and such. Its quite funny, personally, I didnt mind it but the flaws in it are quite noticeable when you're looking for them.

For tea we had egg, toast and zucchini pie stuff. It was quite nice and then an uber sweet apple/pear dessert. Oh and yogurt. I eat yogurt now, I love it haha. I'm changing one spoonfull at a time, noooooooooooooooooooooooo haha.

today was an easy, enjoyable day. I also had a sudden realisation that this is normal life now. Its just my life. That was weird. I was walking downstairs to my room and just was like... wow... this is so not weird at all... Anyway. Yes

Vid comments :D


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Part 41: Re-blog...

This was seen on a friends blog and I just loved it. It seems so simple and is just a good way of saying if you want to do it, just do it theres nothing really in the way. It made me smile.

Anyway, to todays blog! I didnt do very much thats worth going on about today so I will just do dot points as I kinda cannot be bothered typing it as an analogy or whatever that word is!

  • Woke up
  • Had Breaky
  • Played games with the kids in French and English
  • Worked on Tims English
  • Learnt 'Hearts a Mess' by Gotye on the Piano, much work is needed before I even consider showing it off, not to mention the vocals...
  • Ate lunch outside and talked about anything from squirrels to picking up rubbish
  • Facebooked
  • Watched more skins season 4
  • Watched more Smallville
  • Talked to people on msn/skype
  • Helped Tim skateboard
  • Missed English lesson and re-arranged it
  • Made a video

That is all. Not in order. Sorry for my laziness :D


Monday, March 22, 2010

Part 40: Fifty Days

I have been away now for 50 days today! I feel like I have achieved something! :) I didnt do anything today though. I was to buggered from the weekend and felt like being lazy.

I woke up at 9.30 to the sounds of the vaccum cleaner again. Mondays... sigh. I then hid in my room in fear of being trapped by the cleaner in conversation. In this time I sat on MSN all alone because no one was online for ages until Tam came online and then I could talk. I also watched Skins season 4 which I am downloading off Youtube and I did some laundry.

Eventually I was starving and had to go downstairs to hav breakfast. The cleaner was still there but nearly going home so I figured she wouldnt talk for too long. Its not that I dont like her or anything, its just I like to eat in peace at breakfast and be free to go when I am finished without being stuck talking to someone. Anyway, she did chatter away but then she got a phonecall and so I snuck back upstairs and life was good haha.

I spent the entire day basically in my room until 4 when I hopped on the piano and played for an hour (shockingly) then at 5 went and taught Corentin piano. ITs frustrating sometimes he doesnt practice enough so its just a pain because I dont feel like we're getting anywhere. Oh well. After, I had a nice talk to Anke for a while and she said she is going to invite me over for tea one night which will be nice. I think it will be when the Beyliers are in Dubai and I am not in Italy (which I am not 100% sure if thats even a go yet...)

Back at home I talked to the Beyliers and had tea which was raviolli and quite nice. The conversation was just light and so it was easy to just sit and yea, also we were in English time so dinner was good. After, I run upstairs but slipped and leaned on a shelf which tipped and a vase fell and chipped the stairs then smashed. I felt awful! I cleaned it up and assessed the damage to the stair case although Carole kept saying 'pas grave, pas grave!' (Its not bad, not bad!) It still made me feel clumsy :$ oops. I was just leaving my mark for the house... yep...

Then I came up and watched more skins and typed this. Nice and short for your plaisir :)

Part 39b: Lyon Photos

Photos of Lyon for your viewing pleasure. There are more but these are the select few which made it to the blog. Personal favorite would beeee the third one :)

In the Parc de la Tete d'Or was a nuber of beautiful sculptures and this was just cool how they made the flower pattern arrangement underneath it. It was right in the entrance too.
This is a photo of the ketchup and mustard things I was talking abuot in part 39a. They were so odd. They probably exsist in Australia and I am just oblivious, but serious ... lol

This is Lauren and the random tighrope/musician people. Its not really a tightrope but holy crap its hard! It was a lot of fun though

One of the bridges over the river with the paddle pool things. It was getting later at this point but I like this photo

Me with the big horse statue at duskish.. You can barely see me but I am there :)

The bridge by night. I have many other night photos, but they dont really show much. My camera was terrible in the night situations... sigh...

I woke up to this. This makes the place I stayed look really nice and clean. It wasnt really, but I like to give the illusion that it was. Dont expect a photo of what my window view was like.. it was awful
A HUGE church. The one I mentioned we saw first whose name I forget. I swear this was the biggest church I have ever seen. Look at it close up and see the woman standing near the door. Everyone there was average height not short, and no one would even make it halfway up the door! It also went back for ages too.

A garden next to the church above. It was the garden where the first churches were built in the area dating back to 150ac. The oldest ones in the western world apart from some in Rome, if I remember correctly.
The really grand chutch. Again, it was overly massive. Look at the people and compare it. It also went for ever and there was an underground level... so you know it was massive. Right on the top of a mountain thing looking over Lyon (I have photos of the view, but they're nothing spec.)

The Theatre Romain here, I have lots of photos of this, but this one shows the whole thing which is improtant I think. Its pretty big and this paritcular one (there is a smaller one just next to it) looks a lot less like ruins than the other because its been restored but still, pretty cool.

Im standing in the same spot as the previous photo but just turned the camera. This is directly opposite the theatre seats. These are columny things that are all broken and were pretty cool too!
The smaller theatre used to have a second story above it and these are the remaints, so we climmbed all over it , as you do :)
Final photo is this church which was a random we saw along the way. There were so many amazing churches. I think thats what I would reccoment Lyon for haha. I feel like even though I was there the weekend I didnt see all of the best Lyon had to offer but we saw a lot all the same. I didnt take enough photos and I didnt buy any thing really to help me remember Lyon but it was a great trip anyway. I liked it :)

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Part 39a: The Lucky Life in Lyon

Hey readers!

So, yes, I went to Lyon this weekend and I can only discribe it as an adventure. Everything I did was totally different and new. It was an experience.

Saturday morning I woke up bright and early and got ready. I also recieved a message from Lauren saying that we couldnt use the car to drive to Lyon, so we would have to catch a train. This was a bit of a bummer because it made a real time restraint on our trip and we couldnt make any detours. Oh well. When I was ready, Benoit drove me to Goncelin station where I caught the train and arrived in Grenoble at 8.09am (thanks, Benoit!) and then the tram to University which was the meeting point me and Lauren decided on. I waited around for her to come and pick me up so we could drive to the other station in Grenoble, which neither of us actually knew the location of... This was when the adventure began! We drove around with the window down and stopping at lights asking (in French!) the people in the cars beside us where to go. The station is hard to locate! We drove around for an embarrassing hour but gosh it was funny yelling at people at stop lights and having people behind getting annoyed by us taking so long, even when the lights turned red hehe.

Eventually, we found the station and then the next issue arose, car parking is expensive AND none of it was over night...We just decided to wing it, find a car park and pay our a few hours and pray we dont get a ticket. We were kinda scared the car would get impounded or we would get a 3million euro fine or something but you know... whatever if we didnt park then and there, we would miss the next train! We went inside, bought our tickets and boarded the train and off we went. Onwards to Lyon! It was by this time 10.44 (lol...)

The train trip is an hour and a half to Lyon and is sometimes scenic sometimes not so scenic. We spent the time chatting bits getting to know each other and then me sleeping and Lauren sketching. She has an art/teaching degree and is currently in the middle of creating some sculpture thing... anyway. When we got to Lyon we got off and made our way through the incredibly busy crowds until we made it to the exit were we saw this hilarious looking sculpture thing which looked like a cow eating a seal... First impression of Lyon was quite lol. The weather was okay, a little bit too cloudy and the buildings were quite city like-duh...

the first thing we wanted to do was go see the Contemporary art museum which was in the Park de la Tete d'Or. We ended up walking the distance there, even though there were trams and such (more trams, I know!) anyway, we walked up there enjoying the views of Lyon which were okay. I think the weather left me a tad underwhelmed. Anyway, we eventually made it to the Parc and it turned out it was also a free zoo, which Lauren knew, but I didnt. I was so funny walking and just seeing deer in the middle and then flamingos... I was like... Flamingos dont live in France? Haha. The zoo was a nice source of entertainment and it was surprisingly good even though it was free. I enjoyed it. We also saw the greenhouses there, which were... green I dunno Plants are very pretty but I dont think I like just staring at them for the sake of staring at them. OH! And Squirrels! There are squirrels all over the park! I have never seen them before and I got really excited about them. Lauren found it hilarious because I was so excited, she has soooo many back in the states.

Eventually we made it up to the Museum and by this time it was about 1.30 so we were starving. Luckily, there was a nice cafe in the museum where we got lunch (I had a gourmet burger thing with lemon meringue pie for dessert) and chatted some more. The service there was so funny they like to wink alot. Haha. It made me laugh. Oh and you know how theres usually like a cup with sugar packets in teh middle of the table in cafes? Well, here there were packets of mustard and ketchup but it was the same type of packet as sugar ones. Its hard to explain, but it was really odd. We laughed at that too.

We eventually went to the museum which had some ridiculous display on by a guy called Ben. Just Ben. Ergh. He was soooo arrogant as an artist and his art was not very good. Because Lauren has her degree in art we had some pretty intense conversations about it and I was also translating all his pieces for her. His pieces are all writing. All of them. nearly.. Anyway, we also laughed because they were kind of terrible. It was amazing how many pieces this guy had done though it took up the entire three floors of the museum. By then end we were so over it but kept laughing when we saw things that he did which were when he bagged himself out. I dont know, you had to be there. And he sold 'blessed by Ben' water for 10euros per 10ml bottle or something ridiculous like that. Oh and scratched vinyls with the word BEN scribbled on it for 50euro. It was ludicrous. I mean, honestly if anyone actually bought something, they're stupid. Very stupid. Haha. We left the museum slightly disappointed but it was amusing at least and opened up a number of injokes.

After we explored that area of Lyon just outside the park near one of the rivers. Here, we saw a giant bear sculpture which was quite cool. Then we walked down the lake by this time we kinda fingured we needed to organise a place to stay for the night which, I cant remember if I mentioned or not, was odd because the whole original couch host we had kinda bailed. We had no where to stay or anything so I called my back up who didnt answer or anything. We thought we'd just call back later, no drama.

As we walked down the river back to centre-ville we heard some really cool drums and guitar music and we stopped to see two low 20 something year old guys just hanging out playing live music in this random spot. No one else was around so we stopped and listened for a while. We then noticed they were also doing some weird activity where they got a thick elastic band and tied it between trees then were like tight-rope walking it looked really fun so we pondered up and talked to them for a while and they were like 'you should try it!' so we did! It was so fun! I mean, we were awful because it was really hard, but it was cool watching them do it and do tricks and stuff. They were cool people. We hang out with them until we both decided to seperate, we had more to see and they had more to do. The walk was really nice on the way because some of the scenes along the river was quite amazing and there so many cool things just to look at. Like little pools where you could paddle your feet in and so many people rollerlading, running or bike riding. It was great. The bridges all looked great too.

We eventually made back into centre-ville still remembering, we were homeless for the night. It was about 7.30 and we didnt know what to do. I called our back up again and still no answer. We were quite stuck, so we decided that we would look for a hostel but Lauren left her hostel list back at her place so we though we'd go to the tourist office and check that out. On the way there was a protest about Europe using Turkey or the other way around... I dont know, it wasnt in French though but it was funny and there were police and people with fire sticks and stuff. All this just out the front of the tourist office. Random. Anyway, the tourist office had closed so we were again stuck. We gave up for now and then walked around taking photos of the area we were now in. This included a few sculptures like the horse thing, which is famous in Lyon, I guess and its huge too. Like, bigger than I thought it would be. There was also like a flower ball thing whch was quite pretty, but hard to photograph because now, it was getting quite darkish.

We sat out hte front of the flower ball thinking of what we should do for the night. We had no sleeping bags or anything and we wanted to dump our stuff somewhere soonish before the city turned to the night completely and became possibly unsafe for tourists carrying around all their stuff haha. We though we should try my back up one more time and thank God! Pedro answered. He told us there was no problem with us staying there with his girlfriend and him but they were moving so a lot of furniture was missing and they were throwig a party that night. We were welcome to go to or we could go out and explore the night life of Lyon. We decided the latter might be more suitable so we found our way to Pedros place and dumped our stuff there. It was odd, we met him and Charlotte and their friend who were setting up and they talked to us for a while and gave us pointers of what to do for the night. They were really nice but still, there was just this unnerving feeling of dumping our stuff in a complete strangers house whilst they have a party and we're not there? I dunno. Well, we did it and we said our 'see you laters' and left.

We then explored the town for the night and were surprised to realise how many restaurants were closed so early (10pm...) we walked around for ages looking for one that was open and not McDonalds. It was okay, because we saw other things and the town lit up in the night, which was very pretty. Everything looked much nicer than that day whilst illuminated. We eventually found a restaurant and had tea. I had this 5 steak morcels thing where it gave you 5 different steaks from different places to try. It was good. Dinner was fun because behind us there were a group of guys but there was one and his laugh was just hilarious so all the time, Lauren and I just got the giggles and at one point were in tears listening to it. Seriously. It was the funniest sound I have ever heard. After tea, we made our way out to the bars of Lyon. We got told to go to the boats along the river and there were bars in them so we did that and found one called the 'Sirius' It was really cool. Lots and lots of people on this tiny boat dancing and stuff. We stayed there and had a few drinks and yelled at each other above the music until about 1.30 when we decided to go to a different bar. We left but then when we got to a different one, we kinda got lazy and just decided to go back to Pedro and Charlottes place. Oh there were also other musicians just playing randomly along the river which added an amazing atmosphere to the place..anyway

There, the party was still going. There was about 20 people left though and they were all drunk as a skunk, especally Charlotte. Poor Charlotte... It was fun though I had a chat to Pedro for a while and then he realised that they were in the room Lauren and I were meant to sleep in. Lauren was really tired and didnt understand anything that as going on (she has no French) so we wanted to go to bed. Pedro gave us his and Carlottes room and said goodnight to us at around 2.00 then, I stayed up talking and writing in my travel journal and we eventually got to sleep at around 3-3.30 which isnt all the bad considering the party was still going but we wanted to be up and out by 9.30 that morning so the earlier, the better. It was quite odd being in a random bed in a strangers house like that. I dont know, very strange.

This morning I woke up at 7.30 and lay staring at the ceiling and waiting for 8.30 to roll around. When it did, I got up and had an interesting shower (trying not to wake anyone) The shower was one of the ones that you can take off the wall and hold or whatever, except it didnt fit in the wall, so I had to hold it the whole time. Hehe. Then Lauren and I cleaned up our stuff got organised and then at 9.30 went to leave. Unfortunately Pedro and Charlotte were just dead on the couch fast asleep and even in our attempts to wake them to say goodbye, we failed and thus just left them a note to thank them. Seriously, they were life savers and quite fun. Anyway, Couch Surfing= Check!

We spent today exploring Lyon. I cant remember the exact names of all the places we went too, because my map got wrecked but I can give the gist. We started off at a large church and being Sunday morning, we went inside and explored the church during some of a service. There was a choir and the acoustics of the place were amazing. It gave me chills walking around the stunning architecture with haunting melodies echoing around me. It was just magic there. This particular church was built between 1180 and 1480. It was an epic church...

We left that then we went up a reaaaaalllyyyy steep hill thing REALLY steep and really long... to go to another church which was also good because being so high up gave us a view of the entire city. When we reached the top there were two other English speakers and so we hung out with them just exploring for a bit until they decided to leave. Lauren and I then had breakfast (a donut, we were trying not to spoil lunch..) then we went into the second church. Wow. I dont have photos of this but it was soooo spectacular inside and intricate on the outside. It was just so grand and detailed to the tiniest little statue eye. I mean it was incredible. There was also an elevator which took you down to the other lower levels of the church, weird? Yes but cool. After that church we saw people giving out cake, so we got some :) It costed one euro because itas donation and then we munched our cake as we went in search for the historic theatre romain.

The theatre Romain was built in two parts the first part being built in what I think was year 15 and then the second sometime in the second century (like year 100s) I mean this thing is old. It has been restored since then but it just is amazing. Its very pretty there and there is lots of things to photograph. Also, these Italian people were like yabbering away and then came up to me and started to speak French and ask me to take pictures for them. I mean it was cool talking to an Italian person in French rather than English. They just assumed I was from here which again is kinda cool. It then started to bucket with rain ruining the day ahead. All our clothes got drenched which made it unenjoyable to walk around =_=* but oh well.

We walked to a cafe nearby which looked really nice and sat inside. It was great in there becuase they were really amazing customer service and I loved it because I felt like my French had improved again. I dont know, today my French wa just working. I could get a lot of what was said (like...nearly everything) and I could say more than usual. It was nice. Unfortunately they didnt take eftpos so I had to run around Lyon looking for an ATM, the one they suggested was broken and so it took me a while before I could find one. Eventually I did and then I went back, we ate (this awesome spaghetti and mushroom sauce stuff + apple cake dessert thing) then left. Just before we did though, I went to put my jumper back on (which I took off as I entered the cafe as I was dripping) but I rung it out first and the people laughed at me then gave me a plastic bag saying it would just not work now... they were nice :) I liked that place a lot.

We then walked around looking at more things taking more photos and soaking in the atosphere, which was severely dampened in this new weather. The rain had stopped but it was grey and windy. We also worked out that we had to catch the 4.43 train to Grnoble to make it in time for the last train to Goncelin for me, so we decided just to make our way back to the station taking some photos and taking our time. When we got to the station, we went to the bathroom which I forgot to mention we did when we first arrived. I normally wouldnt point this out but I will point out that you had to pay here to go to the toilet! Iknew you had to do this sometimes in France, but it was funny actually paying to go to the toilet. Its quite rude, I think.

Anyway, we eventually got back on the train and discussed our adventures (which are so much better in my head then in words because stuff we did are like all injokes or odd experiences you cant explain so... I dont know) We agree that Lyon was okay. I think the weather wasnt the greatest to see it in, but you know, whateves. What made the journey were all the misshaps and the pure adventure of it all. It was great!

We got back to Grenoble and both of us wanted to check the car to see the damage. It was amazing becuase even though we were there nearly 24 hours after our ticket expred, we werent fined. I think you dont have to pay on Sundays but even still there was a good amount of time on Saturday where we hadnt paid. It was quite lucky. Very lucky. Our whole trip was just luck. I cant explain it.

It was a really interesting weekend, good fun though and we're planning our next one already! :)

Photos tomorrow, havent gone through them myself yet and I totes ceebs now.


Friday, March 19, 2010

Part 38: Vendredi


Its 10.58pm and I am sitting watching Smallville however due to the fact that I ahve already seen the first half of this episode, I figured I should blog hile I have time, after all if I leave it to later, I will be too tired and I have to get up at like 6.30am tomorrow to get up and ready for Lyon (I am leaving at 7.48...) I am over early mornings haha.

So, today I really didnt do very much at all I woke up and watched an episode of skins I downloadede from youtube so it was good to see an episode from season 4 finally. (I am not going to type much in this because I am paranoid that my typing is going to annoy Carole hehe) Then I had a conversation on skype with Mum and Naomi who was over for the day apparently. It was good to see her and talk to mum. I felt bad because I took mum away from Naomi while I had a few things to talk to with mum and so Naomi was sitting in the lounge I assume so... woops. The conversation went a little longer than expected too haha :S

After that I emailed around for my couch surfing, which has all gone a bit haywire, I dont actually have a place to stay anymore..haha. This adds to the adventure ... so I tell myself. At least I am with someone, we'll work something out. I then had lunch which was a nice omelette thing, I also had a conversation with Carole explaining my worries of being useless around the house... I mean, they can all already speak English, so my main role feels a bit nul... We worked it out though. I also felt bad because I didnt do anything useful so we arranged I would start painting the chairs outside to make them protected from the sun. Hehe...yea... I offered because it had to be done.

I chatted to my dad for a while next on Skype, this was good because he showed me he place he was staying in Perth and the night views of Perth, t'was nice. Our conversation was cut short however because I had to go into Pontcharra with Carole to by the stuff to paint the chairs with. Upon returning I sat around outside in the glorious sun with music, coke and stuff to paint the chairs with just painting away. I was also texting Jilly who I am staying in the UK with, organising that.

When I finished painting all 4 chairs, I came back inside and then organised Lyon and contacted Lauren etc...It took a while because no one was replying t'was annoying. Eventually it was dinner time, which was good. I had a proper conversation with Benoit and Carole together, which I dont think I have actually done...maybe? Anyway, it was nice. We talked about their Dubai holiday and such. They leave on the 10th and get back on the 21st so, I have a fair wack of time to fill in on my own. I dunno. I have Italy, but I have to actually ORGANISE that and you know, be proactive-damnit!

Anyway, typing must stop now. I probs wont blog tomorrow because I'll be in Lyon, so dont expect anything till Sunday night :) Oh I played piano today at some point which was good, I am stil awful but I had a vocal workout too, which I have NOT done for a while, but it was fun to do


Thursday, March 18, 2010

Part 37: Just another Thursday...

Bonjour everyone and welcome to another thrilling edition of my daily adventures. So, today I was awakened by an awful alarm at 7.30 and got up and ready for university.

Carole dropped me at Goncelin Station at 8.40 and I caught the train into Grenoble-Universite-Gieres at 9.00 then caught the tram into Bibliotheque Universitaires. Upon arriving I picked up the newspaper and a bottle of water and then slowly dawdled up to class which was starting in another 20 minutes or so. I saw Maria sitting out the front of the building eating an apple so I talked to her about our last weeks worth of adventures. We were interrupted by Nadia from Kasakstahn who chatted whilst having a fag then we all made our way up to class.

I met Lauren who I am going to Lyon with and we talked for a little bit about that organising final details and such, I found us a host as well thanks to CouchSurfing so that will be interesting. Class this morning was quite odd. I still find the work easy, but listening and talking all the time requires so much concentration it just kills me... Its also odd, my level is so odd in our class, it doesnt quite fit. My comprehension is level 2 (of 3) and my grammar is level 3, but like top of level three then my speaking is like ... I dont know sometimes its level 1 and other times its high level 2... The teacher thinks its odd and when we work on different things, I am constantly changing groups I'm the only one too! Stupid. Haha.

We worked on the subjunctive in level 3 grammar which was okay, it was good to refresh the memory. I remembered how to use it, so that was good but Nadia, who is the top of the class is so intimidating, she is really good at French in every aspect, and knows it, so she makes sure that she is showing it off as much as she can so, I am always to scared to speak because she'll laugh at me :$ I mean, she isnt mean by any stretch, she is just scary haha.

After grammar we did listening which I am good at, but very lazy. I am a very very lazy student and constantly forget to listen to what we're doing then I'll realise everyones opened the files and are already listening and I have to look at everyones computers to see whats doing... hehe, I still do fine on all the activities though, so its not really any drama.

Next was lunch, I went to the cafeteria then sat with Maria, Lauren two Germans and the Canadian. I like the Germans, they are so cool. They will speak English and French to everyone and then randomly turn to German to each other. I mean they're probs saying really mean stuff about us all (even though they claim just to be helping each other with translation!) but you know, it is so cool to watch them spit at each other and know that they are just speaking. German is a funny language. I also spent this time organising more of my Lyon trip and trying very hard to not fall asleep in my food. Good times, good times.

After lunch we had more grammar work sorta, it was more like correcting and a test thing. I wish we didnt do the test at that point because my brain was just gone. I dont know why really but my whole head just shut down over lunch time so come this part of the day, I was just blah. The work itself was really easy (because I did the level 2 test-lazy) and I could do it quickly but I am sure I made simple mistakes I wouldnt have made in a different situation. Oh well, whateves. We also got chocolate :D But then I had to do a conversation thing infront of the teacher with Nadia, which was terrible because the first question I didnt understand at all so they both thought I was incredibly daft, it moved up a bit later when I concentrated more but bah, stupid. Native/smart people. Wow, thats a contradiction... Oh well.

I left school quickly when it was over, having no reason to hang about and came home making it home around 4.25ish. I almost had to walk from Goncelin to Saint Marie d'Alloix because Fanny had an xray which Carole was taking her to but it got delayed ot something, so luckily I got picked up and dropped home. There, I was home alone so I utilised this time by thumping around on the piano feeling myself getting worse and worse then doing not much else...

I tried teaching Tim more English today but he is so little that he cant concentrate or retain anything for a long time and he was tired (I know those three feelings so well...) Well, thats not entirely true, he has remembered: How are you? Good. Whats Your name? Tim. How old are you? 5 he just needs prompting. Oh well, I still have a month to whip him into English speaking shape. He has thus far held the record for the best pronounciation of my name (one time, yesterday said it PERFECTLY) so there is much hope for this young one. I may have mentioned, but Tim is actually an American having been born there! So, its in his... birth country... Yes... I then tormented Bastien with random interrogations about what he would do if he won a million dollars just because Carole asked me to try and teach him something, which is no easy feat as he already knows everything...Sigh.

We then had tea, Crepes that Bastien made then after I came upstairs and tried not to sleep. I dont know why. Infact, I might go to sleep now. 11.11 make a wish... Done. :)

Goodnight all.


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Part 36: Now THAT is a bus

Oh hai! Didnt see you there!

So, I am gonna just be a little quick tonight as its 12.00 (bloody Smallville!) and I have uni tomorrow bright and early!

Today was the last ski group for the season. I went along (after a terrible start, even my enthuiasm to go didnt prevent me from forgetting my sticks and thus Carole had to go back and get them for me!) and as usual helped pack the bus with all the kids skis, then sat next to Tim for the trip there. I started teaching him really obvious English like 'How are you' etc. Because the rest of the family already speak English, I realised I hadnt spent enought time teaching Tim any so we had half an hour of running through stuff that he knew and teaching how are you? Good, how are you?! He doesnt even have that strong of an accent for a n00b :) its good.

I was again paired up with Virginie (I think thats her name!) and was with the level ones again helping them get rady and such. When we got to the snow, I realised how bloody hot it was! the sun was way too much and I was sweltering in my mismatched snow gear. Eventually though, the sun died down and the heat became somewhat bearable and I followed the level ones around helping those who fell over, get back up and throwing out encouragement when I felt needed. Eventually, Helene called me over to her and said I should ski on my own for a while because following level 1s around isnt all that exciting. I did this until it was time to have lunch

I had lunch, packed up the kids and then caught the bus back to Le Touvet where I was met by Anke who dropped me and Tim back to St. Marie d'Alloix. There, I sent the rest of my day working heavily on my project and playing on MSN and facebook. I also had tea which was this awesome I dont even know what watched smallville.

I told you it was a quick post. Contrast to yesterday ey?

Oh, 'now that is a bus' I should quickly explain that. This afternoon whilst eating a really fancy bus came past it was decked out and just cool looking and I laughed at myself when I though just that. Then thought, I should put that as the name for my blog... so I did. My other option was 'Super Doug' which was a comment made today during lunch as well. One of the parents mentioned my name and a kid didnt recognise it, so asked who I was and what I was doing etc. Then the parent went on to explain that I am Australian teaching English, learning French then another kid mentioned I was teaching piano and then other parents started commenting on what I was doing like living with Beyliers and stuff like that it was awkward because everyone was listening (only like half the people where here though the other half were already on the bus) and I was sitting there trying not to be noticed then one of the parents just yelled out 'He's Super Doug!' I laughed.

True story.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Part 35: Switzerbloodyland

Today I went to Geneva, Switzerland. It is the most amazing city ever. I love it.

This will be the longest blog ever. Apologies.
I dont even know how to do todays blog because I think I need the photos to back up what I am saying and show how amazing this place is, but there a wayyy too many photos. I might just have to pick a select few and be done with it... We'll see!

Right! So my adventure to another country began at 5.30am this morning when I awoke and grumbled and groaned my way through the getting ready process. I was regretting my decision to go solely because of the earliness I was enduring. I felt bad, too because Benoit had to get up and drive me to the station! I was going to drive myself but because Carole needed the car, I needed a lift! (Phew!) At 6.30 I had everything packed in my bag and I went to Pontcharra station where the train came at 6.49. The train trip took an hour 45ish and was quite scenic with the low sun and such. I remember looking at my phone and realising it had changed services to a swiss one and getting excited because I realised I had crossed the border and I had made it to Switzerland.

I got to Geneva and made my way from the train station navigating myself from a map I spent
last night memorising. I fortunately managed to remember it correctly and first thing I found was the 'Office du Tourisme'. (Geneva is a french speaking district of Switzerland so yes, it is still called the 'Office du Tourisme'...) It didnt open for another half an hour so I decided just to walk down the Rue du Mont-Blanc just to get a feel for what Geneva was all about. Instantly, I was just amazed at the diversity of this place. I was one minute in a busy city spot and the next looking out at a lake that just appeared to go on for ever. To me, it looked more like the ocean. Not only that, but the culture diversity as well. There are so many langages and different people just all around you. Mainly, it was French but there was lots of German, Italian, English and Chinese, I mean, this place is the multicultural center of the world (actually, I think it really is just that...) Anyway,I quickly went to an ATM and withdraw my cash limit for the day and was amazed at how pretty the money is, so colourful ^-^ then, I found a spot where I could sit and gaze out into the water and also organised all my belongings and such. The first half an hour flew by.

I went back to the Tourist place and grabbed a map and got the person (who was mighty unhelpful) to circle the places that were the most worth seeing and that as doable in just one day then I left and was off. The first place I went to was the 'Vieulle Ville' which is all historic like and the buildings are old and some are quite fancy. It felt like a completely different world to the other part of Geneva I'd seen. I spent about an hour just walking around which was nice. There was a massive cathederal (Cathederale St. Pierre) which was just awesome. So big and also lots of statues and monuments and cool tile pictures everywhere. It was hard to walk around though because it was on a hill so it felt like I was just walking up and up and up the whole time and then when I was going back down, it was so steep! Still, I was all in all quite impressed. I also saw two markets there which were cool. I didnt buy anything there, but I did go there with the intention too but I realised, I only had a 100 franc (switzerland has its own currency for some reason. It does accept Euros but it uses Francs..) note and I didnt want to break that at a little market. Poor people wouldnt have enough change! Besides, nothing was that appealing to me, personally but somethings reminded me of people I know!

I then walked up to the Jet d'eau (which I was calling Jet de l'eau all day, but then Carole told me this evening its not de l' its just d'...) Anyway, I had seen pictures of it whilst researching Geneva and was always under the impression it was just a big jet of water, so really not all that exciting. NO! I was wrong. I saw it from a distance whilst making my way towards it over tree tops and was just amazed at how high this thing goes! Its the tallest jet fountain in the world. As I got closer I was even more impressed by it. Its just so pretty to look at. I ended up walking down towards it (passing SO many yaughts and boats and stuff, it was like...amazing the amount of boats there and also lots of joggers and business people) and then going along a pier which takes you right up to it. At this point the wind had started to pick up and as I walked past it, all the water was getting sprayed on to me so, it was kinda cool but alongside with the wind, my hands and face started to freeze! Even in the perfect, sunny clear weather. I went to the end of the pier and sat there for a long while just sitting staring at it. Being amazed. I also talked to two different people, one of which was an Australian who lived in Geneva (we spoke French though for some reason?) and the other was a random girl who had been sitting on the pier for nearly as long as I had. She came up and started talking to me out of the blue (but we spoke in English even thogh she was swiss?) she was astudent whose teacher didnt rock up, thus she had free time and so she decided to relax at the pier. I understand why, its just unspiring. Looking at this fountain surrounded by a lake with swans and yaughts but just at the end of the pier, a city with mountains as a backdrop. This place is just amazing.
After the Jet d'eau I walked up to Parc La Grange which was just down the road. It was just another world again. I cannot express how diverse this place is enough. The parc was just stunning and green with fountains and sculptures. It was so cool to walk around and just take it all in and feel like the only person in the entire world. It was really big so, I couldnt see any one else. I didnt stay very long though because I was actually on a mission to find the 'Horloge Fleure' or 'the flower clock' I walked back and forth trying to find it until I found a map which told me where it was. It was in the Jardin Anglais which I had walked through quickly on my way back (maybe you should find a map of Geneve so you can follow where I went haha) The Jardin Anglais isnt all that large but there are some pretty cool things there including this clock. The flower clock is literally I giant clock on the ground where its made completely out of flowers, well except for the hands, obviously...(You'll see the photo) It was pretty cool and very swiss. I forgot to mention but every second shop was a shop where you can buy watches or clocks of some discription. I mean, they were everywhere. Especially 'Swatch' shops I have never seen so many before, the Swiss are very proud of their swatches. Haha. Here, I also met a woman who I wanted to take a photo of me an the clock for me and I would for her too. I actually went up to and asked in French if she spoke French or English to which she replied 'I dont speak French' (Carole, I spoke English more than I remembered, haha...) but then, I dont have a clue why but I spoke in English (well, I know that bit!) but then when I was taking her photo and such I was saying 'un,deux,trois' and 'voila' and such, I just started saying all those kinds of things in French and when she talked to me I would reply in French, then translate without thinking. It was quite odd but it was funny because then she though I was French. Good thing she couldnt tell I had an accent... haha. I swear though, I was so used to speaking French today, it didnt really occur to me that I should have been in full English mode... odd.

Anway, I found the clock and was now hungry so I went and got some lunch and thought about what I wanted to do next. By now it was 12.30ish so I still had 6 hours of Switzerland to go. I ended up doing a quick bit of tourist shopping for a little bit (and yes, I did buy stuff!!) then made my way up to the Botanical Gardens. On the map, I could tell it was a fair hike but when I started actually walking it, I was sooo over it straight away. My feet were killing me within like 5 minutes (I had been on my feet since 8.30am!) and what was worse is m camera batteries died. I found a tabac and went in to buy some more batteries where I found a man trying to buy credit for his phone and a phone card but the girl didnt speak English and he could speak French so they asked if I could speak both and when I replied 'oui/yes' they asked me to be their translator. That was fun! I got the messages accross and all went smoooothly :) I was happy that I could be of assistance. I bought my batteries and then walked the rest of the way to the gardens.

The gardens were quite pretty but my feet were killing me so I wasnt quite in the mood for walking around taking it all in so I just found a nice little patch of grass in the sun and lay down looking out over the lake. I sat there for ages just unable to stand up because I was so relaxed! I eventually did though and made my way to the Palais de Nations which was just next door. Apparently it was closed and tourists couldnt go in so I was annoyed that I wasted all my energy walking to see a gate and a guard. I trudged away in pain and then made the loooooooooong walk back to centre-ville. On the way, I stopped by another park, parc Moynier and had an explore of that. It was really pretty as well. I ended up sitting on a bench looking again at the lake and watching all the joggers and such go by. It was relaxing.

I finally made my way back to Centre-ville where I walked around and explored some more until around 5.30 when I had only 45minutes till my train departs. I sat on a (I dont know what its called...) gate(?) that borders the lake and people watched again until I realised I hadnt actually seen something. there was a lighthouse just down the road and down a pier so I quickly made my way there and explored that part as well. It was cool because there was a little beach thing and so many people just sitting around talking or sunbaking. It really is just like paradise. I then watched as the sun started to go down (not quite sunset yet though) and made amazing reflections on the water and the yaughts.
Eventually it was time to go. I dawdled up to the station and sat waiting for the train. When it arrived I tried standing up and a really weird thing happened. My foot was like dead, I tried to stand up and it could go flat, it like rolled but I couldnt feel it I only noticed because I feel over. I ended up hopping to the train and then when the sensation came back to my foot, it was just pain. So much pain. Argh. I spent the train trip looking out the window and listening to my ipod until I started talking to a Chinese guy who was sitting opposite me. He was struggling with the controler who came around and then turned to me and in English complained about how hard french is. We then chatted the whole way back about what were doing in France. He is studying Nuclear Physics in Grenoble but he is doing it in English and he leaves the day after tomorrow apparently. We talked for a while about the chinese language as well. It was awesome because I got him to write in chinese for me and teach me things. I forget now but it was good at the time. I also showed off that I could write freedom (my tattoo) and was mightily relieved when he recognised the symbol as freedom without me even telling him. Good.
At Pontcharra I was met by Carole and she drove me home were I reheated my tea and then came up and typed this.
All in all, I love Geneva. I want to live there and I want everyone I know to go an see it because there is something for everyone there, I feel. Its just amazing. Amazingly amazing. I love Switzerland.
I dont think my blog does today justice. It is seriously like one of the top days ever. I am very keen to take anyone there one day and tour around all over again my 10 hours wasnt enough! Any takers?
OH! Dad, you said it was the city of bridges? I see why. Theres like 5 in a row in the main part and theres more on the other side of vieulle ville and such. Lots of bridges, yes. Quite cool.
Right... so photos, I guess I will post a few... I might see if I can add a slide show to the blog somewhere as well. I think Geneva has to be seen to be believed. I could have done this in two parts as well, but I just am making this UBER LONG (sigh...I miss so much with so few photos!)

The swiss flag between Genevas flags in the middle of vieulle Ville :)
the massive cathederale St. Pierre
A street in Vieulle Ville
Another little section of Vieulle Ville

I told you it was colourful!
Look familiar? I couldnt resist taking a photo becuase it made me laugh!
Me and the flower clock, its not the best photo of either of us, but we're both in it. I have better ones of the clock but yea...

Moi with the Jet d'eau

Its a powerful bugger, Thats the girl who was meant to be at school!
Good evening Switzerland :(
I wish the photos could really show how amazing Geneve is :(